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Bondo District Mock-Cre Paper 1 Question Paper

Bondo District Mock-Cre Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 1
JULY/AUG. 2006
1. a) Explain the character of God as revealed in the Genesis accounts of creation.
(Genesis 1 – 2) 8mks*BND*
b) With reference to Genesis 3, identify the immediate consequences to Adam and Eve’s
disobedience, before God pronounced his judgement upon them. 6mks*BND*
c) Identify ways by which man is continuing with God’s creation. 6mks*BND*
2. a) Explain how religious schism led to the spread of idolatry among the Israelites after
the death of king Solomon. 8mks*BND*
b) Outline the factors that made it difficult for prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel.
c) What role can a Christian play in the restoration of true worship in Kenya today?
3. a) Discuss how the construction of the temple of Jerusalem contributed to the failure of
King Solomon. 8mks*BND*
b) Suggest ways in which the people of Israel made the temple of God more or less a
Canaanite temple. 7mks*BND*
c) Give qualities of King David that a modern leader should emulate. 5mks*BND*
4. a) How did prophet Jeremiah demonstrate judgement over the people of Judah? 8mks*BND*
b) Describe the day of the Lord according to prophet Amos. 7mks*BND*
c) State ways in which Christians can avoid God’s punishment. 5mks*BND*
5. a) Explain how the following moral values were inculcated during initiation in Traditional
African Society.
(i) Honesty
(ii) Self control
(iii) Responsibility
(iv) Hospitality 8mks*BND*
b) How did the African traditional society create and maintain a society with limited evil?
c) Explain how the moral value of a hard work has changed today. 6mks*BND*
6. a) Describe how the training of medical specialists was done in African traditional society.
b) What were the responsibilities of rainmakers in African traditional community?
c) Give reasons why traditional blacksmiths are diminishing. 5mks*BND*

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