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Bondo District Mock-Cre Paper 2 Question Paper

Bondo District Mock-Cre Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 2
JULY/AUG. 2006
1. a) How is Jesus portrayed as a fulfillment of Messianic prophecies in the Gospel? 9mks*BND*
b) Outline the prophecies made during the dedication of Baby Jesus. 6mks*BND*
c) Give ways in which Christians prepare themselves for the birth of messiah in their lives.
2. a) Outline the good qualities portrayed by the centurion whose servant Jesus healed.
b) Identify reasons for which miracles brought Jesus into conflict with the Jewish leaders.
c) What lessons do Christians learn from the healing at Gerasene? 5mks*BND*
3. a) Describe the arrest of Jesus as narrated in Luke 22:47-53 9mks*BND*
b) Why were Jesus’ disciples reluctant to Listen to the holy women’s testimony concerning
Jesus’ resurrection? 6mks*BND*
c) Give reasons why modern Christians should accept to suffer in Christ’s name. 5mks*BND*
4. a) Explain Paul’s teachings on the importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 9mks*BND*
b) Identify the teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit 7mks*BND*
c) How are the gifts of the holy spirit manifested in churches in Kenya today? 4mks*BND*
5. a) Explain how the following Christian values, enhance the creation of a just society.
(i) Respect
(ii) Justice
(iii) Chastity
(iv) Humility 8mks*BND*
b) By use of critical thinking explain ways in which corruption can threaten and tear apart the
church. 8mks*BND*
c) Outline the factors that hinder taxation system in Kenya today. 4mks*BND*
6. a) Enumerate Christian views on leisure 8mks*BND*
b) Identify human weaknesses which are obstacles to happiness in modern society.
c) Identify the limitations Christians have observed in contemporary leisure. 6mks*BND*

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