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Fluid And Electrolyte Cases Question Paper

Fluid And Electrolyte Cases 


Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2013

1. a patient was found to have a plasma sodium of 155mmol/l. discuss the possiblecauses and clinical features associated with this finding
2.discuss hyponatremia under the following:
(b)clinical findings
3.discuss potassium under the following:
(a)factors affecting potassium movement into and out of the cells
(b)causes and clinical feature of hyperkalemia
(c)management of hyperkalemia
(d)causes and clinical feature of hypokalemia
4. describe the causes and biochemical findings in:
(a)diabetes insipidus
5. discuss magnesium under the following:
(a)physiological function
(b)causes and clinical features of hypomagnesium
(c)causes and clinical features of hypermagnesium

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