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Keiyo District Mock- History Paper 1 Question Paper

Keiyo District Mock- History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper I
Section A: (25 Mks)
Answer all the questions in this section
1 State two functions of the Kambi among the Mijikenda. 2mks*Kyo*
2. State the main economic reason for the migration of the Luo into Kenya in the pre-colonial
period. 1 mk*Kyo*
3. Give one factor which facilitated the coming of the Arabs to the Kenyan Coast before AD
1500 I mk*Kyo*
4 State two important roles of Mekatilili in the Agiriama opposition to British rule in Kenya
5 Identify two social consequences of the Uganda Railway in Kenya. 2mks*Kyo*
6 State two major grievances of Early political organizations in Kenya between (1919-1939)
7 State the main role of IBEAC during the colonial period in Kenya. 1 mk*Kyo*
8 Give one reason for the Maasai collaboration with the British. 1 mk*Kyo*
9. State two conditions one has to fulfill in order to be naturalized as a Kenyan citizen 2mks*Kyo*
10. Mention two constitutional reforms introduced in 1964 in Kenya 2mks*Kyo*
11. Name one ex-officio member of the National Assembly in Kenya. 1 mk*Kyo*
12. Give two challenges of the coalition government of Kenya. 2mks*Kyo*
13. Identify one source of external revenue in Kenya. Imk*Kyo*
14. What is the meaning of the term "Rule of Law" as used in Kenya. 1 mk*Kyo*
15. State two reasons which the Government of Kenya has introduced to curb the problems facing the
Judiciary 2mks*Kyo*
16. Name one non-combat unit of the Army in Kenya. 1 mk*Kyo*
17 Give one economic impact of National philosophies in Kenya since independence. I mk*Kyo*
SECTION B: (45 Mks)
Answer any Three questions.
18. (a) Give five reasons why the Bantu migrated from Shungwaya area. 5mks*Kyo*
(b) Explain the results of the migration and settlement of the Bantu in Kenya l0mks*Kyo*
19 (a) Identify five methods employed by Seyyid Said to promote the Long distance trade during
the 19th C 5mks*Kyo*
(b) What were the effects of the Long distance trade on the people of East Africa 10mks*Kyo*
20. (a) Name three political parties in Kenya which took part in the Lancaster House Conference
of 1962. 3mks*Kyo*
(b) Explain the contribution of African Women in the Mau Mau movement in Kenya 12mks*Kyo*
21. (a) Give five reasons for the influx of Africans to towns during the colonial period in Kenya.
5mks *Kyo*
(b) Explain the reasons why the colonial government encouraged white settlers to come to Kenya.
Answer any two questions
22. (a) Show how a Kenyan citizen can be responsible to the state. 5mks*Kyo*
(b) Describe the functions of the Chief Justice in Kenya. 10mks*Kyo*
23 (a) List three classes of prisons found in Kenya. 3mks*Kyo*
(b) What measures has the Kenyan government undertaken to solve the problems facing the
prisons Department. 12mks*Kyo*
24. (a) Identify the symbols of National Unity in Kenya. 3mks *Kyo*
(b) Explain the factors that limit National Unity in Kenya. 12mks*Kyo*

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