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Keiyo District Mock- Home Science Paper 1 Question Paper

Keiyo District Mock- Home Science Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

441/ 1
1. State three advantages of dry cleaning (3marks) *Kyo*
2. Give two advantages of using as ironing board instead of a table when ironing personal clothes
(2marks) *Kyo*
3. What is asphyxia? (1mark) *Kyo*
4. Give two points to consider when buying toys for children (1mk) *Kyo*
5. Suggest three points on the care of a kitchen sink (3mks*Kyo*
6. Giving an example in each case differentiate between organic and inorganic refuse (2mks) *Kyo*
7. Give two methods of edge finishing the armhole of a sleeveless dress/blouse (2mks) *Kyo*
8. Suggest two disadvantages of traditional houses (2mks) *Kyo*
9. What are convenience foods? (1mk) *Kyo*
10. State any four points to consider when selecting fastenings to be worked on a garment
(2mks) *Kyo*
11. State four symptoms of vitamin C deficiency (2mks) *Kyo*
12. State any three important rights of a consumer (3mks) *Kyo*
13. List down three qualities of a good advertisement (3mks) *Kyo*
14. Give three ways of ensuring that tucks are well made (3mks) *Kyo*
15. State three scientific principles underlying canning as a method of food preservation(3mks) *Kyo*
16. You have prepared a food budget. State three ways of reducing food expenditure in your home
(3mks) *Kyo*
17. Define the following terms as used in cookery (3mks)*Kyo*
i Rechauffe
ii Roux
iii Macédonia
Use the diagram below to answer question 18
18. Label the areas indicated by the arrows (4mks) *Kyo*
19. Give any four advantages of artificial feeding (2mks) *Kyo*
20. What is the importance of immunization in child care? (2mks) *Kyo*
21. Give reasons for each of the following faults in rubbed-in cake (2mks) *Kyo*
(a) Heavy texture
(b) Cake sunk in the middle
22. What is pectin? (1mk) *Kyo*
Answer all questions in this section
23. You have been left at home to carryout some odd jobs over the weekend
i Giving reasons describe how to launder a white cotton table cloth with an egg stain
ii Explain how you would thoroughly clean a polished wooden floor (6mks) *Kyo*
iii Describe briefly how to daily clean a wooden scrubbing brush (4mks) *Kyo*
SECTION C( 50 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section
24 (i) State and explain four reasons why family meals should be planned (8mks) *Kyo*
(ii) Explain the meaning of the following terms used in time-planning (3mks) *Kyo*
• Dove tailing
• Sequencing
• Pre-preparation
(iii) State and explain any four precautions to take when using wood as a fuel (4mks) *Kyo*
(iv) Explain any five points to consider when choosing a colour scheme for a house
(10mks) *Kyo*
25 (i) Explain three factors that have led to growing use of convenience foods in Kenya (6mks)*Kyo*
(ii) State and explain any four aspects of development brought by child play (8mks) *Kyo*
(iii) With the aid of diagrams, describe the working of a calico patch on a torn bed sheet
(11mks) *Kyo*
26 i) Discuss reasons for using soft furnishing in a room (10mks) *Kyo*
(ii) Describe the working of a set in sleeve, use two diagrams to illustrate your answer
(10mks) *Kyo*
(iii) Define the following terms (5mks) *Kyo*
(a) Complementary colours
(b) Intensity
(c) Counterfeit
(d) Layering

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