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Physics Pre-Mock Question Paper

Physics Pre-Mock 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012







1.All questions are compulsory.
2.Read and answer all questions carefully.
3.Omission or wrong numbering will lead to deduction of marks.

Q.1. Define the term temperature and state its SI unit. (2 marks)
Q.2. How would you determine the fixed points on a thermometer?
(2 marks)
Q.3.Give two reasons why mercury is preferred to water for use in thermometers.
(2 marks)
Q.4.State one unique feature of a clinical thermometer as compared to the normal mercury-in-glass thermometer. (1 mark)
Q.5.State one biological importance of the unusual expansion of water. (1 mark)
Q.6.A piece of thick glass removed from hot water and dipped into cold water will crack.
Explain this observation. ( 2 marks)
Q.7.Explain how each of the following modes of heat transfer takes place.
a)Conduction (2 marks)
b)Convection(2 marks)
Q.8.Explain three factors which affect the conduction of heat through solids.
(6 marks)
Q.9.Explain how land and sea breezes occur.
(4 marks)
Q.10.Inorder to ventilate a room well,it is advisable to have some ventilations close to the ceiling and some close to the floor. Explain.
(4 marks)
Q.11.State three applications of heat transfer. (3 marks)
Q.12.A metallic seat feels hotter on a hot day and colder during the night than a wooden seat under the same conditions. Explain this observation.
(5 marks)
Q.13.How much energy would be required to melt 25kg of lead at its melting point?(Specific latent heat of fusion of lead is 0.24Jkg
(5 marks)
Q.14.An electric heater using a current of 4.9A from a 12.0V supply produces a temperature rise of 10.0 K in a block of aluminium of mass 2.0kg in 300 s.
Determine the specific heat capacity of aluminium. (5 marks)

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