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Bondo District Mock-Geography Paper 2 Question Paper

Bondo District Mock-Geography Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 2
1. a) Define the following terms.
(i) Land reclamation 1mk*BND*
(ii) Land rehabilitation 1mk*BND*
b) State three benefits of the Zuder Zee Project in the Netherlands. 3mks*BND*
2. The diagram below show St’ Lawrence Sea route. Use it to answer question (i) and (ii)
(i) Name the lakes marked L and M. 2mks*BND*
(ii) Give three reasons why the governments of Canada and U.S.A started the project.
3. a) State two features of the cottage Industry in Kenya. 2mks*BND*
b) Give three reasons why developing countries need to industrialise. 3mks*BND*
4. a) State two factors that influence the development of Nucleated settlement. 2mks*BND*
b) Outline three characteristics of the central business district. 3mks*BND*
5. a) List two major visible exports of Kenya 2mks*BND*
b) State three factors that have hindered trade between Kenya and other African countries
Answer question 6 and any other two questions
6. b(i) Name two lowland areas where the above animal is reared in Kenya 2mks*BND*
(ii) Explain three human factors favouring the rearing of the animal shown on the photograph
in Kenya. 6mks*BND*
c) State four problems facing dairy farming in Kenya. 4mks*BND*
d) Explain the differences between dairy farming in Kenya and Denmark. 8mks*BND*
7. a (i) Give three differences between a national park and a game reserve. 3mks*BND*
(ii) Name four tourist attraction sites found in the coastal region of Kenya. 4mks*BND*
b) (i) State two negative effects of tourism on the social life of Kenyans. 2mks*BND*
(ii) State four reasons why domestic tourism should be encouraged in Kenya. 4mks*BND*
c) State four measures that the Kenya government is taking to promote tourism. 4mks*BND*
d) Explain four ways in which tourism has influenced infrastructure. 8mks*BND*
8 a) Identify three characteristics of pelagic fish. 3mks*BND*
(ii) State three reasons why marine fishing is not developed in Kenya. 3mks*BND*
b) Why should the Government of Kenya encourage fish farming. 4mks*BND*
c) (i) Identify the fishing method shown below. 1mk*BND*
(ii) Describe how the above method is used in Lake Victoria 4mks*BND*
(iii) State two problems facing fishing in Japan. 2mks*BND*
d) Explain factors that favour fishing in the pacific fishing grounds. 8mks*BND*
9. a) (i) Identify three differences between natural and exotic forests in Kenya. 3mks*BND*
(ii) Name two indigenous hardwood trees in Kenya. 2mks*BND*
b) State four measures the government of Kenya has put in place to conserve forests.
c) Explain four benefits of agro-forestry. 8mks*BND*
d) Discuss four factors that limit the exploitation of tropical rainforests. 8mks*BND*
10. a) (i) Apart from geothermal power, name three other renewable sources of energy in Kenya.
(ii) State four factors limiting the exploitation of geothermal power in Kenya. 4mks*BND*
b) (i) Give three factors considered when setting up an hydro-electric power generation plant.
(ii) List three advantages of electricity over other sources of energy. 3mks*BND*
c) (i) What is energy crisis. 2mks*BND*
(ii) Give three causes of energy crisis. 3mks*BND*
d) Explain four effects of energy crisis to the economy of a developing country. 8mks*BND*

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