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Bondo District Mock-History Paper 1 Question Paper

Bondo District Mock-History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 1
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the answer sheet provided
1. State two environmental factors that influenced the migration of western Bantu. 2mks*BND*
2. Name two communities in Kenya which are linguistically related to the Borana. 2mks*BND*
3. Identify one important land mark of the Portuguese along the Kenyan coast. 1mk*BND*
4. State two factors which enabled traders from Arabia to come to the Kenyan coast before
1500AD. 2mks*BND*
5. Give one political reason for the construction of the Kenya Uganda Railway. 1mk*BND*
6. Name the trade union that served as an umbrella body for other trade unions during the
colonial period. 1mk*BND*
7. Identify two recommendations of the Phelps – stokes commission of 1924. 2mks*BND*
8. What was the main aim of the establishment of parastatals by the government at independence
in Kenya? 1mk*BND*
9. Identify two circumstances under which ones citizenship can be taken away. 2mks*BND*
10. State one function of polling clerks during elections. 1mk*BND*
11. Identify one role of the leader of official opposition party in Kenya. 1mk*BND*
12. Give the main function of the Attorney General in Kenya. 1mk*BND*
13. State two challenges faced by the Kenya police. 2mks*BND*
14. Identify one political factor which promotes national unity. 1mk*BND*
15. State two types of local authorities in Kenya. 2mks*BND*
16. Name two special courts in Kenya. 2mks*BND*
17. Name the executive organ of the central government based at the provinces to ensure
efficiency and effectiveness of the government 1mk*BND*
SECTION B ( 45 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions from this section in the answer sheets provided.
18. a) Give three reasons that made the plain nilotes to migrate into Kenya from their original
homeland. 3mks*BND*
b) Explain the impact of the migration and settlement of the plain Nilotes in Kenya.
19. a) Describe the organization of the long distance trade in Kenya in the 19th century.
b) Explain the effects of the long distance trade in Kenya. 10mks*BND*
20. a) Give five causes of the Mau mau movement 5mks*BND*
b) Explain the role of African women in the Mau mau liberation movement in Kenya.
21. a) State three reasons why Africans in Kenya were not allowed to grow cash crops up to 1939.
b) Explain six ways in which the colonial government promoted settler farming in Kenya.
Answer any TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided.
22. a) What are the causes of conflicts among the people of Kenya today? 5mks*BND*
b) Explain methods of conflicts resolution applied by the Kenyan society today
23. a) Mention five principals of democracy 5mks*BND*
b) Explain five demerits of Democracy 10mks *BND*
24. a) Give three ways in which the government of Kenya carries out her recurrent expenditure.
b) Explain the challenges faced by the Kenya government in her effort to raise revenue

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