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Rarieda District Mock-History Paper 2 Question Paper

Rarieda District Mock-History Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Name ………………………..………………………… Index No. ..………………..…….….
School ………………………………………………... Candidates Sign: …………....…..…
Date: ………………………………..
Paper 2
July / August – 2008
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
July / August – 2008
Time: 2 ½ Hours
This paper consists of THREE sections A, B and C.
Answer ALL the questions in section A, THREE questions from section B and Two questions from section C.
Answers to all questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.
Candidates may be penalized for not following the instructions given in this paper.
This paper consists of 3 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the
Pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.
1. State Two advantages of using electronic sources as a source of information on History and
Government. (2 mks)
2. Name One homid who manufactured oldowan tools during the Old Stone Age period.(1 mk)
3. What were the uses of the Acheulian tools during the old Stone Age period. (2 mks)
4. Identify the main contribution of Jethro Tull to the development of Agriculture in Britain.(1 mk)
5. State how the Kings of Western Sudan enhanced the development of the Trans-Saharan Trade.
(2 mks)
6. Identify one disadvantage of using canoes as a means of water transport. (1 mk)
7. Identify two additional improvements that have been made to the modern roads from the
macadamized roads. (2 mks)
8. What is Telecommunication? (1 mk)
9. Identify the main discovery of Louis Pasteur during scientific revolutions?(1 mk)
10. State One missionary factor that contributed to the scramble and partition of Africa.(1 mk)
11. Identify Two ways in which the Africans reacted to colonial rule. (2 mks)
12. Give Two similarities between the French and the British colonial Administrations. (2 mks)
13. Name one country colonized by Germany in West Africa during the scramble and partition of Africa. (1 mk)
14. State the main function of International Labour organization as an agency of the United Nations
Organisation. (1 mk)
15. State two military pacts formed by the capitalist and communists power blocs during the cold war period. (2 mks)
16. State one condition that one must fulfil to become a senator in the United States of America.
(1 mk)
17. Give two ways in which the member states of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern
Africa (C.O.M.E.S.A.) benefit from the organization. (2 m
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions from this section.
18. a) Identify three physical characteristics of Dryopithecus. (3 mks)
b) Explain Six advantages of the Enclosure System in Britain durng the Agrarian Revolution.
(12 mks)
19. a) State three limitations of animal transport. (3 mks)
b) Explain Six positive effects of modern transport. (12 mks)
20. a) State three uses of steel during the industrial revolution. (3 mks)
b) Explain the factors limiting industrialization in Third World Countries. (12 mks)
21. a) State Three factors that facilitated the application of the French policy of assimilation in the four communes of Senegal. (3 mks)
b) Explain Six effects of Assimilation in Senegal. (12 mks)
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section.
22. a) Identify three member states of the commonwealth in West Africa. (3 mks)
b) Explain six ways in which commonwealth countries benefit from the organization.
(12 mks)
23. a) State five causes of the second World War. (5 mks)
b) Explain the social effects of the Second World War. (10 mks)
24. a) What conditions must one fulfil to be elected President in India. (3 mks)
b) Explain six functions of the India’s Parliament. (12 mks)

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