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Rachuonyo District Mock-English Paper 2 Question Paper

Rachuonyo District Mock-English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Name: …………………………………………………………… Index No: …………………………
School: …………………………………………………………. Candidate’s Sign.:………...............
Date: ………………………………............................................
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
Paper 2
_ Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
_ Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
_ Answer all questions in this question paper.
_ Answers to all questions must be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.
This paper consists of 10 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Gender violence can be found in every country but is most prevalent in developing countries. Its perpetrators do not consider age. Women and girls are intentionally targeted for violent acts, especially during war because they are seen as mothers of future generations. Violence against women in conflict situations assumes many forms. Rape is often only one of the ways in which women are targeted. But while other abuses, such as murder and other forms of torture have long been denounced as war crimes, rape has been down-played as unfortunate but inevitable side effects of men to war.
During Liberia’s 14 years civil war, 40 percent of the female populations were raped. Nearly half of the Liberian women are living with permanent physical and psychological injuries. Many are now supporting themselves by the only means they have, transactional sex, which exposes them to more violence.
Systematic rape, torture or sexual enslavement has been used to suppress, terrify and destabilise communities all over the world, from Haiti to DRC to Myanmar.
Sadly, violence against women and girls is not confined to war only.
For many girls, it begins at birth with female infanticide. Globally 6,000 girls undergo
female genital mutilation daily, a cultural practice found in many parts of the world, particularly in Africa.
This experience often heralds a longer line of abuses and violations. At least one in three
women suffers physical or sexual abuse, forced marriage,kidnapping, and trafficking, forced
prostitution, domestic violence, legal discrimination and exploitation of widows at same point in their lives. If they are pregnant, the risk of severe sustained and repeated attack is greater still.
How is it that seven years after the new millennium, when mankind has reached such
dizzying summits in science, technology and rational thinking, such appealing and primitive abuses continue, with no end in sight?
Ending gender violence will also mean ending impunity for those who commit it. Yet, in
many places, rapists and abusers roam free.
Cultural norms, politics, economics, religion, conflicts must all be examined and the
understanding used to convey that unacceptability of violence against women and girls.
But most of all, factors that contribute to gender violence, poverty, ignorance, hunger, need to be rooted out.
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is working to this end. Its long-standing
practice of putting food aid directly into the hands of women not only empowers them but also helps ensure that nourishment gets to those who need it most.
WFP also provides food to accompany training and education for women and girls. With
such skills women are also less likely to resort to transactional sex. With the support of the international community, governments can be held accountable for their policies and practices designed to protect women and efforts of local women’s organizations, police or security forces can be co-ordinated.
a) Why are women and girls intentionally targeted for violent acts? (1mk)
b)Nearly half of Liberian women are living with permanent physical injuries.
(Supply a question tag) (1mk)
c) WFP also provides food to accompany training and education for women and girls.
(Give the passive form of this statement.) (1mk)
b) According to the passage, how many women were not raped during Liberia’s 14 year
civil war? (1mk)
e) Give any four non sexual forms of violence against women mentioned in the passage. (4mks)
f) In your opinion, why do you think gender violence is most prevalent in developing
countries? (2mks)
g) Provide a suitable title for this passage. (1mk)
h) According to the author what would make the world a better place? (1mk)

i) In not more than sixty words, summarize ways in which violence against women can be
brought to an end. (5mks)
j) Give the meaning of the following words used in the passage. (3mks)
i) Transactional sex
ii) Impunity
iii) Female infanticide
2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.
DR. STOCKMAN: And we have been recommending it and praising it- I have written
and written, both in Messenger and in pamphlets…
HOVSTAD : Well, what then?
DR. STOCKMANN: And the Baths- we have called them the “main artery of the town’s lifeblood,”
the “nerve-centre of our town,” and the devil knows that else……
BILLING: “The town’s throbbing heart” was the expression I once used on an important
DR. STOCKMAN: Quite so. Well, do you know what they really are, these great, splendid, much
praised Baths, that have cost so much money- do you know what they are?
HOVSTAD: No, what are they?
MRS. STOCKMANN: Yes, what are they Thomas?
DR. STOCKMANN: The whole place is a pest-house!
PETRA: The Baths, father?
MRS. STOCKMANN: (simultaneously): Our Baths?
HOVSTAD: But Doctor…..
BILLING: Absolutely incredible!
DR. STOCKMANN: The whole Bath establishment is a white, poisoned sepulcher I tell you- the
gravest possible danger to the public health! All the effluent up at Molledal,
all that stinking filth, is infecting the water in the conduit- pipes leading to
the reservoir; and the same cursed, filth oozes out on the same shore too….
HOSTER: Where the bathing station is?
DR. STOCKMANN: Just there.
HOVSTAD: How do you come to be certain of all this, Doctor?
DR. STOCKMAN: I have investigated the matter more carefully. For a long time I suspected
something of the kind. Last year we had some very strange cases of illness
among the visitors-typhoid cases, and cases of gastric fever……
MRS. STOCKMANN: Yes, that is quite true.
DR.STOCKMANN: At that time, we supposed the visitors had brought the infections with them;
but later on, in the winter, I began to have a different opinion; and so I set
myself to examine the water, as well as I could.
MRS. STOCKMANN: So that is what you have been so busy with?
DR.STOCKMANN: Indeed I have been busy, Katherine. But here I had none of the necessary
scientific apparatus; so I sent samples, both of the drinking-water and of the
sea-water, up to the University, for expert analysis.
a) Briefly explain what happens before this extract. (3mks)
b) According to Dr. Stockmann, what is the condition of the town Baths? (4mks)
c) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the extract.

i) Nerve centre (1mk)
ii) Conduit pipes (1mk)
iii) Expert analysis (1mk)
d) Immediately after this extract, Dr. Stockmann explains the actual problem in the water.
State it and say what Mrs. Stockmann calls discovery. (2mks)
e) Rewrite the following in reported speech.
Indeed I have been busy, Katherine. But here I had none of the necessary scientific
apparatus. (1mk)
f) Describe two character traits of Dr. Stockmann revealed in this extract. (4mks)
g) Make notes on how the mess at the town’s Baths was discovered. (5mks)
h) Who is Hovstad? (3mks)
3. Read the following story and then answer the questions that follow.
One day there was a high-jump competition for all the animals. Hare, Elephant, Hyena,
Leopard, Antelope and Squirrel had all hurried up for the competition. All the animals managed to
jump except the Elephant, because of his fatness and the tusks. So he asked Hare:
“Why is it that I am unable to jump?”
“It is because of that flesh on your back. Let me cut out some of it off for you so that you will be able to jump,” Hare replied. So, Elephant agreed and some of his flesh was chopped off. He tried to jump but failed. A bigger chuck of flesh was cut off and this time he managed to jump. Just when the animals were busy jumping, Hare grabbed the meat he had carved out of Elephant and ran away.
After two days Elephant sent Hyena to go and get his flesh back from hare. Hyena arrived
and said.
“I have been sent to come and get the meat you cut from the Elephant.”
“Just wait a minute, I will give you something I have kept for myself” Hare replied.
Hyena sat down very fast with his usual greed. He was given some meat which had been cooked
very nicely. When he finished eating he asked Hare:
“Hare, where did you get such tasty meat?”
Hare replied: “Over there! In the distant land.
Would you like me to take you there?”
Hyena agreed to be taken. So they walked and walked and walked, till they reached a
place where there was a deep valley and huge rocks. Hare told Hyena:
“I want you to close your eyes and when you here kurukurukuru, you move aside and when
you hear “Kerekerekere, get ready to receive the meat”.
So Hyena was left with his eyes closed. After some time he heard “Kurukurukuru” and he
moved aside, then he heard “Kerekerekere!” and was hit by such a stone that he died. Hare dragged him home and took him to his house. He slaughtered him then cooked him nicely and kept the meat.
The following day when Hyena failed to come back, Elephant sent Ant bear. When Ant bear
arrived at Hare’s house, he was well received and given a tasty meat just like Hyena had been. He also asked: “Hare, where did you get such good meat?” And Hare replied; “Over there, in the distant land.”
“Would you like me to take you there?”
Ant bear agreed and they went. When they reached there he was given the same instruction as
Hyena, and he too was killed. He was dragged home, cooked nicely and the meat kept in the store. Elephant sent many more animals but none came back. Eventually, he sent Leopard. When Leopard arrived he was given meat as usual and he asked the same questions.
Hare told Leopard where he got the meat and asked him whether he would like to be taken there. Leopard agreed but he knew that Hare was cunning. Leopard was equally sly. When they arrived at the land of valleys and rocks, Hare told him, “When you hear kurukurukuru, you move aside and when you hear kerekerekere, be ready to collect your share of meat”.
Then he was left with his eyes closed. But he never closed his eyes. After some time he heard kurukurukuru, he moved aside, then heard kerekerekere, he moved aside again. Then he saw Hare throwing a very big stone. When hare saw that Leopard had not been killed by the stone, he got very shocked and started running away very fast. Leopard ran after him, but when Hare saw that he was about to be caught he ducked into a hole. But Leopard caught him by the tail. Then Hare shouted, laughing. “Oh! He is not holding me but the tiny root only!”
So Leopard loosened the grip to try and hold much better, but Hare ducked deeper into the
hole saying, “Oh he has let me go!”
Leopard stood there waiting for Hare to come out until he got tired. The Hare came out and
ran away very fast. Elephant never got his flesh back. And even up to now, Elephant has no hind flesh and Hare is always hiding.
My story ends there.
(Source- Kenyan Oral Narrative: A selection by Kavetsa Adagala and Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira)
a) Identify and explain what type of story the above narrative is. (2mks)
b) With illustrations, give three narrative features employed in this narrative. (6mks)
c) Contrast the character traits of the Hare and the Elephant. (4mks)
d) State one proverb which reflects the message conveyed in this narrative and explain
its relevance. (2mks)

e) Identify and illustrate one social activity that is practiced by the community from which this
story was collected. (2mks)
f) Imagine you have been asked to carry out a field study to collect oral narratives in your
community. Explain two dramatic features you are likely to observe during the performance by
your informant. (4mks)
4. a) Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given after each.
Do not change the meaning. (5mks)
i) Matheri denied robbing the bank the previous year. (Rewrite in direct speech)
ii) I can manage the office work. (Use manageable instead of manage)
iii) The students were so hungry that they decided not to go to class. (Begin with: So hungry…….)
iv) He is famous because he is rich. (Begin: His……)
v) I saw the man.
The man was on the list of wanted criminals.
(Join the sentence using an adjectival clause)
b) Replace the underlined words with the correct phrasal verb formed from the word in bracket.
i) Form two students always bully the form one students when they are new in school. (pick)

ii) The shop next to the bank has reduced the prices on most of their goods. (mark)
iii)The shrewd businessman tried to take advantage of his ignorant customers by hiking
the prices. (rip)
c) Fill in the blanks by forming the correct adjective from the word given in brackets.
i) John was of his neighbor’s success. ( envy )
ii) I felt about not being able to help. (awe)
iii) She took a leave after her father died. ( compassion)
d) Supply the correct preposition.
i) John is fond his daughter.
ii) Among all the students, Tom is far the best.
iii) She inherited the house her grandmother.
iv) He is very bossy. He loves ordering people ________________________
e) Add a question tag to the following statements.
i) Let us help the sick……………………………………………………
ii) You will wait for them here………………………………………….__

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