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Ndhiwa District Mock-English Paper 2 Question Paper

Ndhiwa District Mock-English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Name: …………………………………………………………… Index No: …………………………
School: …………………………………………………………. Candidate’s Sign.:………...............
Date: ………………………………............................................
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
Paper 2
_ Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
_ Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
_ Answer all questions in this question paper.
_ Answers to all questions must be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.
This paper consists of 10 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are
1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Like termites destroying a structure, stress undermines the body, mind and emotions and the
effects can be obvious on your skin. While dermatologists are still debating whether stress actually causes skin disorders, they seem to agree that stress definitely triggers or aggravates skin conditions such as acne, hives, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, warts, cold sores and blisters. Did you know that one of the first places stress shows is on your skin? The skin is the larges organ and also the busiest immune part with direct and indirect connections to the brain.
Whenever we feel anxious or overwhelmed, our bodies produce cortisol, a major stress
hormone and when pumped into our system, it communicates with all our organs and causes
inflammation as a reaction to stress. Inflammation produces oxidants that damage the cells.
What does that mean to the skin? When a pore is inflamed, it becomes thick and swollen and
is more likely to become clogged. When collagen becomes inflamed, the matrix breaks down and results in acne, wrinkles, dryness and itchniness appears with the inflammation. They are telltale indications of what is really going on inside.
All too often, we try to blame external influences such as eating too much chocolate, dust,
even the weather for the state of our skin. But the real cause of a so called “bad skin day” is often emotional.
That’s the thing about the skin: you have to deal not only with how you feel, but also with
how others react to you. The flip side is that once your skin starts to mend, people notice
immediately and tell you that you look great.
Stress management is possible if you can talk about what is going on in one’s life with a
friend or relative. Binging or eating of junk food too pays off. Exercise raises the level of endorphins thus the mood is raised. A time off the hectic life to relax, a massage, soft music or even meditation is healthy for stress levels to be lowered. Cortisol levels are at their lowest when one sleeps.
a) Why is stress destructive? (2mks)
b) How does someone look when stressed (2mks)
c) Make notes on the process by which stress affects our skin (6mks)

d) A part from stress, what other factors are blamed for the condition of the skin (2mks)
e) You have to deal not only with how you feel, but also with how others react to you.
(begin….. Not only) (1mk)
f) How does one know that one has started managing stress? (2mks)
g) Why is exercise important during stress (2mks)
h) Give the meaning of the following words and expressions as used in the passage.
i) Telltale (1mk)
ii) Bad skin day (1mk)
iii) Binging (1mk)
2. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
MRS STOCKMANN: But Thomas dear, the things you said had nothing to do with it,
you know.
DR. STOCKMANN: Well, Isn’t what l said perfectly true? Don’t they turn every idea on its
head. Don’t they make a horchpotch of right and wrong? Don’t they
say that the things l know are true, are lies? The craziest part of it all is
the fact of those “Liberals” men of full age, going about in crowds
imagining that they are independent – minded! Did you ever hear
anything like it Katherine.
MRS. STOCKMANN: Yes, yes it’s stupid enough of them certainly; but …………….
. (PETRA comes in from the sitting room)
Back from school already?
PETRA: Yes, l have been given notice of dismissal.
PETRA: Mrs. Busk gave me my notice; so l thought was better to leave at once.
DR. STOCKMANN: You were perfectly right, too!
MRS. STOCKMANN: Who would have thought Mrs Busk was a woman of that sort?
PETRA: Mrs Busk isn’t a bit like that, mother, l saw quite well how it hurt her
to do it. But she didn’t dare do otherwise, she said; and so l got my
DR. STOCKMANN: (hugghing and rubbing his hands): She didn’t dare do otherwise,
either! That’s delicious.
MRS. STOCKMANN: Well, after the dreadful scenes last night…………
PETRA: It was not only that. Just listen to this, father!
PETRA: Mrs Busk showed me no less than three letters she received this
DR. STOCKMANN: Anonymous l suppose?
PETRA: Yes as a matter of fact they were.
DR. STOCKMANN: Yes, because they daren’t even risk signing their names,
PETRA: And two of them were to the effect that a man, who has been our guest
here was declaring last night at the club that my views on various
subjects are extremely liberal-
DR. STOCKMAN: You did not deny that, l hope?
PETRA: No, you know l wouldn’t , Mrs Busk’s own views are tolerably
emancipated, when we are alone together; but now that this report
about me is being spread, she dare not keep me on any longer!
MRS. STOCKMANN : And someone who had been a guest of ours! That shows you the return
you get for your hospitality , Thomas.
DR. STOCKMANN: We won’t live in such a disgusting hole any longer. Pack up as
quickly as you can, Katherine; the sooner we can get away, the better.
(a) Briefly explain the events that have taken place shortly before this excerpt. (4mks)

(b) …… Thomas……. The things you said had something to do with it ……….”
Mention three of these things Mrs. Stockmann is talking about. (3mks)
(c ) Apart from Petra, mention two other characters who get sacked, and why? (4mks)
(d) Identify two character traits of the masses found in this excerpt. (4mks)
(e) Explain two major themes in this excerpt. (4mks)
(f) Who is the “guest” mentioned by Petra and what is his profession? (2mks)
(g) Explain the decision Dr. Stockmann later takes about leaving the town and his reason. (2mks)
(h) Who is Mrs. Busk. What leads her to sack Petra? (2mks)
Q 3. Read the following narrative then answer the questions that follow;
At the beginning of creation, Mwene Nyaga Nagai, the creator and provider for all mankind
called one of his servants Gikuyu. He said to him, “My son Gikuyu, l am going to give you your share of land. The land l am going to give you is full of ravines, rivers, valleys, forests and plenty of game for you to hunt for your food. The land is fertile and your children and your children’s children will never go hungry if you till it well.
Gikuyu stood still with disbelief. Mwene Nyaga saw Gikuyu’s hesitation. He took him to his
residence on top of the mountain of mystery, “kirinyanga” where He resided. From here, he
commanded a good view of all his lands. He therefore, wanted Gikuyu to see for himself all the land he had been given. He showed him all the land and its beauty. He said, “My son , all this is yours.” Then He sat back and watched Gikuyu’s happiness as he moved from place to place, trying to locate the boundaries to his land. But no matter how hard he looked, his land seemed to roll for miles and miles. Having inspected the panorama of his land, he quickly composed himself and ran to Mwene Nyaga’s feet and cried with happiness thanking Him for the great gift. He was sure that he would be happy ever after. But then, he felt a kind of loneliness and his happiness subsided. What would he do with all that land all by himself. Mwene Nyaga knew what was going on in Gikuyu’s mind. As he was leaving, Mwene Nyaga called him back and pointed to him a spot far, far off in the middle of the country, where a fig tree, Mukuyu, grew. He ordered Gikiyu to settle there and call this place; “Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga”. Whenever Gikuyu was in need of Mwene Nyaga’s help in whatever way, he should offer sacrifice to Him at the fig tree. He should raise his hands towards Kirinyaga, Mwene Nyaga’s residence, and state all his problems. Mwene Nyaga will definitely see him and come to his rescue. He also told him that he had given him a present, the most precious present in his life and that he would get the present on his arrival home, his new home.
Gikuyu thanked Mwene Nyaga and being unable to contain his curiosity any longer, he
hurried straight to Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga. To his surprise, seated there was a young beautiful woman whom he called Mumbi(Moulder or creator). They lived together as man and his wife and were blessed with nine daughters but no sons. The daughters were: Wachera, Wanjiku, Wairimu, Wambui, Wangari, Wanjiru, Wangu, Mwithaga and Waithera. Gikuyu needed an heir and his not having a son disturbed him. He then remembered Mwene Nyaga’s advice, “I‘ll come to your rescue”.He organized a sacrifice at the Mukuyu tree. He slaughtered a ram and a kid from his flock and poured their blood and fat on the trunk of a sacred tree. He went to his house and called Mumbi and their daughters. They roasted some meat and offered it to Mwene Nyaga. They raised their hands towards Kirinyaga and prayed, “Thaai thankhaiya Nyai thaai ………… “ He later left and went home.
Mwene Nyaga quickly answered Gikuyu’s prayers. On the following morning, Gikuyu went
to the sacred tree and he couldn’t believe his eyes when he found seated near the tree, nine strong young men. He was overcome with joy and he looked up to the mountain and thanked Mwene
Nyaga, his benefactor. He welcomed the nine young men and he took them to his home where he
introduced them to his wife and daughters. Food was cooked for them and after bathing and eating they went to sleep.
The next morning, the nine men woke up early in the morning having had a good night’s
sleep. After the morning meal, Gikuyu called them outside the discuss marriage. He told them they would marry his daughters on one condition: they had to live with them in his land. By this time, the men had already made their choices. They were so fascinated by the daughters beauty and the father’s kindness that they agreed to his proposal. Gikuyu and Mumbi were overjoyed for they now had sons to inherit their vast lands. The daughters, on the other hand had already started to show their preference of the men. They were also happy when the men agreed to their father’s wish for they knew they now had men to protect them and give them company.
Gikuyu did not wait long before making arrangements for his daughters’ wedding according
to the Gikuyu customary laws. He did not ask for bride wealth from the young men for he knew they did not have any and in actual fact they were a blessing to him. The daughters got married to the young men and they started nine differe4nt families. They were, however, united under one name “Mbari ya Mumbi” which means Mumbi’s family group. This was in honour of their mother Mumbi. Gikuyu and Mumbi were the heads of “Mbari ya Mumbi” and the nine families remained under them. They are the mother and father of the Gikuyu people.
As the years passed, Gikuyu and Mumbi become older and older and eventually they died.
Before they died, Gikuyu called all his daughters and their husbands. He told them, “My children, as you can see, your mother and l are about to leave you but before we go, we would like to leave you with these words. All the land and whatever else we possess is yours. Divide it equally among yourselves.
Remember that one finger cannot kill a louse”.
With these words, Kikuyu and Mumbi breathed their last breath.
The nine families continued to live together but the number of their children and
grandchildren were increasing. They become so many that it was impossible for the families to live together anymore. They called a meeting where they resolved that each family should call together all its children and grandchildren and live together as one clan(muhiriga). The clans were to be called after the nine daughters of Gikuyu and Mumbi. This decision is the basis of the nine principal Gikuyu clans. They are Acheera, Agachiko, Airimo (orAgathigia), Ambui, Agari, Anjiru, Ethaga,
and Aitherando. The nine clans lived in Gikuyu’s land but they occupied different parts of it.
(a) Classify the above narrative fully. (2mks)
(b) Gikuyu received his gift with mixed feelings. Why ? (4mks)
(c ) “Divine intervention is real” How true is this statement in light of what happens in
the narrative. (3mks)
(d) Comment on the use of at least one feature of style in this narrative. (2mks)
(e) Gikuyu thanked Mwene Nyaga and being unable to contain his curiosity any longer,
he hurried straight to Mukurwo wa Nyagathanga. (Begin: Having ………………………(1mk)
(f) Give and illustrate at least two character traits of Mwene Nyaga. (4mks)
(g) Identify and illustrate two themes found in the story. (4mks)
4 a) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. (3mks)

(i) Everyone hopes that the government will succeed. (Begin: It is
(ii) They say Kanumbe is somewhere in Zambia. (Begin: Kanumbe is ……………
(iii) “Can we come and watch you play?”
(Rewrite in indirect speech)
b) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most appropriate word/phrase from those given in brackets. (3mks)
(i) He will have a nervous breakdown if he …………………………………….(went/goes) on like it
(ii) It would be nice if you …………………………………. ( spent/spend) some time with your
(iii) If Leloi had not spent so much on DVDs, he ………………………… (would have had/would
have) enough money to contribute to the project.
c) Replace the underlined words in the sentences below with their antonyms (2mks)
(i) The sea was rough
(ii) She gave an intelligent answer
d) Replace the phrasal verbs underlined in these sentences with one word that means the same.
(i) It is wrong to look down on people from other communities.
(ii) Parents should not give in to their children’s unreasonable demands.
(iii) The delegates came up with ten rules to guide our response to globalization.

e) Explain the difference in meaning between the following pair of sentences (2mks)
(i) The tutor gives Peter little attention.
(ii) The tutor gives Peter a little attention.
f) Each of the following sentences has an error. Identify it and rewrite the sentence correctly (2mks)
(i) We were referred to the stationary shop a long Ogiga Odinga street.
(ii) Neither the party or the Chairman accepted responsibility.

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