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Kitui West District Mock-English Paper 2 Question Paper

Kitui West District Mock-English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Name ……………………………..………...…………. Index No……………………….…………….
School ……………………………………………….. Candidate’s Signature ………………………
Date ………………………..
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
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Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
All the answer Must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper

This paper consists of 10 printed pages.
Candidates should check to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing

1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:
Modern vegetarianism is more than a diet. It has become part of a value system that influences a variety of attitudes and behaviour changes,
Vegetarianism is slowly becoming an accepted way of living. Yet even with the increased acceptance of vegetarian diets, few people know what informs the choice of vegetarian diets. Few of those opposed to vegetarianism have tried to learn about the vegetarian way of life, or understand that vegetarian diets can be healthy.
Trained health professionals are also often skeptical about how healthy a vegetarian diet is. An objective look reveals that properly planned vegetarian diets and the life-style of vegetarians can be very good for one’s health. Vegetarians are generally health conscious, and often avoid alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs. They also engage in regular physical activity.
World wide, vegetarians are in hundreds of millions. For most of them vegetarianism is not a choice. Some live on vegetarian diets because animal products are scarce or too expensive. For others it is a strict religious belief, handed down for generations. These people may not necessarily appreciate the health benefits of being vegetarian; they have no choice in the matter.
Where food security is not a problem people tend to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle to avoid inflicting pain on animals to preserve the environment or as part of a weight or cholesterol lowering diet.
There is no one fixed vegetarian diet and there are no fixed rules. People who consider themselves vegetarians range from those who eat all foods except red meat, to those who exclude all animal sources, including honey. By proper definition a person is a vegetarian if they do not eat meat. The definition does not include meat product like eggs, milk, cheese, butter, ghee and so on. There are different categories of vegetarians. The first is far vegetarians who only exclude read meat in their diet. Qiasi vegetarian or semi vegetarian diets generally exclude beef, pork and poultry but include only dairy foods, eggs and plant foods.
Lacto ovo-vegetarians’ diet include fish, eggs, and plaint foods. Lacto vegetarians, however, exclude eggs in the diet. Vegans are the strictest vegetarians as they only eat plant foods. In addition, they avoid clothes made from wool, leather or silk.
Long-standing vegetarian dietary re-gimes that are practiced in countries like India and China have been tested over time, and found to be adequate in essential nutrients. On the other hand, highly restrictive vegetarian diets are likely to be inadequate and lead to health problems. This is especially true for pregnant women, growing children and the elderly.
Compared to our usual diet and lifestyle, vegetarianism is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and hypertension, type II diabetes, chronic bronchitis, gallstones and colon cancer. Vegetarians rarely become obese or develop high blood cholesterol levels. The exception of course is in people who use butter and ghee for cooking. These products lead to obesity and elevated cholesterol levels.
Because vegetarian diets exclude one or more types of foods, it is important the food included provide sufficient calories and the assortment and quantity of nutrients needed for health. Vegetarian diets that fail to provide all the necessary nutrients do not sustain health. Diets that include few or no animal products may be low in sources of complete proteins, vitamin B12, Viatmin D, Calcium and Zinc. With appropriate food selection, this potential nutrient in adequacies can be prevented.
Animal products such as meat, eggs and milk provide all of the nine essential amino acids in sufficient amounts and are thus considered complete proteins. Complete proteins are essential in the diet because each essential amino acid is useful to build and repair broken and worn out cells. Essential amino acids consumed in food are not stored and so a fresh supply is required everyday. Vegetarians who do not consume animal products must combine plant foods to yield complete proteins.

Vitamin B12 is of concern to vegetarian, because it is only available in animal products. Consumption of foods fortified with vitamin B12 supplements can be used to prevent deficiency.
Vitamin D is obtained primarily from the sum and from milk. Vegetarians who do not have adequate exposure to the sum need to take vitamin D supplement or food fortified with vitamin D.
Vegetarians who exclude milk from the diet need to increase their intake of good plant sources of Calcium.
High intake of Soya products such as beans and tofu appear to promote bone mass deposition and protect against development of osteoporosis.
a) According to the passage, what are the three reasons that lead to vegetarianism? (3mrks)
b) What are the different categories of vegetarians mentioned in this passage? (3 marks)
c) Vegetarians rarely become obese or develop high blood cholesterols levels (Begin: Rarely……..) (1mrk)
d) Explain what kinds of ailments would result from failure to used vegetarian diet. (2mrks).
e) In a paragraph of not more than 25 words, write a summary on the importance of vitamin B12 (3mrks)

Vegans are the strictest vegetarians as they only eat plant foods. In addition they avoid clothes made from wool, silk or leather. (rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined words with the suitable ones performing
the same function (1mrk)
f) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage
i) Dietary regimes
ii) Bronchitis
iii) Fortified
iv) Deposition
v) Exposure (5mrks)
g) Explain the irony behind vegetarianism as brought out in this passage (2mrks)
2. Read the passage below which is an extract from an energy of the people by Henrik Ibsen and then
answer the questions which follow.
Dr. Stockmann: (Laughing): Just imagine the old chap doesn’t believe a word about the
water supply.
Horstad: Oh that was it then?
Dr. Stockmann: Yes, we were just talking about it. Perhaps it is the same
thing that brings you here?
Horstad: Yes, it is. Can you spare me a few minutes, Doctor?
Dr. Stockmann: As long as you like my dear fellow.
Horstad: Have you heard from the mayor yet?
Dr. Stockmann: Not yet, but he should be here shortly.
Horstad: I have given the matter a great deal of thought since last night.
Dr. Stockmann: Well?
Horstad: As a doctor and a man of science, this mater of the water supply is an isolated
matter. I mean, do you not realize that it is tied up with a lot of other things.
Dr. Stockmann: In what way…..?____ let me sit down, my dear fellow, no, sit here on the
couch (Horstad sits down on the couch, Dr. Stockmann sits on a chair on the
other side of the table). Now then. You mean that…………..?
Horstad: You said yesterday that the contamination of the water was due to impurities
in the soil.
Dr. Stockmann: Yes, there is no doubt it is due to that poisonous morass up at ………………
Horstad: You will forgive me, doctor I fancy it is due to quite another morass
Dr. Stockmann: What morass?
Horstad: The morass that the whole society is built on and is rotting in.
Dr. Stockmann: What the devil are you driving at, Hostard?
Horstad: The whole of the town’s interest have little by little got into
the hands of a pack of officials.
Dr. Stockmann: Oh, come! – They are not all officials.
Horstad: No, but those that are not officials are at any rate the officials’ friends and
managers on; it is the wealthy folk and the old families in the town, that are in
Dr. Stockmann: Yes, but after all they are men of ability and insight.
Horstad: Did they show any ability and insight when they laid the conduit pipes where
they are now?
Dr. Stockmann: No, of course that was a great piece of stupidity on their part. But that is going to be set right now.
Horstad: Do you think it will be easy?
Dr. Stockmann: Easy or not, it has got to be done, anyway.
Horstad: Yes, provided the press takes up the question.
Dr. Stockmann: I don’t think it will be necessary, my dear fellow, I am certain my
Horstad: Excuse me, Doctor I feel bound to tell you.
I am inclined to take up the matter.
Dr. Stockmann: In the paper?
a) Which old chap is mentioned here, what is he and why does he not want to believe what he has heard
about the water supply? (3mrks)
b) Why has Horstad visited Dr. Stockmann? (2mrks)


c) Dr. Stockmann says: “But it is going to be set right now.” What is it that is going to be set right, what is
wrong with it and how is it going to be set right? Answer in note form. (4mrks)
d) What does Horstard mean by the word ‘Morass’? (2mrks)
e) What is the character of Dr. Stockmann as revealed in this except? (4mrks)
f) Identify and illustrate three themes evident in this extract (6mrks)
g) Briefly state mayor Peter Stockmann’s ruthless and unfair demands of Dr. Stockmann when he next
enters. (4mrks)
3. Read the oral (narrative below then answer the questions which follow.
Seven ladies and Wild fruits Once upon a time there lived seven ladies. These ladies were great friends and they lived in the same village.
They fetched water together, gathered firewood and went to the forest to eat wild fruits together.
One day they went to the forest to collect wild fruits. Before they began collecting the fruits, they agreed that they were going to pick them with closed eyes. Fine, they agreed. Then they began picking the fruits. Six of them touched each other and they opened their eyes. The seventh girl was not alerted and so she continued picking unripe fruits. When they had picked enough, they agreed that they shouldn’t look at the fruits until they were halfway home. When they looked at their fruits, the seventh girl realized she had picked all unique fruits but the others had picked ripe ones.
“All my fruits are unripe. What will I do?” she asked,
“Go back and pick others,” they said firmly.
The girl decided to go to the forest and pick some ripe fruits for herself. On her way back before she could pick any fruits she met an ogre who swallowed her.
The other girls waited for her until they gave up and went home. When the parents asked them where San was they explained she had gone back to collect ripe fruits and never returned.
Mwadine, her elder brother listened to the story and took his bow quiver and spear. He went straight to the path they used when they went to the river to drink water. When the first ogre arrived, he asked it who has swallowed San, my sister? It sang: “the one who has swallowed San is at the far end making noise gwa gwa gwa gwa.”
Mwadine let if pass.
The second ogre came and he asked the same question and he got the same answer. The third came and the same answer was repeated until the tenth and the last came. It was fat and heavy and walked with a lot of difficulty.
Mwadine stopped it and demanded to know who had swallowed his sister San. The ogre tried to sing: “The one who has swallowed your sister…..the one who has swallowed…...
“Talk properly. Sing properly” retorted Mwadine. The ogre was unable to sing because it was the one who had swallowed Mwadine’s sister.
Mwadine took out his spear and aimed at the ogre’s stomach. The stomach opened and San together with the other who had suffered the same fate came out. Mwadine took San by hand and they ran towards home with the other ogres in hot persuit to avenge their friends death.
When they came to the river they found the frog resting at the bank.
“Frog, we are being pursued by the ogres, can you help us?” said Mwadine.
“come closer. I will swallow you and take you home and the ogres won’t get you, “relied the frog.
So the frog swallowed San and Mwadine and took them to the other side of the river and hopped towards
their home. On the way it met a chameleon and the frog sang:
Don’t push me
I am taking San home
San has some wood
San has some sugarcane
It passed. When it came to San’s home, women were pounding maize. “How come this frog is so fat, remarked one. “Push it away.”
“Mm!mm! don’t push me
I am taking San home San has some wood, San has some sugarcane”
It vomited san and Mwadine at their house. They came out carrying precious things to the home. The family members and their friends were happy to receive them home.
The ogres were surprised when they came to the river. They lost track of the two and so they gave up and went back home.
A party was organized by San’s family members so that friends and neighbours can make merry and be happy. He was given a bride to marry and he settled down. My story ends here.

a) Classify this oral narrative (2mrks)
b) What do the ogres represent in this narrative? (2mrks)
c) With illustrations from the narrative state the character of Mwadine (4mrks)
d) What functions does the frog’s song serve? (4mrks)
e) What lessons do we learn from this narrative? (4mrks)
f) Identify the use of fantancy or fiction in this narrative (3mrks)
g) With evidence from the narrative state the economic activities of the community from which this narrative
is derived (2mrks)

GRAMMAR (15marks)
4. a) Rewrite the following without changing the original meaning (3mrks)
i) It is nearly ten years since he came to this village (rewrite to end with …..ago
ii) He likes beef better than chicken (replace likes with prefers)
iii) If you work hard, you will make it to the university (rewrite using unless…..
b) Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with appropriate phrasal verbs. (3mrks)
i) The school abolished regulations restricting possession of civilian clothes.
ii) If you do not want to be punished, you will have to invent a good excuse for not attending the lesson.
iii) The restlessness at the factory seems to be decreasing now, most of the workers have resumed work fully.
c) Fill in the blank spaces in each sentence with the correct forms of the words in brackets. (3mrks)
i) No sooner had the house girl___________________ (lie) down than the baby _________________(begin)
to cry.
ii) The carpenter had (lay) ___________________ the tiles on the kitchen floor.
iii) Can ________________________ (slay) Abel.
d) Join each pair of sentences turning the first one into a participle phrase. (3mrks)
i) They sensed dangers. They rushed into to the bunker.

ii) The dog was tethered to a tree. It howled all day long.
iii) They ate their supper. They went to bed.
e) Replace the underlined with a single word to convey the same meaning. (3mrks)
i) Andrew Kalama suffers from extreme fear of foreigners.
ii) She is a seller of fish.
iii) He works in a factory where food is put into tins.

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