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Kitui West District Mock-English Paper 1 Question Paper

Kitui West District Mock-English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Name ……………………………..………...…………. Index No……………………….…………….
School ……………………………………………….. Candidate’s Signature ………………………
Date ………………………..
(Functional Skills
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
(Functional Writing)
Answer ALL the questions in this paper in the spaces provided.
Write your name in the spaces provided above.

This paper consists of 5 printed pages.
Candidates should check to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing

1. Imagine you are a resident of Makutano junction market centre and of late you have noted, with a lot of
concern, an increased number of stray dogs and cats in the market. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily
newspaper on the problem, calling upon the authorities concerned to come to your rescue and eradicate the
menace once and for all. (20mrks)

2. Cloze test
Fill each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word. (10mrks)
Eat healthy to care for your kidneys. The kidney (1)_____________________ one of the most vital organs of
our bodies that (2)________________impaired can affect a person’s quality of life, (3) _________________
when no treatment or nutrition intervention in sought.
The (4) ______________ is involved in many functions which include removal of (5) __________________
waste products from the blood and (6) _______________the amount of fluid in the body. Human beings
have two kidneys but can survive with (7) __________________ kidney that is healthy as it is capable of functioning optimally and can rid the body of all (8) _________________ waster products from the body.
Having a (9) ____________________ lifestyle and eating well reduce the chances of compromising your
kidney as many conditions are caused by our unhealthy (10) ____________________ or eating habits.
3. a) Underline the silent letter in each of the following words (6mrks)
i) Glistening
ii) Debris
iii) Tourism
iv) Depot
v) Tomb
vi) Damn
b) Explain whether or not turn-taking has taken place in the conversation (8marks)
Joy: Come in. Oh, it is you Ben? I thought it was Grace.
Ben: No, it isn’t. How are……………………….
Joy: Grace can sometimes be ouch as a nag. Don’t you think so?
Ben: (Thinking reflectively) Mm………….
Joy: Forget it! I can see you don’t agree but that is the truth. Do you want to pretend that
you don’t know that she is always borrowing money? (Pauses and looks Ben directly
in the eye as if in a challenge, but he doesn’t respond.
Ben: That is hypocrisy on your part. Eh………., also she tries to eh……..I mean to eh…..
Forces herself to others. (Silence. Ben has gone to the window and is looking
Joy: (Continuing after a lengthy pause) Any way………………
Ben: (Clearly fed up) Enough! I am out of here.


c) Identify six pairs of words with the same pronunciation from the list below. (6marks)
Flour, weighed, quay, know, load, wait, key, weight, laud, flower, dew, floor, key, nor, loud, cue, due, wet,dual, no, scene, now, sin.
d) Read the poem below then answer questions which follow.
He had placed a bet
The thief would return
Had fled very afraid
But the gold was a bait
The thief returned
He won the bet
Get him to the gate
Shouts the mob
Stoned and bruised
Was left in great pain
Let you tell

Was it justice?
i) Identify and illustrate any two sound patterns in this poem. (4mrks)
ii) What effect do they have on the poem? (1mrk)
iii) Identify any two words with
/e/ sound and two words with
/ei/ sound in the poem. (4mrks)
iv) Which word in the last line should be stressed? (1mrk)

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