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Teso District Mock- English Paper 2 Question Paper

Teso District Mock- English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
School ………………………………………………...
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
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Answer ALL the questions in this question paper
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This paper consists of 12 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
The ultimate purpose of education is to enable persons to acquire intellectual and moral autonomy. In this quest for autonomy, the youth and adults must themselves submit to genuine authority if their objectives is to be realised. This kind of situation can be paradoxically summed up as: To gain freedom, we must start by giving it up.
Throughout the history of child rearing, it appears that parents love their children and sometimes may find themselves loving them too much, and consequently each successive generation tries to make things easier and better for the next one. This is true when you look around and in spite of the pressures that bog us down, we at least try to show affection to the children more openly as opposed to the last generation of parents.
As you go back the ladder of generations, affection for children as witnessed today diminishes.
Maybe this was because of large families which made it impossible to zero the affection on each and every child. Our modern day parental affection and determination to create a better future for our children takes toll on discipline. This, according to Edward Power's Philosophy of Education, loosens the reign of control, old ways of acting are jettisoned and old formulae of discipline are discarded.
This is sometimes a cause for worry and anxiety. Are children being given too much freedom? With all this freedom, can they be expected to become fully responsible members of society? Can they be depended on?
Many more parents are sending their children to boarding schools where they are not exposed to parental discipline. This onerous task has been left to the teachers. Whenever parents visit their children in school over the weekends, there is evidence of too much affection exhibited in the form of unnecessary items and excessive pocket money being dished out to the children.
The parents believe that in boarding schools the teachers would be able to enforce strict control and administer sterner discipline. So, in the absence of a family to assert discipline in the upbringing of the children, parents call upon teachers to exert the moral authority they themselves are reluctant to impose! So again, this principle where teachers take the place of parents and guide the growth of children with the authority of their parents, can lead to socially unhealthy children which in essence might disrupt their education.
On the other hand, school has a significant role to play in the moral and intellectual education of children who need freedom to grow, have latitude in order to discover their interests and talents; but they need genuine guidance to help them scheme out apt avenues to express ideas and interests. The questions are: How much of the freedom should the children have? And when does guidance become restrictive of formation and coercive of freedom?
It is against this background that we must not allow the spirit of permissiveness to let us surrender the legitimate functions of guidance. The surrender would accord students freedom bordering the licence, which makes the attainment of personal autonomy - the ultimate aim of education - almost impossible.
If children reject scholastic discipline and authority as it appears to be the case now in Kenya, the likely result is educational confusion which will in consequence mean the teacher's authority to perform duty is eroded.
Without authority, guiding students to gain experience and autonomy to define their objectives and motives, which is the aim of education, would have failed. To attain this objective, it is important to gain this ideal step-by-step by striking a balance between authority and freedom, the societal expectations, and the school. To avoid chaos therefore, the much-talked-about guidance and
counselling departments must be strengthened to help our students attain the set objectives of education.
(Adapted from The Daily Nation)
i). How can we tell that this generation of parents makes things easier for their children than the
previous one did? (2mks)
ii) What is the ironical in the first paragraph? (2mks)

iii) Rewrite the following sentence using the word “probably”
Maybe this was because of large families which made it impossible to zero the affection on each and
every child. (1mk)
iv) Why do you think the author is opposed to parents giving unnecessary items and excessive pocket
money to boarders? (2mks)
v) Re-write the following sentences in singular.
The parents believe that in boarding schools the teachers would be able to enforce strict control and
administer sterner discipline. (1mk)
vi) What are the possible consequences of leaving the discipline of children entirely in the hands of
teachers? (2mks)
vii) In about 60 words summarise, the author’s argument on how parents and the school can work
together to enable them acquire the goals of education. (4mks)
viii) What do you think is meant by striking a balance between authority and freedom? (3mks)
ix) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (3mks)
a) diminish
b) Onerous
c) Legitimate
Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow
BASSANIO I have it ready for thee; here it is,
PORTIA He hath refused it in the open court.
He shall have merely justice and his bond.
GRATIANO A Daniel still say I, a second Daniel!
I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word. 340
SHYLOCK Shall I not have barely my principal?
PORTIA Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture,
To be so taken at thy peril, Jew.
SHYLOCK Why, then the devil give him good of it!
I'll stay no longer question.
PORTIA Tarry few!
The law hath yet another hold on you.
It is enacted in the laws of Venice,
If it be proved against an alien
That by direct or indirect attempts
He seek the life of any citizen, 350
The party 'gainst the which he doth contrive
Shall seize one half his goods, the other half
Comes to the privy coffer of the state,
And the offender's life lies in the mercy
Of the Duke only, 'gainst all other voice.
In which predicament I say thou stand'st;
For it appears by manifest proceeding
That indirectly, and directly too,
Thou has contrived against the very life
Of the defendant; and thou has incurred 360
The danger formerly by me rehearsed.
Down therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke.
SHYLOCK falls to his knees
GRATIANO Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang
And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state,
Thou hast not left the value of a cord,
Therefore thou must be hanged at the state's charge.
DUKE That thou shalt see the difference of our spirit,
I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it.
For half thy wealth, it is Antonio's;
The other half comes to the general state, 370
Which humbleness may drive unto a fine.
PORTIA Ay, for the state, not for Antonio.
SHYLOCK Nay, take my life and all! Pardon not that!
You take my house when you do take the prop
That doth sustain my house. You take my life
When you do take the means whereby I live.
PORTIA What mercy can you render him, Antonio?
GRATIANO A halter gratis! Nothing else, for God's sake!
The Merchant of Venice
i. What is it that Bassanio has ready? (1mk)
ii) Who does Gratiano refer to as a second Daniel and why. (2mks)
iii) What is Shylock’s predicament as shown in this passage? (3mks)
iv) Make notes on what the Venetian law says of a foreigner with murderers intentions. (4mks)

v) Briefly describe two themes evident in this extract. (4mks)

vi) For each of the words below, write a sentence to show the different meaning from the one in the
passage. (2mks)
a) Principal
b) State
vii) Explain any two incidents of irony in this passage (4mks)
viii) From the rest of the play, explain why everybody is against Shylock. (3mks)
ix) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (2mks)
a) Principal
b) Contrive
c) Manifest
d) Privy coffer
Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.
During a period of great hunger, a mother of many children ventured out into unknown lands in search of food.
In the course of her search she came upon a group of ogres who captured her and carried her to their home. On the way to the ogres' home, she gave birth to a baby girl. After her first suckle the child started hunting grasshoppers for her mother and this habit continued throughout the period of captivity.
Mother and daughter grew on titbits of smoked antelope meat. The ogres, meanwhile, had trouble restraining their cannibalistic urges. "Let's eat them now!" demanded one old fellow. "No," chorused several. "Let's wait until they are a bit fatter." And so they waited.
Every morning the ogres went out hunting for wild game. Matiangi, a blind old invalid was left in charge of the two captives. In the evenings the ogres returned heavily burdened with the day's hunting. The carcasses were triumphantly thrown down amid singing.
The daughter knew their lives were in danger since the good feeding was meant to fatten them for the manani 's (ogres) later feast. One day the girl tricked Matiangi, the fool, through a song:
Munyumba muno In this house
Mukonanga mutie? How do you sleep?
Matiangi climbed up on the bed to demonstrate, and sang back:
Khukonanga khuti, We sleep like this,
Khukonanga khuti We sleep like this.
While he was demonstrating, the girl tied him to his bed and left for home with her mother.
Soon afterwards the manani filed back and threw down their game in the middle of the room. They had
resolved to eat the mother and the child that day, so they poured water into the open cooking pot and called out
Matiangi. They roared in anger as he explained in most pitiful tones about the escape. In their anger they
bundled him into the pot. So ended the fool, Matiangi, in the bellies of his fellow manani.
(i) Classify this narrative (2mks)
(ii) State and explain three functions of the song as an aspect of style in this narrative. (6mks)

(iii) Identify any three things that make this composition an oral narrative. (3mks)
iv) How does the artist make us sympathise with the mother and the baby child? (4mks)

(v) What common features of ogres are depicted in this narrative? (2mks)
(vi) State the economic activity of the community where this oral narrative is drawn from.
(vii) Give a proverb that illustrates the moral lesson of the tale. (2mks)
4. a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Do not
change the meaning. (5mks)
i) The father cannot take credit for it and neither can the son.
Rewrite beginning: Neither….
ii) The wind always flings the door open.
Rewrite in the past tense.
iii) “You must leave now,” Cherono told his son
(Rewrite in reported speech)
iv) The only reason why Emodo failed the exams was that he was rude.
(Begin: If only ………………)
v) Why did the burglars break into the house?
(Rewrite in the passive)
b) Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of the word in
brackets. (3mks)
i) Some people can learn a lot from others …………………………………………
expressions. (face)
ii) The news came as a …………………………………….. to us all. (reveal)

iii) The Principal was accused of ……………………………………. Of funds. (manage)
c) Replace the underlined words with an appropriate phrasal verb (3mks)
i) John was accused of provoking the crowd.
ii) I think we should follow the rules.
iii) “That’s rubbish” she interrupted
d) Correct the errors in the following sentences. (2mks)
i) The news are very good.
ii) I found them discussing about themes in Coming to Birth
e) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. (2mks)
i) Bassanio was living ……………………………………. his means.
ii) He is painting his car with a view ……………………………………. Selling it.__

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