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Teso District Mock- English Paper 1 Question Paper

Teso District Mock- English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

1. Functional Writing. 20mks*Tso*
Imagine you are the sales manager of Wazuri Company. Your company has come up with a
new model of a phone. Write an advertisement that is to appear in one of the dailies.
Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
My mother had instructed (1)……………………………. thoroughly in traditional cookery at an
early (2)……………………………. By the time I was thirteen I (3)……………………………
Prepare a meal worthy to be set before any chief. It was the parish priest’s habit, whenever he wanted to go round our part of the parish, to come and stay with us for (4) …………………………..days and go home visiting with my father. He was with us on one of these (5)………………………….……….. when my mother left me in (6)…………………………………….. of both preparing the evening meal and looking after the small children, as she was going to see a friend (7)………………………… had just had a baby. Everything was laid out(8)……………………………………… me in the right quantities for, although good (9)……………………………………………. Cooking, I was liable to
use (10)……………………………………. too much or too little of everything. As for groundnuts to
make the sauce, my mother put out what I would need as usual, and safely locked the store to keep out the chickens and children.
Question 3 ORAL SKILLS 30 MKS*Tso*
(i) Identify FIVE PAIRS of words from the following group of words which have similar
Pronunciation. 5mks*Tso*
Root, worm, rest, site, fair, quay, fear, fare, see, warm, coarse, key, course queue, cause, route,
(ii) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. 8mks*Tso*
Sweet and low, sweet and low,
Wind of the western sea
Low, low breathe and blow,
Wind of the western sea!
Over the rolling waters go,
Come from the dying moon and blow
Blow him again to me,
While my little one, while my pretty one sleeps.
Sleep and rest, sleep and rest
Father will come to thee soon,
Rest, rest, on mother’s breast,
Father will come to thee soon,
Father will come to his babe in the nest
Silver sails all out of west
Under the silver moon
Sleep my little one, sleep my pretty one sleep.
(a) Describe the RHYME SCHEME of this poem. 2mks*Tso*
(b) Identify and illustrate any two aspects of styles that make this composition an oral poem.
(c) What is the persona’s attitude towards the addressed? 2mks*Tso*
(iii) Use the following words in sentences of your own to bring out the differences that are a result of stress. 5mks*Tso*
d) REfuse
e) REject
(iv) Fill in the missing responses in the telephone conversation below. 5mks*Tso*
Nkrii…….………Nkrii……………………Nkrii……………(the telephone rings)
1. YOU:…………………………………….
CALLER: could I speak to Mr. Ndege please?
2. YOU:……………………………………..
CALLER: Hallo, Mr. Ndege. This is Fred.
3. YOU:……………………………………
CALLER: No less than you’ve been. I’ve been kept busy throughout at school. Why don’t you
drop in for a real chat?
4. YOU:…………………………………..
CALLER: Saturday is okey. But let it be in the afternoon at 3pm. Sorry, if that isn’t very
convenient for you.
5. YOU:………………………………….
CALLER: That is news, Ndege. I didn’t know. Alusiola is such a lovely man. I’ll miss him.
6. YOU ………………………………….
CALLER: Aha! Just in Mumias town. Tha’s great. I’ll sure see him tomorrow.
7. YOU ………………………………..
CALLER: What’s that? Are you in some pain? Ndege, are you sick?
8. YOU:……………………………..
CALLER: I am very sorry. Get quick assistance. I am coming right away. Where do I find
9. YOU:……………………………
CALLER ………………………….
(v) State whether you will use a falling or rising intonation when saying the following sentences.
a) Who do you think you are?
b) Have you ever been to Mombasa?
c) I have always worked hard.
(vi) She sells sea shells on the sea-shore and the sea shells she sells are sea-shore shells.
(a) Identify the above genre 1mks*Tso*
(b) Identify and illustrate any one style used in the genre above. 2mks*Tso*
(c) Give your own example of the genre above. 1mk*Tso*

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