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Siaya District Mock- English Paper 2 Question Paper

Siaya District Mock- English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

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School ………………………………………………... Date……. …………………….
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Time: 2 ½ Hours
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This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
There are today all over the world thousands of factories where all the various things we use, and which form part of our modem civilization are made. In almost every one or more of the great army of industrial chemists to be found at work in these laboratories. His work may be merely to test the purity of the materials which are being used and made in the factory, but more often it is to experiment and try to find out new and better ways of making them.
Everyone of this chemist has been thoroughly trained for his work. He may be trying to find
something new but he knows how to set about it and is able to understand and interpret the new results he get from his experiment. He is rather like a man with a very good map and a every good compass, setting out to explore a new country. Now, rather under three hundred years ago, there was no map of this country at all. The old chemists of the middle ages had plenty to say about what they thought it was like but, their experiment had explored to outer fringe of it. Later, the followers of the Paracelsus penetrated a little further, but no one knew what the country was really like.
Then in the 17th century there came a man who at least put forward a plan for
exploring unknown land of chemistry. This Man was the Hon. Robert Boyle, an Irish man, born
1627. His father was the great Earl of cork and Robert was his seventh son. As a boy while he was at school, he was made very ill by a wrong dose given by an apothecary (pharmaceutical chemist).
This made him fear physicians more than the disease, and he determined to gain for himself some knowledge to medical drugs. When his father died he returned from Europe, and having money and leisure, he devoted himself for the rest of his life to scientific pursuits.
Boyle was a very powerful experimenter, and he very soon came to know that chemical
knowledge at that time was in a very muddled state and that most of the views had no foundation in fact. In 1961 he published his famous book called the “Sceptical Chemist”, and it is largely because of this book that he has been called by later generations the “Father of Modern chemistry”. What is a sceptical chemist? A sceptical chemist is one who questions everything and takes nothing for granted. This book of Boyle was written as a conversation between this sceptical chemist and two others one of this was a follower of Aristotle who believed there were four elements air, fire, earth and water. And the other was follower of Paracelsus who believed there were three elements: sulphur, mercury and left behind salt.
In Boyle’s book each of these men in turn proclaims his beliefs and brings forth evidence he can to support them. Then the sceptical chemist proceeds to pull their arguments to pieces. He describes experiments which he had done himself which show that there is no ground whatsoever for assuming that the number of elements is either three or four, in fact, he says it is quite impossible yet to fix a limit to the number of substances which can be considered elementary. The thing to do, he says is to stop talking and repeating what somebody else had said, and set to work to find out by experiment what substances are elements. By an element he means that a substance which cannot be split into two or more different parts. Here then was a plan of action for the explanation of an unknown country and it proved to be a very excellent one. Actually Boyle himself did not have a great deal of chemical knowledge; most of his experiments concerned physics rather than chemistry. What he did for chemistry was to point out the only way which could lead to any further advance into the new territory.
Search for the elements was his doctrine and search by careful personal observation and
experiment. And for the next 150 years chemist in both England and the rest of Europe carried on this search until at the beginning of the 19th century not three nor four but fifty chemical elements were known, while today the number is over 100.
a) How does industrial chemist contribute to modern civilization? (2mks)
b) What relationship is there between an industrial chemist to a man with a map
and compass? (2mks)
c) What does the author mean by saying that “there was no map of this country”? (2mks)
d) Then the sceptical chemist proceeds to pull their arguments to pieces (rewrite in the
past tense) (1mk)
e) Explain what the author means by “Fear physicians more than disease”? (2mks)
f) Rewrite the following sentences in plural “Everyone of these chemists has been
thoroughly trained for his work” (lmk)
g) In about 60 words, summarize Boyle’s contribution to the advancement of chemistry.
h) How was Boyle different from the other scientists of his time? (2mks)
i) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage (3mks)
i) Muddled
ii) Proclaims

iii) Pursuits
Question 2
They were free. Age and youth had become reconciled for this one night. And you could sing
anything and talk of the hidden parts of man and woman without feeling that you had violated the otherwise strong social code that governed peoples’ relationships, especially the relationship between young and old, man and woman.
Waiyaki still felt uneasy. Something inside him prevented him from losing himself in this frenzy.
Was it because of Muthoni? He wondered what Livingstone would say now if he found him or if
he saw the chaos created by the locked emotions let loose. And the words spoken! Even Waiyaki was slightly embarrassed by this talk of forbidden things. Perhaps this was so because the mention of forbidden things at any other time was a social taboo. Of course, Waiyaki knew that nothing bad would happen in spite of the talk. It was actually a taboo to go with a woman on such occasion.
And then Muthoni appeared on the scene. The singing increased in volume and excitement. And
she was a wonder. Where had she learned this? Waiyaki wondered as he watched from the side.
She danced, sang, describing love, telling of relationship between a man and a woman, scenes and words of lovemaking. The missionaries in Siriana would certainly have condemned her to eternal hell. Waiyaki gazed at her. Something slightly stirred in him. In the yellow light she seemed beautiful and happy, a strange kind of elation.
Somebody pulled him into the circle. It was Kinuthia. “Dance”, the girl shouted, pulling him along the circle and repeating some of the hip motions for him. At first that thing inside him kept him aloof, preventing him from fully joining the stream. Although his body moved and his mouth responded to the words, his soul did not fully participate. Then, from a corner he heard his name.
They were singing for him, some praising him and others making jibes at him. The name was
taken up by the drummers and the soloist.
The frenzy and shrieks were up again. And suddenly he felt as if a hand soft and strong had held his soul and whipped it off. It was so strange that he felt his emotions and desires temporarily arrested in a single timeless moment; then released. Waiyaki was nothing. He was free. He got everything. He wanted only this thing now, this mad intoxication of ecstasy and pleasure. Quick waves of emotions flashed through his flesh, through his being.
Questions (25 marks)
a) Name a rite Waiyaki underwent before this ceremony. (lmk)
b) Explain Waiyaki’s embarrassment and why he feels haunted by the memory of
Livingstone (3mks)
c) What is happening in the second paragraph of this extract? (4mks)
d) What is strange about Muthoni’s performance? (2mks)
e) Explain the authors attitude towards the rite of circumcision as communicated in this
extract (2mks)
f) “Muthoni has a lasting influence on Waiyaki’s thinking and behaviour”.
Explain other occasions in the novel where this influence is indicated (4mks)
g) Waiyaki knows that nothing bad would happen in spite of the talk. Change
this statement to direct speech. (lmk)
h) Identify and illustrate the prominent trait about Muthom evident in this excerpt? (2mks)
i) Explain any one feature of style prominent in the excerpt? (3mks)
j) Identify three aspects of culture discussed in the novel. (3mks)
Once upon a time dear son
They used to laugh with their hearts
And laugh with their eyes, but now they only
Laugh with their teeth
While their ice-cold-block-eyes
Search behind my shadow
There was a time indeed
They used to shake hands with their hearts
But that’s gone son
Now they shake hands without hearts
As their hands search my empty pockets
‘feel at home’, ‘come again’
They say but when I come
Again and feel at home, once, twice
There will be no thrice
For then I find the doors shut on me.
So I have learned many things, son
I have learned to wear many faces
Like dresses, home face, office face,
Cocktail face
With all their conforming smiles
Like a fixed portrait smile
And I have learned too
To laugh with only my teeth
And shake hands without my heart
I have also learned to say ‘Goodbye”
When I mean ‘Good riddance’
To say ‘Glad to meet you’
Without being glad: and to say ‘it has been
Nice talking to you’ after being bored
But believe me son I want to be what I used to be when I was like you
I want to unlearn these muting things
Most of all, I want to re-learn
How to laugh, show me how
I used to laugh and smile
Once upon a time when I was like you
a) Who is speaking in the poem? (2mks)
b) What is the poem about? (3mks)
c) Identify any two images that emphasise what the persona is saying. (2mks)
d) Explain two poetic devices used in the poem (4mks)
e) Explain the following lines as used in the poem (4mks)
i) Like fixed portrait smile
ii) I want to unlearn these muting things
iii) Laugh with their teeth
iv) Laugh with their eyes
f) What is the relationship between the persona and the son? (2mks)
g) Describe the tone of the poem? (2mks)
h) Suggest an alternative title to the poem (lmk)

A. Use the correct form of the words given in the brackets to fill the gaps
i) The old man ……………………………escaped from the accident. (miracle)
ii) He failed due to his …………………………….(able) to understand the question.
iii) The PM was popular for his ……………………………….character. (conscience)
iv) The children played …………………………during the party. (merry) (4mks)
B. Replace the underlined word with a suitable phrasal verb formed from the word
provided in the brackets. (5mks)
i) We must remove the cause of the trouble(deal)
ii) They sat up till midnight discussing their plans for their holiday. (talk)
iii) How many people attended the meeting? (turn)
iv) He did his best to follow the principles of his religion. (live)
v) The news about the death of his wife so shocked him that he immediately
fainted. (pass)
C. Construct two sentences to give two meanings of each of the following words. (6mks)
i) Fan
ii) Bow
iii) Book

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