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Turkana District Mock-History Paper 1 Question Paper

Turkana District Mock-History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 1
Answer ALL questions in this section in the answer sheet provided.
1. What were the salient features of the Somali Culture? (2mks) *Trk*
2. Why was there a great demand for ivory from the Kenyan Coast by the Romans? (1mk) *Trk*
3. State one function of the council of elders among the Borana dunng the pre-colonial period. (1mk) *Trk*
4. Identify the major hindrance to missionary work along the Kenyan coast in the 19th century. (1mk) *Trk*
5. What main reason made the British invaders defeat early resistances against them in Kenya? (1mk) *Trk*
6. Give two main reasons why the colonial government denied Africans the right to grow cash crops.
(2mks) *Trk*
7. State two features of the political associations that were formed in Kenya before 1939. (2mks) *Trk*
8. Give two ways through which the colonial government controlled the migration of Africans to the urban centers. (2mks) *Trk*
9. Name one trade union in Kenya during the colonial period. (1mk) *Trk*
10. Give the main feature of the first parliament of independent Kenya. (1mk) *Trk*
11. Give and explain the significance of one of the colors of the Kenyan national flag. (1mk) *Trk*
12. List two reforms introduced by the NARC government in the prisons department. (2mks) *Trk*
13. Name two types of special tribunals in Kenya. (2mks) *Trk*
14. What is the main role of the Public Accounts Committee in Kenya? (1mk) *Trk*
15. State two circumstances, which may force the government to limit its citizens' freedom of association.
(2mks) *Trk*
16. Give one circumstance that might necessitate the holding of General Elections before the end of the parliament span. (1mk) *Trk*
17. Highlight the main reason for reviewing the Kenyan Constitution from time to time (1mk) *Trk*
Answer THREE questions in the answer sheet provided.
18. a. Explain briefly five reasons why trade developed between the East African coast and Arabia before the 19th Century. (5mks) *Trk*
b. What were the impacts of the Indian Ocean Trade on the Kenyan Coast? (10mks) *Trk*
19. a. Mention Agricultural changes which the British introduced in Kenya during the colonial period.
(5mks) *Trk*
b. Discuss ways in which the colonial land policies affected the Africans in Kenya. (10mks) *Trk*
20. a. Give three reasons why the British were interested in Kenya. (3mks) *Trk*
b. What immediate grievances did the Mau-Mau fighters have against the colonial government in Kenya? (5mks) *Trk*
c. What factors undermined African Nationalists' activities in Kenya between 1939 and 1963?(7mks) *Trk*
21. a. Mention two ways in which the Kenyan Government controls the activities of the parastatal organizations. (2mks) *Trk*
b. State five ways in which the Kenyan Government deals with financial deficit every year. (5mks) *Trk*
c. Explain reasons why there is poor performance by the statutory bodies in Kenya. (8mks) *Trk*
Answer two questions on the answer sheet provided.
22. a. Highlight the features of Kenya's Judiciary. (3mks) *Trk*
b. Identify six factors that may undermine the administration of Justice in Kenya. (6mks) *Trk*
c. Explain the process of resolving conflicts in Kenya. (6mks) *Trk*
23. a. Clearly state factors that may undermine free and fair elections in Kenya. (7mks) *Trk*
b. Discuss ways in which the electoral commission of Kenya (ECK) can do to minimize election fraud in a general election. (8mks) *Trk*
24. a. Name categories of civil servants who are appointed by the president. (5mks) *Trk*
b. Describe the functions of a District Commissioner in Kenya. (10mks) *Trk*
Answer ALL questions in this section in the answer sheet provided.
1. What were the salient features of the Somali Culture? (2mks) *Trk*
2. Why was there a great demand for ivory from the Kenyan Coast by the Romans? (1mk) *Trk*
3. State one function of the council of elders among the Borana during the pre-colonial period. (1mk) *Trk*
4. Identify the major hindrance to missionary work along the Kenyan coast in the 19th century. (1rnk) *Trk*
5. What main reason made the British invaders defeat early resistances against them in Kenya? (1mk) *Trk*
6. Give two main reasons why the colonial government denied Africans the right to grow cash crops.
(2mks) *Trk*
7. State two features of the political associations that were formed in Kenya before 1939. (2mks) *Trk*
8. Give two ways through which the colonia! government controlled the migration of Africans to the
urban centers. (2mks) *Trk*
9. Name one trade union in Kenya during the colonial period. (1mk) *Trk*
10. Give the main feature of the first parliament of independent Kenya. (1mk) *Trk*
11. Give and explain the significance of one of the colors of the Kenyan national flag. (1 mk) *Trk*
12. List two reforms introduced by the NARC government in the prisons department. (2mks) *Trk*
13. Name two types of special tribunals in Kenya. (2mks) *Trk*
14. What is the main role of the Public Accounts Committee in Kenya? (1mk) *Trk*
15. State two circumstances, which may force the government to limit its citizens' freedom of association.
(2mks) *Trk*
16. Give one circumstance that might necessitate the holding of General Elections before the end of the
parliament span. (1mk) *Trk*
17. Highlight the main reason for reviewing the Kenyan Constitution from time to time. mk) *Trk*

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