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Nakuru District Mock-History Paper 2 Question Paper

Nakuru District Mock-History Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Paper 2
July/August 2011
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
This paper consists of THREE Sections A, B, & C.
Answers all questions in section A, THREE questions in section B and TWO Questions in
section C.
Answers to all questions must be written in the answer sheets Provided
Candidates should check the question papers to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
Answer all the questions in this section
1. Give ONE advantage of anthropology as a source of history. (1mk)
2. State TWO economic activities of the early man during the middle stone age period (2mk)
3. Give ONE characteristic of Local Trade (1mk)
4. Identify TWO disadvantages of the internet as a modern means of communication (2mks)
5. Give two negative impacts of scientific inventions on agriculture (2mks)
6. Give TWO factors that led to Early Urbanization in Africa. (2mks)
7. Identify ONE Principal assistant of the Mwene Mutapa (1mk)
8. State ONE term of the Berlin conference of 1884-1885 (1mk)
9. Identify TWO reforms introduced by the Germans after the Maji Maji rebellion 2mks)
10. In which ONE way did Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Tanzania assist in the Liberation Struggle in Mozambique? (1mk)
11. State TWO negative ways in which the Versailles treaty of 1919 affected Germany (2mks)
12. Give ONE failure of the league of nations (1mk)
13. Name ONE member of the Axis powers in the 2nd world war (1mk)
14. Give ONE reason why communism collapsed in Eastern Europe (1mk)
15. Identify TWO terms of the Arusha declaration (2mks)
16. Name TWO member states of the COMESA (2mks)
17. Name ONE legislative house in India (1mk)
Answer any three questions from this section
18. (a) Identify FIVE similarities of early Agriculture in Egypt and Mesopotamia (5mks)
(b) Discuss the impact of the Agrarian Revolution in Britain (10mks)
19. (a) Outline FIVE factors that led to the development of the Trans-Saharan trade (5mks)
(b) Explain the social effects of the Trans-Saharan trade on the people of West Africa (10mks)
20. (a) Give FIVE factors that led to the growth of the Baganda Kingdom (5mks)
(b) Describe the political organization of the Asante Empire during the pre-colonial period (10mks)
21. (a) State three factors for the rise of Nationalism in South Africa (3mks)
(b) Explain the contribution of Nelson Mandela towards majority rule in South Africa (12mks)
Answer any two questions
22. (a) Why did the British use direct rule in Zimbabwe (3marks)
(b) Explain the effects of British direct rule in Zimbabwe (12marks)
23. (a) Give FOUR reasons why the Pan-African movement had not established itself in the African
continent before 1945. (5marks)
(b) Explain the challenges that faced Pan-African movement (10marks)
24. (a) Outline the functions of the congress in U.S.A.(United States of America) (5marks)
(b) Explain the advantages of the Federal system of Government in the U .S.A (United States of America (10marks)

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