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E-Business Question Paper


Course:Bachelor In Commerce

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2012

DIS 302: E-BUSINESS Continuous Assessment Test Time: 11:00 -12:10 PM
Answer all questions. Note that the questions do not necessarily carry equal marks. Write clearly and legibly. The use of examples and/or illustrations is encouraged.
a) Distinguish amongst the following e-business concepts:
i) E-Business and E-commerce
ii) Knowledge workers and data workers
iii) Affiliate and subscription revenue model
iv) Digital cash and peer to peer payment system
v) Net marketplace (e-Hub) and Exchange
(15 marks)
b) Explain the need for a socio-technical perspective of information systems in modern organizations and what this implies for all business workers, managers and information systems professionals. (5 marks)

2) Tokelezea Real Estate is a firm that manages, buys and sells properties such as houses and land on behalf clients. They have six offices across the country with the headquarters in Nakuru. These require close coordination including regular meetings with head office, and communication with field sales agents.
a) How would Tokelezea use the following systems to enhance business value:
i) Management Information Systems
ii) Transaction processing systems
iii) Decision support systems
In each case give specific examples of a typical decision, reports, and who could be using the system. (12 marks)
b) Describe the four stages of e-maturity Tokelezea would have to go through towards becoming a digital firm including the e-business functionality available at each stage. (6 marks)

a) Tokelezea, the firm described above has acquired a new ERP system that the senior managers saw in a competitor’s office in order to ensure that they were not left behind. Is this a wise decision? (3 marks)
b) What is the relationship between EDI and B2B systems? (3 marks)
c) Most aspiring tech entrepreneurs have in mind B2C while B2B may have many and larger opportunities. Describe any one B2B idea and how it can be realized to turn a profit in Kenya; mention any serious difficulties expected. (6 marks)

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