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Dis302 Question Paper



Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2011

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a) Explain the following E-Business terminologies:
i) EDI
ii) Informal information system
iii) Management Science
iv) Structured decision
v) Value proposition
vi) Enterprise system
vii) Price discrimination
viii) Personalization
ix) E-Hub
x) Digital wallet
(15 marks)
b) Information systems have become increasingly important to organizations due to an ever increasing scope. Show why this is so by detailing the historical development of their usage in organizations. (5 marks)

a) Evidence shows that e-commerce growing very fast in the world; give four factors that could help explain its rapid uptake. (8 marks)
b) “Most Kenyans do not own computers, and only have a basic mobile phone, so the hype concerning e-commerce is largely irrelevant to most as they are unlikely to ever make online purchases.” Discuss this opinion statement to clearly bring out your reasoned stance on the issue. Use of relevant well known real life examples is encouraged. (8 marks)

a) What type of information system would be used in each of the following situations and why:
i) A bank ATM network.
ii) For the owner of a fleet of matatus.
iii) A system to assist in preparing school time-tables.
(8 marks)
b) Despite its popularity, Facebook, the social networking site has never turned in a profit. Discuss possible reasons why this could be so, and what it implies for aspiring Kenyan internet entrepreneurs. (6 marks)

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