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E-Business Question Paper



Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2010

DIS 302 E-Business CAT BCom Module II 10 September 2010 6-7:20 PM________________________________________
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1. Many business names now include “e” as a prefix.
a. What makes a business “e”? (5 marks)
b. What trends have you observed that tell you whether Kenya is becoming (or not becoming) and information society? Use E-commerce trends elsewhere in evaluating Kenya’s progress. (10 marks)

2. Discuss how E-Business applications have transformed the following functions of management. Use examples of specific integrated applications to illustrate your answer, and in each case show how these add to business value.
a. Control
b. Coordinating
c. Planning
d. Executing (20 marks)

a. How does B2B E-commerce work, in comparison to B2C commerce? (5 marks)
b. Discuss the possibility and challenges of establishing a net-marketplace for a given Kenyan agricultural produce for export. Be specific in the product, and include key players and technologies for such a venture. (10 marks)

Total: 50 Marks

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