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Dis302 Question Paper



Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2010

July 11th 2011
Continuous Assessment Test Time: 6-7:20 PM
Answer all questions. Note that the questions do not necessarily carry equal marks.
Briefly explain the following terminologies:
a) E-business
b) Information systems literacy
c) B2G
d) Collaborative commerce
e) Business process
f) DSS
g) Business model
h) Affiliate revenue
i) Price transparency
j) Net exchange
(20 marks)

2) A growing management consulting firm wishes to take advantage of emerging e-business systems and e-commerce. Currently they only have standalone PCs and laptops used by individual employees. Communication is by email and telephone, and of course printed business documents. The firm has three different applications acquired over time that run separately to run administrative functions and some customer information.
a) What e-commerce business model would be appropriate for this firm? Explain how it would work, including a value proposition, and revenue model. (8 marks)
b) How would they benefit from installing:
i) ERP system
ii) CRM system (6 marks)
c) What two systems amongst TPS, MIS, DSS and ESS do you think would add most value to their bottom line and why? (4 marks)

a) Why are most e-commerce firms a mix of physical and digital aspects? (3 marks)
b) Most e-commerce in Kenya is B2C based on a mobile platform.
i) Explain the statement above. (3 marks)
ii) If as research shows most business transactions are between businesses, discuss with examples, prospects for B2B growth in Kenya. Use a graph to illustrate projected trends. (6 marks)

Total: 50 Marks

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