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Project Management  Question Paper

Project Management  

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2012

University of Nairobi
School of Business
Department of Management Science

November 12, 2012
Continuous Assessment Test Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Answer all questions. Write only what you have been asked to, not all that you happen to know about the subject or topic. Questions DO NOT carry equal marks.
a) Briefly describe the stages in a typical project life cycle, and show why the lifecycle approach has become dominant in project management. (10 marks)

b) What is common about all project cycle management (PCM) models? (3 marks)

c) How are projects organized to implement (i) a company strategy, or (ii) a national goal? (6 marks)

a) What is a pre-feasibility study, and how may one carry it out? (5 marks)

b) Explain the importance of and why the following steps may be required in a feasibility study: (12 marks)
i) Technical analysis
ii) Organizational/stakeholder analysis
iii) Social cost benefit analysis

c) A project is estimated to have the following cash-flows:
Year Amount 000’s Kshs
Costs Benefits
0 70,000 -
1 36000 45000
2 25000 55000
3 25000 75000
4 30000 69000

50% is financed at 12% from savings, 30% at 20% from a bank, and 20% from a private lender at 30% interest. Evaluate its financial viability using methods you consider adequate and make appropriate recommendations. Justify your choice of method and decisions. (8 marks)

3) A local university is organizing a career fair with over fifty companies and 3000 students expected. It shall be held in their graduation square with hired tents, invited guests, entertainment, speeches, and a cocktail in the evening. It shall be held 3 months from now on 14th February 2013, with a budget of Kshs. 500,000. Any expenditure beyond this must be approved by the Vice Chancellor. Your events management firm has been tasked with assisting in its organization.
a) What should be contained in the Project Brief/ Statement of work for this assignment? Why are its contents very important? (6 marks)

b) Develop a possible Work Breakdown Structure with 3 levels. (7 marks)

c) What scheduling tool will you use and why? (3 marks)


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