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Integrated Disease Surveillance And Response  Question Paper

Integrated Disease Surveillance And Response  

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Health Records And Information Management

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2013

university examination 2012/2013
2nd semester examination for degree of bachelor of science
(health services management)

PHI 205: integrated disease surveillance and response

1.Section A is compulsory
2.Answer question TWO and any other TWO questions

SECTION A (20 marks)
A.Explain the meaning of the term integrated disease surveillance and response (IDSR) (2marks)

B.using examples state the difference between the following terms
I)passive and active surveillance (4marks)
II)signs and symptoms (4marks)
III)validity and reliability (4marks)

C.define the following terms
I.epidemic (2marks)
II.endemic (2marks)
III.mortality (2marks)

SECTION B (50 marks)
In a cohort study on 200 farmers, a researcher established the following;
Total number of people exposed to pesticides 940
Total number of people unexposed to pesticides 1060
Total number of people with chronic disease 400
Total number of people with chronic disease
but not exposed to pesticides 240

I. Draw a well labelled 2x2 contingency table on this data (5 marks)
II. Calculate the outcome measure (RR and AR)on this data set (8 marks)
III.Interpret your results. (4 marks)
IV. Explain the application of odds ratio in analytic studies (3 marks)

scientific and factual database is essential to informed decision making
and conduct of public health prevention and control programs. Discuss the steps you will use in designing a surveillance system. (15 marks)

using illustrations explain the difference between incidence and prevalence (15 marks)

discuss the strategies to boost KEPI( Kenya Expanded program on Immunization) (15 marks)

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