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Trans-Nzoia District Mock-History Paper 1 Question Paper

Trans-Nzoia District Mock-History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 1
Section A (25 Marks)
Answer all questions in the section in the answer sheet provided
1. State two reasons why the Luo Migrated into Kenya. (2mks) *TRZ*
2. State sources of information on the early visitors to the East coast of Africa (2mks) *TRZ*
3. Give two factors that led to intensified slave trade at the coast of Kenya in the 19th century
(2mks) *TRZ*
4. State any three consequences of long distance trade in Kenya (3mks) *TRZ*
5. State two negative effects of spread of Christianity in Kenya (2mks) *TRZ*
6. Give any three results of conflicts (3mks) *TRZ*
7. Give three recommendations made by Lennox-Boyd constitution (3mks) *TRZ*
8. Give two reasons why Lenana of the Maasai collaborated with the British in the 19th century
(2mks) *TRZ*
9. State two reasons why an M.P in independent Kenya can loose his seat in parliament
(2mks) *TRZ*
10. State two factors that undermine national integration in Kenya (2mks) *TRZ*
11. Give two relationships between the central government and local authorities in Kenya
(2mks) *TRZ*
SECTION B (45mks)
Answer THREE questions in the answer sheet provided
12. (a). Describe the migration and settlement of the Luo into Kenya (10mks) *TRZ*
(b). Explain the effects of migration and settlement of the Luo to the Bantus already settled in
Kenya (5mks) *TRZ*
13. (a). Explain the reasons for Wanga’s collaboration with the British (10mks) *TRZ*
(b). Describe the results of Wanga’s collaboration (5mks) *TRZ*
14. (a). Describe the recommendations made by the Devonshire white paper (5mks) *TRZ*
(b). Explain ways through which the colonial government ensured adequate supply of labour to
settle farms in Kenya (10mks) *TRZ*
15. (a). Describe the demands made by Kenya African Union (K.A.U) after 1946 (5mks) *TRZ*
(b). Explain the role played by women in the struggle for independent in Kenya (10mks) *TRZ*
Section C (30mks)
Answer any TWO questions in the answer sheet provided
16. (a). Explain the functions of legislature in Kenya (5mks) *TRZ*
(b). Describe the process of law making in Kenya (10mks) *TRZ*
17. (a). Describe ways through which the independence of the judiciary is achieved in Kenya
(5mks) *TRZ*
(b). Explain the concept of Natural Justice as applied in Kenya (10mks) *TRZ*
18. (a). Describe the functions of civil servants in Kenya (8mks) *TRZ*
(b). Describe the duties of a chief in Kenya (7mks) *TRZ*

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