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Kassu District Mock-History Paper 2 Question Paper

Kassu District Mock-History Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

JUNE 2010
This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
Answer All questions in section A, Three from section Band Two from section C.
Answer to all the questions must be written in the answer booklet provided.
Answer all questions in this section in the answer sheets provided
1. What is the significance of studying Government? (1mk)
2. Mention two dating methods used by archaeologists. (2mks)
3. Mention one invention in Britain that promoted Agrarian Revolution. (2mks)
4. Give one reason why man started trade (1mk)
5. Why was Trans Atlantic trade referred to as triangular trade? (1mk)
6. State two limitations of using rafts as a means of transport (2mks)
7 state one advantage of use of petroleum as a source of energy. (1mk)
8. What factors contributed to the growth of Athens before 338 B.C. (2mks)
9. State two functions of the LUkiiko in Buganda kingdom (2mks)
10. State one obstacle faced by Samori Toure in his second empire. (1mk)
11. State two qualifications for one in Senegal to become a French citizen (2mks)
12. In what ways did the Second World war contribute the rise of nationalism in
Africa? (2mks)
13. Why did the U.S.A join the Allied powers in Second World War? (1mk)
Japanese invasion of an American fleet at pearl Harbour in Hawai
14. Give two characteristics of third world countries. (2mks)
15. State one objective of ECOWAS (1 mk)
16. Identify the social challenges that Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C) since
17. Give the main reason for the transfer of Tanzanian capital city from Dar-es-
Salaam to Dodoma. (1mk)
Answer any three questions from this section in the answer sheets provided
18. a) State five characteristics of the Home Sapiens. (5mks)
b) Describe the culture of man during the Neolithic period. (10mks)
19 a) Give three ways in which trade led to the rise of Asante Empire during the
pre-colonial period? (3mks)
b) Describe the political organization of the Asante people during the
nineteenth century (12 mks)
20. a) Identify five methods used by the African Nationalists to fight against
b) What problems did the southern African Nationalists encounter in their
struggle for independence. (10 mks)
21. a) What main political developments has Tanzania undergone since the
attainment of her independence. (7mks)
b) Explain economic challenges faced by Tanzania undergone since
independence. (8mks)
Answer any two questions from this section answer sheets provided
21. a) what were the causes of the First world war of 1914 to 1918? (5mks)
b) Describe five factors that enabled the allied forces to win the First World
War. (10mks)
22. a) State five a of Pan Africanism. (5mks)
b) Why was Pan African movement not active in Africa before 1945?
23. a) What were the functions of chiefs and Emirs in northern Nigeria. (5mks)
b) Explain five reasons why indirect rule failed in southern Nigeria.

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