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Homabay-Suba District Mock-History Paper 2 Question Paper

Homabay-Suba District Mock-History Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Paper 2
July / August - 2007
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
This paper consists of three sections, A, B and C
Answer ALL questions in section A, three questions from Section B and two questions
from Section C.
Answers to all the questions must be written in the answer booklets provided.
This paper consists of 4 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated
and no questions are missing
Answer all the questions in this section in the separate booklets provided.
1. Give ONE limitation in the use of linguistics as a source of information in History. (1mk)
2. Why is East Africa regarded as the place where man first evolved? (1mk)
3. Identify ONE way in which political instability causes food shortages in some countries.
4. Identify ONE way in which the invention of the wheel promoted early transport. (1mk)
5. Give two functions of LUKIKO in Buganda Kingdom. (2mks)
6. Give TWO ways in which industrial revolution contributed to urbanization. (2mks)
7. State TWO functions of Meroe during the pre colonial period. (2mks)
8. Give two inventions that improved textile manufacturing industry in Britain in the 18th
Century. (2mks)
9. Give the MAIN advantage of a cell phone (1mks)
10. State the MAIN reason why the Berlin conference was held (1mk)
11. Identify TWO reasons why some African communities collaborated with European
Imperialists. (2mks)
12. State TWO ways in which Kwame Nkurumah contributed to liberation struggle in Africa.
13. Give two reasons why the struggle for independence in Mozambique was violent. (2mks)
14. Identify the MAIN difference between membership to the House of Lords and the House of
Commons in the British Parliament. (1mk)
15. Name TWO independent institutions within COMESA (2mks)
16. State the MAIN reason why the 1945 Manchester Pan African congress is a landmark in the
history of Africa. (1mk)
17. Give ONE function of the cabinet in the government of India. (1mk)
Answer any THREE questions in this section in the booklets provided.
18. a) What were the advantages of the land enclosure system in Britain? (5mks)
b) Explain the remedies of food shortages in Africa (10mks)
19. a) Describe the organization of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (5mks)
b) Explain FIVE factors that led to the decline of the Trans Atlantic trade. (10mks)
20. a) State THREE sectors of the Brazilian Industrialization. (3mks)
b) Explain six factors influencing industrialization in Brazil. (12mks)
21. a) Give FIVE reasons why the British used indirect rule to administer Northern Nigeria
b) Explain why the use of indirect rule was unsuccessful in Southern Nigeria. (10mks)
Answer any TWO QUESTIONS only in separate answer sheets provided
22. a) What were the economic activities of the Shona during the 19th Century. (5mks)
b) Describe the political organization of the Shona Kingdom during the precolonial period.
23. a) State the characteristics of the commonwealth nations (5mks)
b) Explain the political effects of the second world war. (10mks)
24. a) Identify the features of the USA constitution (5mks)
b) Describe the limits of presidential powers in the USA federal system. (10mks)

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