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Ndhiwa District Mock-Cre Paper 2 Question Paper

Ndhiwa District Mock-Cre Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
C. R. E
Paper 2
This paper consist of six questions
Answer any five questions from this paper in the answer booklet provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that both pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing
Answer any five questions in the booklets provided
1. (a) Give reasons why the Bible is referred to as the word of God. (8mks)
(b) Outline the deference in the two occurents of creation in Gen 1 and 2 (6mks)
(c ) What are the consequences of breaking taboos in the traditional African Community. (6mks)
2. (a) Outline the background to the call of Abraham. (5mks)
(b) Give the similarities between the Jewish and African practice of circumcision. (8mks)
(c) Identify reasons why Christians condemn traditional practice of female Circumcision
in Kenya. (7mks)
3. (a) Describe the nature of the Canaanite religion. (8mks)
(b) Identify ways in which King Jeroboam contributed to the religious schism
Between Judah and Israel. (6mks)
(a) What life skills do Christians need to use in order to fight corruption in Kenyan
today. (6mks)
4. (a) Outline the content of Jeremiah’s letter to the elders in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:1-32) (8mks)
(b) Give the differences between the covenant foretold by Jeremiah and the Sinai Covenant. (8mks)
(c ) Identify four forms idolatry that threaten Christianity today. (4mks)
5. (a) Outline seven religious challenges that Jeremiah faced in Judah. (7mks)
(b) Explain Jeremiah’s final reforms. (7mks)
(c ) State the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian. (6mks)
6. (a) Outline seven rituals performed during the birth of a child in Traditional African Community. (7mks)
(b) Give six reasons why children are important in Traditional African Communities. (6mks)
(c ) Identify the factors that affect the kinship system in traditional African society. (7mks)

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