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Bureti District Mock-History Paper 1 Answers Question Paper

Bureti District Mock-History Paper 1 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Define the term pre – history ( 1 mk)
The time before use of written records in history.
2. Identify the main reason why the Mijikenda live in Kayas. (1 mk)
To protect themselves against attacks from hostile neighbours
3. Give reasons why thre Arabs migrated to the Kenyan coast before 1500 A.D. (2mks)
i) To trade
ii) To escape religious conflicts / civil wars
iii) To spread Islam
iv) For adventure / Exploration. (Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks)
4. Name two communities who were actively involved in the long distance
trade in Kenya during the colonial period. (2mks)
i) Akamba iii) Agiryama
ii) Swahili iv) Arabs ( any 2x 1= 2mks)
5. Give two factors that caused conflict between the Omam rulers and
Mazrui of Mombasa ( 2mks)
i) Oman rulers wanted to expand their potential influence over Mombasa.
ii) Mazrui governors wanted to be independent.
iii) Mazrui was aware of the civil wars facing Oman rulers back at home.
Iv) Oman rulers wanted to control the Indian ocean trade. ( any 2 x 1 = 2 mks)
6. Identify two contributions of John krapf to the spread of Christianity in Kenya. ( 2 mks)
i) He built a church at Rabai
ii) He translated the bible to Kiswahili.
iii) Trained catechists who assisted in the spread o the gospel.
iv) Encouraged missionaries to come to Kenya.
v) He did exploration work which led to the opening up of the interior
of Kenya. ( Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks)
7. Give two main aims of the building of the Kenya – Uganda railway. (2 mks)
i) To provide a quicker and cheaper means of transport from the coast to the interior.
ii) To be able to export various commodities e.g cotton from Uganda.
iii) To transport colonial administration and officials thus help to establish effective British administration.
iv) To help stamp out slave trade ( any 2 x 1 = 2 mks)
8. Give two reasons why Nabongo Mumia collaborated with the British ( 2 mks)
i) He wanted British protection in order to securely be accepted as king of the Wanga
to be paramount chief.
ii) He wanted their assistance against his hostile neighbors e.g the Luo of Ugenya.
iii) He needed their support to expand his territory.
iv) He needed European goods for prestige and fame. (Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks)
9. Give the reasons why KANU declined to form government despite having won in the 1961 election
( 1 mk)
Wanted release of Kenyatta. (Any 1 x 1 = 1 mk)
10. State two reasons why independent schools were established in Kenya ( 2 mks)
i) To give African children more opportunities for formal eduction.
ii) To address discrimination in the education system ( leadership)
iii) To preserve the African cultural identity.
iv) To preserve the African cultural identity.
v) To provide job opportunities for African teachers. ( Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks.
11. State two features of human rights ( Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks
i) Condition of life necessary for development of human / inborn/ God given.
ii) It is enjoyed equally by all members. ( Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks)
12. State one way in which the Kenyan constitution promotes national unity. ( 1 mk)
i) Guarantees equal opportunities for all Kenyans.
ii) Provide protection to individuals against any form of discrimination / bill of right.
iii) Provide for unitary government. ( Any 1 x 1 = 1 mk)
13. Name two types of local government authorities in Kenya. ( 2 mks)
i) City council
ii) Urban council
iii) Municipality
iv) Town council
v) Area council ( Any 2 x 1 = 2 mk)
14. Identity two national philosophies used as development strategies in Kenya. ( 2 mks)
i) African Socialism
ii) Nyayoism
iii) Harambee. ( Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks)
15. Name the organ of the government that administer Justice through court system.( 1 mk)
16. a) State five economic reasons why the cushites migrated from their original homeland into Kenya. ( 5 mks)
i) Search for pasture / drought
ii) Outbreak of animals and Human diseases.
iii) Search for land for cultivation
iv) Internal conflicts
v) Invasion by outsiders
vi) Over population Any 5 x 1 = 5 mks
b) What were the results of the migration of the cushites into Kenya during its
pre – colonial period. ( 10 mks)
i) Cushites displaced some communities they came into contact with
e.g cushites forced the eastern Bantus to evaluate shungwaya.
ii) The cushites traded with Bantus. This promoted economic activities in the country.
iii) The cushites interacted with the Kenyan communities and this led to
inter marriage between them.
iv) The cushites introduced new breeds of animals which are now widespread in Kenya
e.g Borana cattle.
v) The cushites fought wars with some of the Bantus groups and this created instabilities
and loss of life.
vi) The cushites introduced the age – set system among the nilotic and Bantu
vii) The cushites practiced of circumcision among some Kenyan communities.
viii) There was the emergence of new communities e.g Digit
( Any 5 well explained x 2 = ( 10 mks).
17. a) State five features of the coastal city states by 1500 A.D ( 5 mks)
i) Kiswahili was used as the main medium of communication ( 5 mks)
ii) Islam was the main religion practiced in towns.
iii) Islamic law/ sharia was used in administration.
iv) Houses were constructed using Arabic architecture
v) Trade was the main economic activity in towns.
vi) The city state were generally divided in two sections, one muslim and other African.
vii) The city state were independent political entities.
viii) Towns minted their own coins /money
ix) People wore woven and silk clothes.
x) They practiced mixed farming. They grew bananas yams and coconuts.
xi) They fished in the Indian ocean fish/ sea food was a major for part of their diet.
( any 5 x1 = ( 5 mks)
18. b) Describe how seyyid said contributed towards the development of international trade along the Kenyan coast in the nineteenth century. ( 10 mks)
i) He encouraged foreign traders to trade along the Kenyan coast.
ii) He signed trade agreements with European countries and U.S.A to promote foreign
trade .
iii) He invited Indian Banyans to settle along the East African coast and trade.
iv) He encouraged several international powers to trade with East African west of Britain
France , Germany.
v) He gave the countries he signed treaties with the right is open consults in Zanzibar.
vi) He created political stability along the East African coast which was conduce the
international trade.
vii) He provided security for slave traders hence intensified slave trade between the
Kenyan coast and the outside world.
viii) He established a well organized long distance trade into the interior of E. Africa which provided commodities for international trade.
ix) He financed some of the Arab and foreign traders who participated in international
x) He established plantation agriculture which produced commodities for international
trade e.g doves. Any 5 2 = 10 mks
20. a) What were the activities of imperial British East Africa ( IBEA CO) between
1888 and 1895. ( 5 mks)
i) It traded with the local communities promoted legitimate trade.
ii) It established administrative posts / maintained law and order / levying and collecting
iii) It discouraged slave trading.
iv) It provided information about the interior of East Africa.
v) It built the Uganda railway.
vi) It secured the British sphere of influence / promoted the spread of western civilization.
vii) It secured the British sphere of western civilization.
viii) If suppressed African resistance against the British .
ix) It pioneered the construction of roads / improved infrastructure.
b) Explain five benefits of colonial Agriculture to the Africans in Kenya. ( 10 mks)
i) African acquire title deed for their farms which were formally communally owned.
ii) African learnt large scale agricultural production.
iii) Africans acquired employment in the European farms.
iv) New crops and animals were introduced to the Africans.
v) Africans acquired new scientific methods of farming e.g use of farming e.g use of
vi) Increased farm production enabled the Africans to start trade.
vii) Africans were able to access credit facilities using their title deeds.
viii) Africans were able to access credit facilities using their title deeds.
ix) Industrialization began as crops and animals products were to be processed.
x) Africans moved to urban centre where they enjoyed better social amenities.
xi) Colonial Agriculture led to rise of agriculture institutions where African acquired
technical educations
xii) Development of infrastructure facilities. ( any 5 x 2 = 10 mks)
21. a) State five problems that faced the early political organizations in Kenya upto 1939 ( 5 mks)
i) Arrest and deportation of their leaders/ harassment and detention.
ii) The organization were banned by the colonial government.
iii) They were ineffective because of ethnicity / rivalry and suspicion within and among
political parties / were district based.
iv) They organizations lacked the support of the masses.
v) They lacked funds to promote their activities.
vi) The leaders lacked organizational skills.
vii) The members were denied the freedom of association and movement.
viii) The organizations were denied access to the media. ( any 5 x 1 = ( 5 mks)
b) Explain the factors that promoted African nationalism in Kenya
between 1945 – 1963 ( 10 mks)
i) The Africans by then had acquired western education that made them air grievances
more forcefully/ They were able to know the various developments taking place.
ii) The experience the solders got after world war II, giving them political determination
for independence.
iii) The granting of independence to Indian and Pakistan in 1947 which aroused great
confidence among Africans in Kenya.
iv) The Atlantic charter ( 911 signed bet Winston Churchill and USA president Franklin
Delano Roosevelt / All subjects after war were to enjoy the right is self determination.
v) Spirit of Pan Africanism.
vi) The labor party in Britain favoured decolonization. USA/ USSR as supper powers
both supported decolonization.
vii) The World War II drained the treasures of European countries Britain & trace.
ix) The United Nations (UN) formed after the war advocated the grating of political
freedom to all. Any 5 x 2 10 mks
– Answer any two questions.
20. a) What were the three main features of independence constitution of Kenya (3 mks)
i) It provided for the established of a federal government.
ii) It spelt out that the policy with the majority forms the government / multi patism.
iii) It spelt out the nights and obligations of individuals / citizens.
iv) It provided for the establishment of national Assembly consisting of the senate and the
house of representative bicarment house.
v) It provided for a position / post of prime minister to head the government and a
general t head the state.
vi) It spelt out the powers and responsibilities of the central government and regional
vii) It established regional governments with regional assemblies and presidents.
viii) It divided responsibilities between regional governments and the central government.
b) Explain the powers that the constitution of Kenya gives to the president.
i) Powers to prolong parliament / dissolve the national Assembly.
ii) Powers to appoint and dismiss the vice president and ministers.
iii) Powers to appoint and dismiss senior public officials /servants.
iv) Powers to pardon criminals who are convicted in a court of law.
v) Powers to maintain peace in the country by upholding the rule of law.
vi) Powers to preserve public security through declaring the state of emergency.
vii) Powers to permit ministers and other officers in the civil service to be out of the
ix) Powers to declare war or make peace with enemies.
x) Powers to establish commissions of enquiry to investigate issue of national
xi) Powers to perform the official opening of parliament after general elections.
xii) Powers to nominate members of parliament after a general election
(Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
21. a) State the functions of the police force. (5 mks)
i) Maintaining law and order in the country.
ii) Investigating crimes.
iii) Enhancing state security / Display during official functions.
iv) Providing security to travelers in emergency, remote insecure areas.
v) Detecting and preventing of crimes.
vi) Arresting suspected criminals.
vii) Prosecuting suspected criminals in law courts.
viii) Collecting and analyzing intelligence information and documents to fight crime.
ix) Controlling the flow of traffic.
x) Inspecting vehicles.
xi) Monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic at border points.
xii) Cooperating with the Interpol to deal with international crime.
xiii) Assessing trainee drivers for licensing. Any 7 x 1 = 7 mks
b) Explain five ways to reducing criminal activities ( 10 mks)
i) Encourage cooperation between the police and public in combating crime.
ii) Sensisting / Educating the public on matters of criminology / criminal.
iii) Improving the social and economic conditions of the people in order to reduce the
temptation to engage in criminal activities.
iv) The government should ensure that there is enforcement of the law.
v) The terms and conditions of the service for law enforcement agencies should be
improved to motivate them to perform their duties deligently/ specialize training of
anti – crime police force.
vi) The law enforcement agencies should be equipped with appropriate equipment for
combating crime.
vii) Encouraging the people to lead a morally upright life.
viii) Organising effective regular police patrols / increase ration of police.
Any 5 x 2 = ( 10 mks)
22. a) Why does the government of Kenya prepare an annual budget. ( 8 mk)
i) To enable the government to prioritize its needs.
ii) Help the government to identify sources to revenue.
iii) Enables the parliament to approve government expenditure.
iv) Enables parliament to approve government expenditure.
v) Enable the government to estimate the financial requirements for its needs.
vi) Acts as reference for future in correcting .
vii) Smooth running of the government to identify its departments and allocate duties
appropriately thus enhancing accountability.
viii) Give useful information to those organizations and individuals who may want to keep
track of the government expenditure.
ix) Enables the government to account for funds borrowed / donated for development .
x) Accomplish already started projects. ( Any 8 x 1 = 8 mks)
b) What measures does the Kenya government take to ensure the public funds are properly used.
(7 mks)
i) The government ensures that all intended expenditure is approved by parliament
before any expenditure by government.
ii) All reports on expenditure by government ministers are presented to the public
accounts committee to the public.
iii) The controller and auditor – general audit ministries and reports to parliament.
iv) The PS in every ministry is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that
government funds are well spent.
v) The auditor – general of state corporations audits the expenditure of all government
vi) Government contracts area advertised publicly for tendering and awards are made on
vii) Establishment of Kenya Anti corruption authority. ( KACA) ( Any 7 x 1 = 7 mks)

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