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Bureti District Mock-History Paper 1  Question Paper

Bureti District Mock-History Paper 1  

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME………………………………………………………. INDEX NO……………………..
Paper 1
JULY / AUGUST - 2010
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
JULY / AUGUST - 2010
Time: 2 ½ Hours
This paper consists of THREE sections A , B and C
Answer ALL the questions in Section A, THREE questions from section B and TWO questions in section C
Answers to ALL the questions MUST be written in the answer booklet provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed
as indicated and no questions are missing
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.
1. State one earliest written sources of History about the Kenyan coast. (1mk)
2. Give two reasons why the Portuguese built Fort Jesus on the Kenyan coast. (2mks)
3. State the Main reason why the Arabs came to the coast of Kenya before 1600 AD. (1mk)
4. Give one contribution made by Seyyid said to the economy of the Kenyan coast in the 19th
century. (1mk)
5. State two factors that facilitated the participation of the Akamba in the long long distance trade.
6. State two terms of the second Anglo – German agreement of 1890. (2mks)
7. Give two factors that undermined the activities of the African nationalists in Kenya between 1945 and 1963. (2mks)
8. State two factors that undermined the activities of the African nationalists in Kenya between 1945
and 1963. (2mks)
9. Give two ways in which Africans in Kenya benefited from the Devonshire white paper of 1923.
10. Give one way through which African migration to urban centres was controlled by the colonial
government. (1mk)
11. Identify two challenges that Moi faced as the president of Kenya between 1978- 2002 (2mks)
12. State one importance of the swynnerton plan of 1954 to Kenyan farmers during the colonial period. (1mk)
13. Identify one right enjoyed by an accused person in Kenya. (1mk)
14. State two challenges the education sector in Kenya is facing today. (2mks)
15. Identify one occasion when the Kenyan president must attend parliament. (1mk)
16. Identify one method of conflict resolution in Kenya. (1mk)
17. Mention the tittle of the officer who renders voluntary service in the provincial administration.
Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.
18. a) i) In which ways did the Agikiuyu and the Masaai interact during the Pre-colonial period(3mks)
ii) State five roles of the Oloibon among the Maasai during the pre-colonial period. (5mks)
b) Explain the socio – political organization of the Maasai during the pre-colonial period. (7mks)
19. a) Give five factors which made the Wanga to collaborate with the British (5mks)
b) Explain five ways through which Africans in Kenya demonstrated their resistance to the British
20. a) State three independent religious movements which were established in Kenya by1930. (3mks)
b) Explain six causes for the rise of independent churches and schools in Kenya during the
colonial period. (12mks)
21. a) Give five indirect ways the colonial government used to settle the problem of labour shortage for the settlers (5mks)
b) What are the challenges facing the Agricultural sector in Kenya today. (10mks)
Answer any two questions from this section in answer booklet provided.
22. a) Name the three divisions of the armed forces. (3mks)
b) Explain six functions of the armed forces in Kenya. (12mks)
23. a) State five factors that limit national unity in Kenya. (5mks)
b)Explain five factors that led to the re – introduction of multi party democracy in Kenya in 1991. (10mks)
24. a) Explain why the government of Kenya prepares the national budget every year. (5mks)
b) What measures does the Kenya government take to ensure that public funds are properly
utilized. (10mks)

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