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Kapsabet District Mock- Cre Paper 2 Question Paper

Kapsabet District Mock- Cre Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
Paper 2
March/April 2009
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
March/April 2009
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Instructions to Candidates
• Answer Any Five questions from this paper
This paper consists of 2 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. (a) How did John the Baptist fulfill the prophecies of Malachi 3:1? (8mks)
(b) Describe the attributes of the child as revealed by the angel Gabriel to Mary (7mks)
(c) How is God revealing himself to Christians today? (7mks)
2. (a) Outline the prophecies made during the dedication of Jesus in the temple (7mks)
(b) Narrate the Baptism of Jesus (7mks)
(c) Why do Christians accept to be baptized in their churches today (6mks)
3. (a) Why did the Nazarenes reject Jesus Christ? (8mks)
(b) Identify the miracles that Jesus performed on the Sabbath days (6mks)
(c) Describe factors that would lead to the rejection of a religious leader in Kenya today (6mks)
4. (a) Describe the events that led to the death of Jesus Christ (8mks)
(b) Why were the disciples reluctant to accept the message of Jesus resurrection from the holy woman? (7mks)
(c) Identify ways in which Christians have suffered in trying to spread the Gospel (5mks)
5. (a) Give reasons why Peter assumed the leadership position on eh day of Pentecost (8mks)
(b) Describe the day of Pentecost as portrayed in the book of acts of apostles chapter two (8mks)
(c) State four qualities of Peter that a modern leader should emulate (4mks)
6. (a) Describe the gifts criteria of the holy spirit (7mks)
(b) Outline Pauline’s criteria for discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit (7mks)
(c) How are Christians demonstrating the supremacy of love in their lives today (6mks)

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