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Bomet/Chepalungu Districts Mock - Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper

Bomet/Chepalungu Districts Mock - Computer Studies Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

PAPER 1(Theory)
Kenya certificate of secondary education 2010
This paper consist of TWO sections A and B
Answer all questions in section A
Answer question 16 and other THREE questions from section B
All answers should be written in the spaces provided on the question paper

1.a) Define the term ‘operating system’ (1mk)
b) State three classifications of operating system in terms of their interfacing. (3mks)
2. a) Define the term computer laboratory (2mks)
b) Explain two factors to be considered when preparing a computer laboratory.
3. Briefly explain the following terms as used in disk management
(i) Fragmentation (1mk)
(ii) Compression (1mk)
(iii) Disk partitioning (1mk)
4. What are turn around documents? (2mks)
b) Name any two data capture techniques that make use of turnaround document.
5.a) Define the term ‘algorithm.’ (1mk)
b) Write an algorithm to compute the area of a triangle (2mks)
6.a) Describe three functions performed by the CPU (3mks)
7. Differentiate between Batch processing and real time processing modes. (2mks)
8.a) What is document formatting? (2mks)
b) Give any five document formatting features of a word processor (5mks)
9. What is electronic spread sheet software. (2mks)
b) A worksheet contains the data shown below
Cell A1 A2 A3 C1 C2 C3 G1
Entry 5 7 10 10 15 15 =sum
State the value displayed in G1 (2mks)

10.a) Define the term normalization as used in data base design (2mks)
b) State three objectives of normalization. (3mks)
11. What is text wrap. (2mks)
b) Explain three ways you can wrap-text an object. (6mks)

12. Name the two most common protocols for the internet (2mks)
13. Explain the following:
(i) Data security (2mks)
(ii) Data integrity (2mks)
14. Distinguish between logical and physical computer file (4mks)
15. Name two methods of paper orientation as used in DTP (2mks)
Answer question 16 and any other THREE questions from this section on the spaces
16. MOLYN sawing society (MSS) pays 10% interest on shares exceeding ksh100, 000
and 6% on shares that do not meet this target. However no interest is paid on
deposits in the members MSS bank account.
a) Design a pseudocode program that would:
(i) Prompt the user for shares and deposits of a particular member
(ii) Calculate the interest on total savings
(iii) Display the interest and total savings on the screen for a particular member of
the society (7mks)
b) Draw a flow chart for the above pseudocode (8mks)
17. A manager wishes to replace the current manual system with a computerized one
a) Describe three main areas that must be evaluated to justify the replacement.
b) List the three areas that would be considered in the requirement specifications
c) Explain three ways that can be followed to replace the system. (6mks)
18.a) Subtract 01112 from 10012 (1mk)
b) Using two’s complement subtracts 7 from 2 and give the answer in decimal notation.
c) Convert: (i) 91B16 to octal (3mks)
(ii) 3768 to hexadecimal (3mks)
(iii) 9.62510 to binary (4mks)
19.a) Outline the features applications, advantages and disadvantages of the on-line
data processing mode. (8mks)
b) Explain the use of the following file in an organization
(i) Master file (2mks)
(ii) Transaction file . (2mks)
(iii) Back-up file (2mks)
(iv) Report file (1mk)
20.a) With the aid of a diagram briefly describe any three types of network topologies.
b) Describe the following terms as used in programming
(i) Interpreter (2mks)
(ii) Compiler (2mks)
(iii) Source code (2mks)

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