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Bondo/Rarieda District Mock - Cre Paper 2 Question Paper

Bondo/Rarieda District Mock - Cre Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Name ………………………..………………………… Index No. ..………………..…….….
School ………………………………………………... Candidates Sign: …………....…..…
Date: ………………………………..
Paper 2
July / August – 2008
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
July / August – 2008
Time: 2 ½ Hours
• Answer any FIVE questions in the Answer booklet provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the
Pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
1. a) In what ways did Jesus fulfill the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah about the suffering servant?
(8 mks)
b) Outline the teachings of John the Baptist concerning the Messiah. (7 mks)
c) What are some of the factors that hinder people from accepting the call of Christ to
salvation? (5 mks)
2. a) Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus Christ. (5 mks)
b) Outline Jesus teachings on prayer. (7 mks)
c) What do Christians learn about Jesus from the healing of the paralytic? (5 mks)
3. a) Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? (7 mks)
b) Describe the trials of Jesus. (8 mks)
c) What is the importance of Jesus’ resurrection to Christians today? (5 mks)
4. a) Outline the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost. (7 mks)
b) In what ways did St. Paul use the human body to demonstrate the unity of believers. (7 mks)
c) Identify the reasons why Christians in Kenya should work in unity. (6 mks)
5. a) Why is the church against raping? (8 mks)
b) Outline the African understanding of family. (6 mks)
c) In what ways has the practice of family planning brought conflicts in the modern families?
(6 mks)
6. a) What is the secular understanding of work? (7 mks)
b) Why is the Kenyan Government encouraging her citizens to engage in self – employment?
(8 mks)
c) How best should a Christian spend his/her leisure time? (5 mks)

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