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Borabu District Mock - Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper

Borabu District Mock - Computer Studies Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Candidate’s Signature………………
Date ………………………………..
Paper 1
July/August 2009
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
July/August 2009
2 ½ Hours
• Answer all questions in section A.
• Answer question 15 (Compulsory) and any other THREE questions in section B.
• All answers should to be written in the spaces provided in the question paper

This paper consists of 8 Printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
Papers are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
Answer all the questions in this section
1. a) Explain the role of the following
i) Computer programmer. (4mks)
ii) Software engineer (1mk)
b) i) What is electronic point of sale terminal? (1mk)
ii) Explain two advantages of using this system. (2mks)
iii) Give an application area of this system. (1mk)
2. Explain the purposes of the following files.
a) Back up (1mk)
b) Reference (1mk)
3. a) Perform the following binary arithmetic giving the answer in decimal notation. (2mks)
11101.011 + 111.111
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
b) State two application areas of virtual reality. (2mks)
4. What are the purposes of the following DOS commands (3mks)
a) RD
b) DIR *.*
c) CD
5. a) State three differences between wide area network and local area network (1½ mks)
b) Explain the terms below as used in computer network.
(i) Point to print (1mk)
(ii) Broadcast (1mk)
6. State three parts that constitute an array statement. (1½ mks)
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
7. You are provided with USB, Parallel and Serial cables. Which of the cables provided can be used to:
a) Support variety of peripheral devices. (1mk)
b) Transmit data in short distance. (1mk)
c) Transmit data fast in long distance. (1mk)
8. The formula, K20 + P & 18 was typed in cell L21 and then copied to cell M24 of spreadsheet. Write
a formula as it appears in cell M24. (2mks)
9. Distinguish between logical and physical files as used in computer. (2mks)
10. Tea processing zone wants to acquire new software,
a) State three items that should accompany the software (1½ mks)
b) State three purpose of word processing package. (1½ mks)
11. Give two differences of high and low level languages (2mks)
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
12. Define terms below
a) Nibble (1mk)
b) Bit (1mk)
c) Word (1mk)
13. The diagram below represents a task bar. Use it to answer the questions below.
a) Name the part labelled
(i) R …………………………………………………………………… (½ mk)
(ii) S …………………………………………………………………… (½mk)
b) Explain the difference between R and S (1mk)
14. a) Name two types of files in a computer (1mk)
b) Explain safety precaution in computer safeguarding
(i) Hardware (1mk)
Start R S
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
(ii) Loss of computer programs (1mk)
Answer question 15 is compulsory and any other three questions from this section.
15. a) Define the terms below
i) Algorithm (1mk)
ii) Pseudo code (1mk)
iii) Flowchart (1mk)
b) Draw a flowchart to compute the result of the following formula (5mks)
K = 1 .
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
c) Write a program in high level language for a flowchart in b(above) (5mks)
d) Explain the purpose of program compilation before testing. (2mks)
16. You are provided with the following entries in the spreadsheet.
1 Items Jan Feb Mar April
2 Shoes 500 500 500 500
3 Pencils 400 300 600 700
4 Books 100 200 150 350
5 Ruler 900 760 350 102
6 Rubber 60 80 200 450
a) State the cell data type represented by
i) Cell A4 (1mk)
ii) Cell C 4 (1mk)
iii) Explain the difference between cell A 4 and C 4 (1mk)
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
b) Provide a formula for cell E5 that can be used to give 10% increase of cell E5 (2mks)
c) Using count function write an expression to determine the number of items greater 300 in the
month of January (2mks)
d) Explain two reasons why
i) Hypertext mark up language is not a true programming language.
ii) State three examples of web scripting language. (3mks)
e) Differentiate between validation and verification as used in system development. (1mk)
(f) Explain two advantages of using modules during system implementation stage of
development. (2mks)
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
17. a) i) Explain two advantages of acquiring micro-computers in schools (2mks)
ii) With an aid of well labeled diagram explain mesh network topology. (3mks)
iii) Explain two advantages and one disadvantage using this topology. (2mks)
b) Distinguish between:
i) Data encryption and passwords. (1mk)
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
ii) Dry run and walk through (1mk)
c) The diagram below represents essential features of a computer system. Study the diagram and
answer the question the follows:
i) Name the components
X ………………………………………………………………….
R ……………………………………………………………………
S …………………………………………………………………….
Q …………………………………………………………………… (4mks)
ii) In the diagram above indicate the direction of data flow using arrows. (2mks)
18. a) i) What is multimedia? (1mk)
ii) State two examples of multimedia system. (2mks)
b) Firestone Kenya purchased hardware components from World Computer services, Firestone
Kenya later demanded a document of warranty.
i) What is a warranty? (1mk)
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
ii) Describe three important information that may entail in the warranty. (6mks)
c) Give three examples of special purpose memories found in the central processing unit. (3mks)
d) Explain difference between read and write with reference to computer memory. (2mks)
19. a) Explain how the operating system perform the following:
i) Job sequencing (2mks)
ii) Job scheduling (2mks)
b) With use of examples describe types of desktop publishing software. (4mks)
Ó 2009 Borabu District Examination Panel Computer Studies 451/1 Turn over
c) Define the terms below
i) Chatting (1mk)
ii) Website (1mk)
iii) Search engine (1mk)
b) Explain the effect of information technology in:
i) Employment (2mks)
ii) Environment (2mks)

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