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Nandi North District - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Nandi North District - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

101 1
1. Mr and Mrs M are planning to invite 5 (five) guests to lay strategies of an impending campaign rally. Paulina has been asked to prepare a special meal for the five guests. As Paulina, write a recipe of the meal. 20mks*NDI*


Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
The day was like any other. I had just (1)________________________ preparing
supper for the family and I was (2) _____________________ some water for a bath at around 8p.m. My mother was in an adjacent room (3) _________________________ for supper before retiring to bed. My father had (4) ________________________ at work in the maize plantation the whole day. All appeared well. He had not complained about anything.
Suddenly there he was, emerging from the darkness, armed with a panga. I could (5)
____________________ him calling out my name. Before I could respond or even figure (6)
________________ what was happening, he entered the house and walked to the room (7)
_____________________our mother sat in a chair, dozing. He started slashing her. She started screaming. I ran into the room screaming and tried to shield her (8)________________him. My father seemed determined to kill her . He overpowered me by throwing me to the ground, and continued to cut up the old woman.
By now, she (9) ____________________ on the ground unconscious. He immediately
turned (10) _____________________ me, slashing me indiscriminately with the panga. That is
all I remember.

3. (i) Imagine you are an adjudicator in the drama festivals adjudicating an oral narrative performance. List down six narrative techniques you would look out for in the performer.
(ii) Explain the meaning of the following expressions. 4mks*NDI*
a) Bring to light …………………………………………………………………………….
b) Read between the lines …………………………………………………………………..
c) Kill the goose that laid the golden eggs …………………………………….……………
d) Sit on the fence …………………………………………………………………………..
(iii) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. 8mks*NDI*
Where the eucalyptus trees are tall
and tower on every side
Below the rocky eastern wall
that forms the Great Divide

And messmate grows with mountain ash
above the ferns and grasses,
Through shadowed gullies like a flash
the little whiptail passes.

The head is small and fine as lace,
all striped in white and yellow
The bushmen call him pretty race
he's such a handsome fellow.
His coat is grey as winter skies,

with white on hips and shoulders,
And swift as any bird he flies
between the rocks and boulders.
He’s very active, small and shy
and naturalists salute him
And I have often wondered
why the ‘Sportsmen’ want to shoot him.

He quietly roams the bush land wide
and harms no other creature,
But shooters think
to lift his hide is quite a sporting feature.
So oft his body you find
hung over fence and slip rail
A ‘sport’ must have a weak,
Sick mind to want to kill the whiptail.
1. Describe the rhyme scheme in the above poem. 2mks*NDI*
2. Identify and illustrate three other sounds used in the poem above. 6mks*NDI*
(iv) In the following sentences, similar words are used differently. Underline the correct stress to bring out the difference in meaning. 4mks*NDI*
1. (a) What is the address of your school?
(b) Would you help me address these envelopes?
2. a) Parents must monitor the progress of their children in school.
b) We are meeting again tomorrow to try and progress the matter.
3. a) When did the Doctor discharge the patient?
b) The patient will require ongoing care after discharge from hospital.
4. a) Don’t delay if you want to get your order.
b) Please excuse my delay in replying to your letter.
(V) Use the following pair of words in sentences to bring out their different meanings
i) Aisle ……………………………………………………………………………………
Isle …………………………………………………………………………………….
ii) Council ………………………………………………………………….
Counsel …………………………………………………………………….
iii) Principle ……………………………………………………………………………..
Principal ……………………………………………………………………………….
iv) Compliment…………………………………………………………………………….
Complement …………………………………………………………………………….
v) Stationary …………………………………………………………………………….
(vi) Supply a word that has a similar pronunciation with each of the following words below.
i) rest
ii) course
iii) saw

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