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Trans-Nzoia West District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Trans-Nzoia West District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

1. This year your country experienced a severe famine caused by drought. A commission was set up to investigate ways of preventing a similar calamity in future. As secretary to the
commission, compile a report of the findings and recommendations.
Question 2
Fill each blank in the following passage with one suitable word.
Outwardly you may be on friendly terms with the people next door, but, if the truth………………(1)Known, you do not think much of them. Their ways may be……………………………….(2) enough,
but they are not your ways. It is not hatred, far ……………………………………..(3) envy; neither
is it contempt exactly. Only you do not understand why they live as
they……………………………………(4). You ……………………………………………….(5)
people by …………………………………..(6) social
background. They were-not brought up as you were not that they are to blame for that, but certain advantages that you had were…………………………………………(7) them. Rude noises come from
that house next door that you would not……………………………………(8) from respectable people.
Laughter late …………………………………………….(9) night, when you want to sleep -how
coarse it………………………………………..(10)!
Question 3
(i) Read the poem below and complete the rhyme scheme. 6mks*TRZ*
I sent a message to the fish: a
I told them “This is what I………” a
The little fishes of the sea b
They sent an answer back to ……… b
“We cannot do it, sir because” c
The little fishes answer………… c
I sent to them again to say d
“It will be better to ……….. d
The fishes answered with a grin e
“Why, what a temper you are…………. e
(ii) Rewrite the conversation between mother and daughter, filling in the blanks with an
appropriate and correctly stressed word from among those given. Note, that stress is carried by part of the word in bold face. 6mks*TRZ*
‘RECord, re’CORD, ‘SUBject, sub’JECT, PERfect, per’FECT, ‘CONduct, conDUCT
Daughter: Mum, can I go out with my friends?
Mother: Only if you promise to………………………………………yourself well
Daughter: But surely, mum, you know my friends and I are of good……………………...!
Mother: All right then. But do not………………………………………me to anxiety by
coming home late.
Daughter: Thanks mum! You are the best.
Daughter: I promise I’ll be home in……………………………………………….time
since I intend to study at least one……………………………………….before
going to bed.
Mother: That is ………………………………………….off you go then.
(iii) Fill in the blanks spaces of the following sentences with either reflexive or an emphasizing
pronoun. In each case indicate whether it is reflexive or emphasizing. 5mks*TRZ*
a) My grandfather cleans his car………………………………………………………………
b) Infants cannot feed…………………………………………………………………………
c) Please help…………………………………………………………………to some sweets.
d) We cleaned the class by…………………………………………………………………….
e) Daniel went……………………………………………………………… collect the
(iv) Euphemism is the use of a softer word in place of another deemed too harsh or offensive. E.g. the Euphemism for to “urinate” is “short call” or “pass water”
In the space provided write down five examples of Euphemism that you are familiar with.
Strong word Euphemism
(a)………………………………………. …………………………………………
(b)………………………………………. …………………………………………
(c))………………………………………. …………………………………………
(d) ………………………………………. …………………………………………
(e) ………………………………………. ………………………………………….
(v) Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow 8mks*TRZ*
The Beasts who Boasted Once upon a time, an elephant, a lion, a fox and a peacock met at a pond in the forest.
The elephant began flapping his huge ears, looked down at the others from his great height and blew his trumpet.
“You have agreed that I am the strongest of all the beasts. With my tusks, I can tear through the thickest forest. Trees are like twigs to me” he trumpeted.
“You may be strong”, roared the lion, “but nothing compares to my bravery. It is because I am brave that I am the King of the forest”.
“Not at all. Brains are more important than bravery and more strength, “said the fox. “I live extremely well just by my wits”.
“To be able to crash through woods, or leap into thin air, or sneak into the chicken yard is worthless compared to beauty,” Said the peacock. He demonstrated this by preening his
colourful feathers in a dance. All this while, an ugly toad, whom no man had ever hunted, had been listening to the beasts bragging. “Men kill the elephant to make boxes and jewellary from the ivory of his tusks’’, he said. “They hunt the lion and decorate their walls with his skin because his courage leads him to prey on their herds. Because he can find his way into the farmyard, the fox’s fur is used on the collar of a robe. The peacock’s glorious blue gold feathers are used to make a fan for a lady. It is what you boast of that is indeed your downfall”.
(Adopted from Oral literature of Asians in East Africa by Mubina Hassanali. Kirmani and
Sanaullah Kirmani. Naiorbi, East Africa Education Publisher 2002) .
(a) Identify any three examples of onomatopoeia in this narrative. 3mks*TRZ*
(b) Which words would you particularly emphasize in the elephants speech? 2mks*TRZ*
(c) How would you deliver the speech by the ugly toad? Explain 3mks*TRZ*

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