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Trans-Nzoia District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Trans-Nzoia District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Question 1
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. *TRZ*
When Britains Duke of Gloucester performed the opening ceremony at Kilaguni in 1962, it was big news. The lodge was taking its pride of place in history as being the first one built inside any Kenyan national park and probably one of the first in Africa. Kenya had not yet attained independence. That was still a year away and soon after independence, the founding father of the nation, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta visited the world-class lodge, posing for a picture overlooking the water hole facing the Chyulu hills.
It’s a little over 42 years today. The view from the same vantage point is almost the same. The famous red soils of Tsavo sweeping much of the parched terrain as the drought bites and water is scarce. The animals file in, drink and leave for the next lot-zebras, buffaloes, elephants and the smaller grazers.
The view of the Chyulus is best from this angle and whoever the architect was, he designed the lodge to capture it perfectly. These hills are one of the youngest ranges of mountains in the worlds, estimated at 400 to 500 years. They are so new that botanists have a field day exploring the ‘new’ vegetation on the peaks and the way plants colonise each stratum of the hills. The porous volcanic hills also absorb rain water like a gigantic sponge and filter it crystal clear into the Mzima springs. The 80-kilometer stretch of range can be seen from emali onwards Kilaguni has gone through its own drama, changing hands and fortunes and almost being wiped out by a fire in the late 1990s until the Serena group took it over and gave it a sweeping transformation to place it back on track. The name means little rhino in Kikamba.
I’m trying to save up on many things in life. So limiting the use of the Blue Bullet bus is one of them.
The fare for the bus to Mombasa is sh. 990. We’ll drop off at Mtito Andei, the half way town between Nairobi and Mombasa. The fare to Mtito Andei is sh. 550 per person, Suits us perfectly, that’s Najma and I. The bus office promises us we’ll be in Mtito Andei by 3 O’oclock. It takes two hours to get there but the bus doesn’t leave until 2.15 pm, three hours later. The Serena car is waiting and Michael,the driver cheerfully waves our apologies for being late with ‘hakuna matata!.
Now, if Johana Rebman had looked towards Kilimanjaro in the mid 1800s, he probably would not have made his landmark ‘discovery’ of the snow-capped’ mountain near the Equator. The blazing white-hot sun making its way behind the tallest standing mountain in the world has rendered it almost invisible and since the snowcap isn’t there anymore, Rebmann would have missed the mountain entirely if he had been standing at the same spot a century and a half later. The eye adjusts to the blinding glare of the sun to make out the faint outline of the massif and a few splotches of the snow.
Finally we’re at Kilaguni Serena opening to that superb view of the Chyulu peaks and Kilimanjaro, the flow of Shetani weaving a black flow of lava and one of the Five Sisters standing next to the lodge.
Felix Ogembo, the assistant manager at the lodge suggests we take it easy and settle in for
Kilimanjaro, a delicious cocktail mix of my favourite drink-the Amarula. It was tequila and orange zest topped with crushed ice. We toasts to the mountain and the infinite beauty of the land. After we call it a day.
In the firsts light of the morning, Kilimanjaro stands clear against a soft blue sky. It’s perfect for it a bit of yoga on the verandah of the bedroom. I inhale a few deep breaths of the clean air to energise the body and clear the lungs. It’s fantastic doing yoga here. Between postures and opening eyes, I’m treated to Tsavo waking up. After three mornings of this, the helmeted guinea fowls become my favourite, as they dash out of the thickets to the water hole and run back. It’s divine to be offered such dazzling scenarios of the wild –Zebras, impalas, waterbuck, giraffes and the lot coming down the path for a morning drink.
Felix suggests a leisurely breakfast and then a midmorning game drive to Mzima Springs and the Shetani flow and in the afternoon, a dose of pampering at the health spa.
You only live once so you might as well have a good time while you’ are at it. It sounds hedonistic but honestly, sometimes, it’s good just to sit back and enjoy the moment. I indulge in the champagne breakfast. The first glass of the ice-cold sparkling drink goes down really nice. By this time, Thomas Malului, the F & B manager brings me my plate of breakfast which looks like a Picasso painting of tomatoes, poached eggs, cucumber set on an artists palette of colours. “The poached eggs go well with the champagne, “ he says. Three glasses later, the peaks of the five Sisters look as high as Kilimanjaro
and light headed and happy as I am, I’m sure I can race up the hill in no time. When Felix suggests that we do a climb up one of the Five Sister’s, I jump at the opportunity.
As it is, all the health gurus say that being active is the best thing you can do for your body and mind.
So early the next morning, we scale the hill.
1. (i) Why is Rebman said to have been likely to miss the mountain (Mt. Kilimanjaro) entirely if
he had been standing at the same spot a century and half later? 2mks*TRZ*
(ii) Explain why it was big news when Britain’s Duke of Gloucester performed the opening
ceremony at Kilaguni in 1962. 2mks*TRZ*
(iii) Name any three striking features about the ‘Chyulus’ that have been cited in the passage
(iv) On which day of the narrator’s stay at Kilaguni does Felix suggest a mid morning game
drive to Mzima springs? 1mk*TRZ*
(v) Supply a suitable title to this passage, giving reasons for your choice. 1mk*TRZ*
(vi) Summarise the features in the second paragraph in about 70 words. 7mks*TRZ*
(vii) The writer’s presentation of this passage is both subjective and objective. Give two
examples of each type as is evident. 4mks*TRZ*
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Solanio: I never heard a passion so confus’d,
So strange, outrageous, and so variable,
As the dog jew did utter in the streets;
‘My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!
Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats!
Justice! The law! My ducats and my daughter!
A sealed bag, two sealed bags of decats,
Of double ducats, stolen from me by daughter!
And jewels-two stones , two rich and precious stones,
Stolen by my daughter! Justice! Find the girl!
She hath the stones upon her and the ducats!’
She hath the stones upon her and the ducats!’
Salario: Why, all the boys in Venice follow him,
Crying his stones, his daughter, and his ducats.
Solanio: Let good Antonio look he keep his day,
Or he shall pay for this.
Salarino: Marry, well remember’d:
I reason’d with a Frenchman yesterday
Who told me, in the Narrow Seas that part
The French and English, three miscarried
A vessel of our country richly fraught.
I thought upon Antonio when he told me,
And wish’d in silence that it were not his.
Solanio: You were best to tell Antonio what you hear.
Yet do not suddenly, for it may grieve him.
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
(a) In three sentences, give the circumstances that led to this conversation. 4mks*TRZ*
(b) From Salanio’s speech, give two character traits of Shylock. 4mks*TRZ*
(c) Identify and illustrate any two features of style used in the passage. 4mks*TRZ*
(d) With reference to the text, give reasons why shylock is disliked. 4mks*TRZ*
(e) What does Solanio mean by;
“Let good Antonio look he keep his day or he shall pay for this. 2mks*TRZ*
(f) Give three ways in which you think Solanio’s is right to refer to Antonio as good. 3mks*TRZ*
(g) You are best to tell Antonio what you hear. (Put a question tag) 1mk*TRZ*
(h) Briefly explain the irony in Shylock’s outburst. 2mks*TRZ*
(i) You were best to tell Antonio what you hear. 1mk*TRZ*
Rewrite beginning Antonio………………………………………………….
3. Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow
The Timi of Ede.
Huge fellow whose body fills an anthill
You are heavily pregnant with war.
All your body except your teeth is black.
No one can prevent the ape
From sitting on the brannh of a tree.
No one can dispute the throne with you.
No one can try to fight you.
One who shakes a tree trunk shakes himself.
We do not try to resist you.
The seeds of the Ayo game
Do not complain of being shoved about.
You are like death,
Who plucks a man’s eyeballs suddenly.
You are like a big ripe fruit
that falls on a child at midnight.
Fighting a battle in front
You mark out the next battlefield behind.
My lord , please give the world some rest.
If one greets you there is also trouble.
The fire of destruction is part of your baggage
Wherever you go.
You kill your opponents gently,
Like cutting a calabash in two.
When the leopard kills,
Its tail trails gently on the ground.
Whenever you open your mouth wide,
You swallow a hero.
(Source: Ulli Beier(ed), African Poetry, Cambridge University Press, 1966)
(a) Classify the above poem. 1mk*TRZ*
(b) What images does the poet use to build up the character of Timi? 6mks*TRZ*
(c) What is the attitude of the speaker towards Timi? 2mks*TRZ*
(d) Identify the themes of the poem. 4mks*TRZ*
(e) Describe the mood of the poem. 2mks*TRZ*
(f) Mention any three aspects of performance that can be lost if this song is written down.
(g) State any four functions of this song. 2mks*TRZ*
(a) Use the appropriate form of the word underlined to complete the second sentence.
(i) We must include at least one Nark M.P in the team of the Githongo meeting.
The ………………………………of at least one M.P in the team is essential.
(ii) Women can conceive any time from around fourteen to forty eight .
………………………………….is restricted to women between the ages of fourteen
and forty eight.
(iii) Kenyans worship statistics these days.
Kenyans these days seems to think that…………………………………….information
must be true.
(b) Change the following statements to questions. 2mks*TRZ*
(i) Nobody stole any money
(ii) Shut up!
(c) Fill in the correct phrasal verbs to complete the dashes. 1mk*TRZ*
(i) Nafuna ……………………………………….all her energy in the third lap and came
last in the race.
(ii) The lorry driver tried to……………………………. the policeman by offering him a
(iii) How is your experiment…………………………………? Asked the teacher.
(d) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given after each. 3mks*TRZ*
(i) But for Mr. John Githongo, the ministers should have had a pleasant journey.
(ii) ‘My sister was married’ he said, ‘the day before yesterday.’
(Rewrite without inverted commas)
(iii) No one challenged him to a duel, for he was not called ‘James Bond’ for nothing.
(Rewrite using ‘it’ after ‘for’
(e) Fill in the dashes with the correct form of the verb lie –lay. 1mk*TRZ*
(i) Yesterday he……………………………….on the beach for an hour.
(ii) She doesn’t know where she has…………………………..her scissors.
(f) Choose the right verb to fill the dash. 2mks*TRZ*
(i) Either of these indexes (are, is) likely to be helpful to you.
(ii) Few of the residents (seem, seems) worried enough by the opposition party’s faults to
(g) Underline the silent sounds in the words. 2mks *TRZ*
(i) ballet
(ii) tomb
(iii) womb
(iv) knead

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