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Turkana District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Turkana District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

NAME:—————————————————————INDEX NO.______________________________
(Comprehension, Literary appreciation and Grammar)
JUNE /JULY 2006.
TIME: 2 '/2 HOURS.
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education – (K.C.S.E)
Instructions to Candidates:
• Answer all the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers MUST be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.

This paper consists of 12 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
Ql. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow TRADE
The universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that "Everyone has the right to
education, "Unfortunately to many poor children in Kenya this is a mere wish- washy dream. Though education plays a great role in enjoyment of human rights in addition to individual personality development to many children in Lowly Developed Countries (L.D.C.s) accessing education is a nightmare.
In Kenya agriculture contributes over. Three-quarters of income for house holds in rural areas.
These incomes are directly used to finance education, consequently anything that affects agriculture, also affects education. Quite unfortunately, market-distorting practices by developed members of World Trade Organization (W.T.O) are negatively affecting production and trade in agricultural products in Kenya, leaving an ineffaceable scar in the development and education of children.
Having liberalized its market mainly because of pressures from World Bank and International
Monetary Fund through Structural Adjustment Program's (S.A.Ps), competition from well established foreign organization had led to reduction in production and even collapsing of some factories. This has directly translated to loss of Jobs, Market for local produce. Poor farmers have to chase the ever - elusive market for their produce, get poor pay hence no enough finances to cater for education expenses of their children. In addition, poorly paid workers in processing factories can't afford to provide adequate food for their children have a lone their education and clothing. More painfully the closure and reduced production of the local factories has rendered most of them jobless.
It is evidently pellucid that international trade particularly in agricultural products and
agreements affecting it has impacted on the education of many children in Kenya. Practices that have denied Kenyan farmers, traders and workers a chance to fully exploit their resources have led to a screaming poverty in the country. This poverty has hindered the struggle of Kenyans to achieve great goals in development particularly in providing education to all. Though there is some little impact by local factors, it can be concluded that unfair trade leads to poverty in Lowly Developed Countries which denies children their right to education.
The impacts of trade Liberalization are clearly mirrored in the education sector in Kenya. In the first three successive decades after independence in 1963 saw impressive gains in education access in Kenya. From the time Kenya joined the W.T.O educational participation has not only weakened and retrogressed but also eroded the gains achieved in previous decades.
1. What according to the first paragraph are the main functions of education (2 Marks)
2. Provide another phrase that could replace the phrase "screaming poverty" (1 Mark)
3. In not more than 100 words summarize the effects of trade liberalization on African Countries.
(5 Marks)

4. The impacts of trade liberalization are clearly mirrored in the education sector in Kenya.
(Rewrite this sentence showing possession) (1 Mark)
5. In Kenya agriculture Countries over three-quarters of income for house holds in rural areas,
. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. (add a question tag) (1 Mark)
6. Poor farmers have to chase the ever- elusive market for their produce. (Rewrite this sentence
in the passive voice) (2 Marks)
7. What is ironical in this passage. (2 Marks)
8. What are the main negative affects of W.T.O on Kenya from the time it joined it.
(2 Marks)
9. Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
(4 Marks)
a) wish-washy I. . . .. . . .. .. ... . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .
b) ineffaceable . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
c) pellucid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
d) mirrored in the education sector …………………………………………………………………...
Marjorie Oludhe: Coming to Birth
Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow. (25 Marks)
' I am exceedingly tired," she said, casting frightened eyes around. He poured water from the teapot into a mug and handed it to her to drink. Afraid to spit on the cement floor, she drunk a little of it without the ritual and then held her mouth, feeling sick.
'I hope you are pleased, he said. 'I got it ready just for you. '
Indeed, she knew he had; a cupboard, a basin, a lamp, a teapot, even a table cloth. She was very lucky.
She should offer thanks. But how could she tell him it was the noises she feared, coming into the room across the partition, floating through the bare rafters below the parched tin? At present there was only the drone of old ladies' voices in the back and the clatter of pans, but at night she knew there would be high words and screams and giggles and cruel laughter set loose in the house that was not a house, and the words would be the more menacing in languages one did not know. And how could she complain of this when she did not know how she knew it.
'I shall have to vomit, she said.
He took her outside then and showed her not a parch of private ground for there was none, but the stinking latrine blocks where you had to remember which side was for men and which for women and pick your way among the mess. He explained how to pull for the water but it did not seem that anyone else had bothered to do so, and in any case water often got finished early in the day, he said, because of the increase of people. She saw the taps up above the big cement washing blocks that someone put water in, somehow, and you got it out without paying; but if they did not put enough I, what were you to do,? And where was she to cook and gather firewood and do her washing? Yes, she knew in fact that town people bought charcoal to cook on, but these were other people, not the likes of her who could not conceive of burning money, and who used charcoal only on special occasions like a funeral or a demonstration of cakes by the club women. And how could you leave your clothes outside with so many strangers going by and the children passing water and throwing things?
In her father's dala there was no latrine - a dirty habit, people thought, to build one, and everyone knowing there you were going - but Martin, having been at school, had build one in his homestead which they used at least for long calls, but that was only for people who belonged, not strangers. The good brown earth would absorb the dirt and still smell leafy and familiar, at least in the dry season, not like this heavy black soil that held the water, or the slimy cement.
'I must go, 'he said hastily, when she had brought up a little bile and washed her face. 'You rest. I will be back about five o'clock. 'Five o'clock ! Till nearly nightfall she would be alone. 'Then you will get to know some other people. Bolt the door. You will be all right. 'He closed the door quietly. 'Let me hear
you bolt it.'
Shakingly she drew the bolt and then lay back on the bed, after wiping her feet clean on a cloth from her bundle and putting the cloth beside her in case she should need to spit again, as it would be unthinkable to spoil the shiny new basin. She drew the blanket over her and shivered.
Later, she leaned to look under the bed. There was nothing there but a cardboard box with
newspapers: no mat. So they would have to go on sharing a bed as he said they would, like Europeans.
But if there was a baby, or other times if he was unwell? He hadn't asked why she felt sick: of course it would not be right for him to ask but it was three months now soon it would begin to show an them they would be able to speak about it.
i) Explain in three sentences what happens before this passage. ( 3 Marks )
ii) a) "I am exceedingly tired, "she said, casting frightened eyes around (Rewrite in indirect speech) (1 Mark)
b) I got it ready for you. (add a question tag) (1 Mark)
iii) a) In about 50 words summarize how Paulina feels insecure in Martin's house.
(6 Marks)

b) Make notes to show Martin lives in a low income neighbourhood. (3 Marks)
iv) Using the last paragraph in this extract show a similarity in character between Martin and
Paulina. (3 Marks)
v) Identify and explain the use of any one rhetorical question used in this passage.
(2 Marks)
vi) He poured water from the teapot into a mug and handed it to her to drink
(Rewrite this sentence beginning. Pouring.......) (1 Mark)
vii) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
(3 Marks)
a) Without the ritual: . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .
b) drone :....... ........ ..... ... ....... ....... . ........ .. ... ... ....... ....... . ........ .. ... ... ........
c) conceive : . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .
viii) What happens soon after this extract? (2 Marks)
Read the story below and then answer the questions that follow.
A riddle !
Set the trap!
There was once a man who was a trapper, and he used to set his traps and catch birds and small animals in the forest. Now, this man had a wife. And every day, he set out to go to the forest.
Whenever he caught something, like a guinea - fowl, he would go and sell a part of what he had caught, and the other part he would take home to eat. With the money he got from selling some of the creatures he caught, he bought rice for himself and his wife to eat.
As time passed, he began to trap some really big animals and birds, he would slaughter them
and, as usual, take some of the meat to the market to sell and the rest to his house to eat. He always bought rice for their food he caught a number of rabbits. He slaughtered them and sold some of the meat.
But the trapper's wife never found the liver in any of the meat which he brought home. This is because the trapper had made a pact with a beast of the forest: You do the trapping and catching.......
Me, I will keep an eye on your trap here, and whatever you trap, what is inside is
for me, and the flesh is for you.'
So, the wife never found the liver, and she began to wonder. She said to the trapper, " what kind of husband are you, then? Every day you bring me game meat, and what do you do with the livers of all these animals?" He answered her, "My wife, one shouldn't get involved in other people's affairs; one should mind one's business. Be content with what I bring you, and don't go around asking necessary questions. But the woman wouldn't listen. She said to herself, "I'11 follow him." So, one day the man went out and set his trap. He had set his trap out there, and the woman didn't know where the trap was, she cake walking kwah-kwa-kwah! And the lion was there, the one which had made a pact with the man that whatever was caught, the tripe or innards would be for it and flesh for the man.
Anyway, here was the woman, walking, walking and walking, and then, all of a sudden, huruuu - kwi!
The trap caught her. There she was, held up by the head, her legs dangling down.
Now, her husband was coming along, far behind her." Oh, oh, my friend!" exclaimed the lion
when it saw him arrive," Today we 've caught a really big animal! We always catch animals but today we've got the real one the two legged one!"
"Oh,no!" said the man. " Don't say that. This is my wife." " No,no, no," said the lion. " I'm not going to have any of that. We've agreed that of whatever comes her, what is in the stomach is mine and the flesh is yours. I can't allow you to back out now."
The Hare was passing by and the man called him. " hey. Hare. Come and help us settle this. " The Hare came and asked the woman, "Now, how did you get up there?" " Well, I was passing here like this, just passing like this and . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .."
" Wait a minute," said the Hare. "Let's set her free first, so that she can show us, this woman, how she got caught up in the trap.
So they left the woman off the trap and the Hare set it exactly as it had been before she got caught in it. Then said to the Lion." May be you can show us how this woman got caught in the trap."
The Lion said, " sure. She came walking like this, like this and like this and then stepped on the trap. As the Lion said this, he stepped on the trap and it went huruu-kwi and caught him. "Hey, look here my friend, " said the Lion set me free at once.
The Hare laughed and said. " No way!" Then he turned to the woman and said, " Now you,
make yourself scared at once!" The woman turned and ran all the way home without even looking back once.
Later, when the trapper came home, he said to his wife, " That was a narrow escape, wasn't it ?
Your inquisitiveness and suspicion nearly got you into trouble".
Well, that's it. It isn't me who made up the stories; it's the people of long ago. Translated and adapted from: N Guenier Si Mimi mwongo watu wa zamani. Zanzibar: EACROTANLA,
a) With two illustrations, give evidence to show that this oral narrative was performed live.
(2 Marks)
b) Comment on the use of formulae in this narrative. (4 Marks)

c) Identify one sound device used in this narrative and comment on its effectiveness.
(2 Marks)
d) Contrast the characters of hare and lion. (2 Marks)
e) What do hare and Lion represent in this narrative? (2 Marks)
f) What moral lesson does one learn from the action of the trappers life? (2 Marks)
g) i) Explain the difference between translation and transcription as use in oral literature.
(2 Marks)
ii) Briefly explain how they can be a source of problems during oral literature research and
suggest how you would overcome the problems. ( 6 Marks)

Q4 ) GRAMMAR (15 Marks)
a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (5 Marks)
i) If you have nothing more to contribute we will stop the fundraising now.) (Begin:
unless ..... ............................ .....)
ii) Had the firefighter arrived on time, the blaze could have been put out. (Rewrite
using if. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)
iii) Ronaldinho is the most popular footballer in the world . (Begin: No…………….)
iv) We have been going to her house every day (Rewrite into a question)
v) Do you think him a good worker? (Rewrite using he instead of him).
b) Complete each of the following sentences using the correct phrasal verb formed
from the word given in brackets. (3 Marks)
i) The bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . around mid night (go)
ii) You have to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to marching what to do (spell)
iii) Chol has . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the lights because he wants to sleep (turn)
c) These sentences have errors each. Rewrite them correctly (3 Marks)
i) Please return back my books.
ii) Many students prefer Biology than Maths.
iii) We were given advices by the Headteacher
d) Fill the blanks in the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets.
(2 Marks)
i) Cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(be) important animals in our country.
ii) Tom and Peter ..... ...............(do) not like maths.
e) Write two sentences using word frequent so as to bring out the stress and grammatical
meaning correctly. Underline the stressed syllable in each case. (2 Marks)

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