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Uasin - Gishu District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Uasin - Gishu District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

101 / 1
1. You are the Human Resource Manager of Sun n’ Sand Beach Hotels. The manager of the
Grand Regency Hotel had asked you to write a confidential report on one of your former employees, Mr Ben Kimeli who is seeking a transfer to the Grand Regency Hotel as a chef. Write a confidential report to the manager about Ben Kimeli. 20mks *UG*
Fill in the following blank spaces with the most appropriate word.)
(1)……………….………. was nearly midnight and the last taxi was crowded. Maisy had to sit on
Xuma’s knee. (2)………………………… were eight of them in the back seat of the taxi and it was
hard to move.
The day had gone so (3) ………………………….. that before they knew it, it was time for the last
bus. And then they (4) ……………………….. it. Maisy’s friends had been good. They were as full
of laughter as Maisy and soon Xuma had felt that he had (5) ………………………. them all his life.
They had behaved as though he were Maisy’s man and Maisy had (6) ………………………….. at
him waiting for him to deny it but he had said (7) ……………………. They had given them beer, not
as it was made in the city, but as it was made on the farm. And they had talked, and all the (8) …………………… Maisy had been close to him.
He had (9) ……………………………. Eliza and Leah and Daddy and Ma Plank and the mines and
everything connected with the city. (10) …………………….. it seemed that Maisy was not connected
with the city. And there had been laughter, free and happy as in the old days in the farm
Question 3 ORAL SKILLS 30 MKS*UG*
(A) In the following paragraph, the writer has utilized one of the genres of Oral Literature to
express his feelings about the subject: Answer the following questions based on it.
The Prince was their, idol,
Though he was enjoying the peas,
He was bored and needed parting,
The regency took the queue.
To enjoy from the generous air,
The kind sun of the kingdom
(i) Replace the underlined words with appropriate homophones to bring out the intended
surface / literal meaning. 4mks*UG*
(ii) Give the name of the genre (style) used. 1mk*UG*
B(i) Study the dialogue below and apply stress appropriately by underlining the right syllable of
the italicized word to express the correct meaning
Tula: What do you consider the greatest challenge to parenting today?
Chebet: Obviously the prospect of a daughter wishing to contest the idea of acceptable dresscode.
Tula: What particularly is wrong with the youth’s dressing?
Chebet: The worrying aspect is their keenness to exhibit.
Tula: Do you mean to say that there is a deliberate effort to attract attention?
Chebet: Precisely, it is outright disregard of modesty and complete lack of respect
Tula: I appreciate your concern, but I doubt whether it is possible to reverse the trend,
considering the pace with which modern society is changing. 4mks*UG*
(ii) You are listening to a speech given by a visiting speaker. He notices three students are not attentive.
(a) What detractors could be hindering these students from listening. 2mks*UG*
QN C Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow.
A scream fills the silent night
A warrior’s cry rends the still night
A mother’s wail waters the sleeping child
A fugitive’s running feet rustle the sleeping cows
And in the distance a blazing house lights the night,
Making a “little hell” in the cool countryside
Cattle trample the fallen victims
(i) Identify the rhyme pattern in the above poem. 2mks*UG*
(ii) How has rhythm been achieved in the above poem? 2mks*UG*
(ii) Show by underlining where you would place stress on the last line. 2mks*UG*
D) In each of the following lists of words; point out the one word with a short vowel.
Seat, keen, week, Rid.
March, much, pass, Barn.
Cot, Short, Folks, Cod.
Fool, pool, full, lock. 4mks*UG*
E. You were sick the previous day and was granted permission by the duty master to go to hospital.
You met the principal in town and tried to hide from him but he saw you.
Complete the following dialogue between the principal and you when he summoned you to his
office the next day. 7mks*UG*
Principal: What were you doing in town yesterday at ten when you were supposed to be
at school?
You: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Principal: Who gave you permission to go out?
You: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Principal: Okay. I will find out from her. But why didn’t you go straight to the hospital?
You: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Principal: And who were those boys you were with?
You: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Principal: (Smiling) I see. I thought your mother told me you were an only child!
You: (Hesitating )…………………………………………………………….………….
Principal: So now they have become your cousins. Why don’t you learn to speak the truth?
You: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Principal: I forgive you. Next time be truthful. You can go.
You: …………………………………………………………………………………….

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