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Bondo District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Bondo District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
School ………………………………………………...
(Comprehensive, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
Paper 2
July/August- 2007
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Comprehensive, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
Paper 2
July/August- 2007
Time: 2 ½ Hours
• Answer ALL the questions in this question paper in the spaces provided.

This paper consists of 12 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
There are today, all over the world, thousands of factories where all the various thing we use, and which form part of our modern civilization, are made. In almost everyone of these factories one or more of the great army of industrial chemists is to be found at work in his laboratory. His work may be merely to test the purity of the materials which are being used and made in the factory; but more often it is to experiment and try to find out new and better materials or new and better ways of making them.
Everyone of these chemists has been thoroughly trained for his work. He may be trying to find something new, but he knows how to set about it and is able to understand and interpret the new results he gets from his experiments. He is rather like a man with a very good map, and a very good compass, setting out to explore new country.
Now, rather under three hundred years ago there was no map of this country at all. The old
Alchemists of the Middle Ages had plenty of say about what they thought it was like, but their experiments had only explored the outer fringe of it. Later, the followers of Paracelsus penetrated a little further, but no one knew what the country was really like.
Then, in the seventeenth century, there came a man who at least put forward a plan for exploring the unknown land of chemistry. This man was the Hon. Robert Boyle, an Irishman, born 1627. His father was the great Earl of Cork, and Robert was his seventh son. As a boy, while he was at school, he was made very ill by a wrong dose given by an Apothecary (pharmaceutical chemist). This made him ‘fear physicians more than the disease’, and he determined to gain for himself some knowledge of medical drugs. When his father died he returned from Europe, and, having money and leisure, he devoted himself for the rest of his life to scientific pursuits.
Boyle was a very careful experimenter, and he very soon came to see that chemical knowledge, at that time, was in a very muddled state and that most of the views held had no foundation in fact. In 1961 he published his famous book called The Septical Chemist, and it is largely because of this book that he has been called by later generations the ‘father of Modern Chemistry’. What is a Sceptical chemist? A sceptic is one who questions everything and takes nothing for granted. This book of Boyle’s was written as a conversation between this skeptical chemist’ and two others. One of these was a follower of Aristotle who believed there were four elements – air, fire, earth and water, and the other a follower of Paracelesus who believed in three elements – sulphur, which when burned
produced mercury, and left behind salt.
In Boyle’s book each of these two men in turn proclaims his beliefs and brings what evidence he can to support them. Then the skeptical chemist proceeds to pull their arguments to pieces. He describes experiments which he has done himself which show that there is no ground whatsoever for assuming that the number of elements is either three or four. In fact, he says, it is quite impossible yet to fix a limit to the number of substances which can be considered elementary. The thing to do, he says, is to stop talking and repeating what somebody else has said, and set to work to find out by experiment what substances are elements. By an element he explains that he means a substance which cannot be split up into two or more different parts.
Here, then, was a plan of action for the exploration of the unknown country – and it proved to be a very excellent one. Actually Boyle himself did not add a great deal to chemical knowledge; most of his experiments concerned physics rather the chemistry. What he did for chemistry was to pint out the holy way which could lead to any further advance into new territory. ‘Search for the elements’ was his doctrine, and search by careful personal observation and experiment. And for the next 150 years chemists both in England and the rest of Europe carried on this search, until at the beginning of the 19th century not three nor four, but fifty chemical elements were known, while today the number is over 100.
(From The Road to Modern Science by H.A. Reason)
(a) How does Industrial Chemist contribute to modern civilization? (2mks)
(b) What relationship is there between an Industrial Chemist to man with a map and compass?
(c ) What does the author mean by saying that, “there was no map of this country? (1mk)
( d) Rewrite the following sentence in the active voice; By an element he explains that he means a
substance which cannot be split into two or more parts. (1mk)
(e) Provide another suitable word that could replace “army” in paragraph one line two. (1mk)
(f ) Rewrite the following sentence in plural,
“Everyone of these chemists has been thoroughly trained for his work” (1mk)
(g) Explain what the author means by “fear physicians more than disease: (2mks)
(h) In about 60 words, summarise Boyle’s contribution to the advancement of Chemistry.(4mks)
(i) Explain how Boyle differ from the other scientists of his time (1mk)

(j) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
By William Shakespeare
SALERIO : Why, man, I saw Bassanio under sail;
With him is Gratiano gone along,
And in their ship I am sure Lorenzo is not.
SOLANIO : The villain Jew with outcries raised the Duke,
Who went with him to search Bassanio’s ship
SALERIO : He came too late, the ship was under sail,
But there the Duke was given to understand that in a gondola were seen
Together. Lorenzo and his amorous Jessica. Besides, Antonio certified
the Duke. They were not with Bassanio in his ship
SOLANIO : I never heard a passion so confused, so strange, outrageous, and so
variable, as the dog Jew did utter in the streets_’My daughter! o my
ducats, oh The law! My daughter! Fled with a Christian! Oh my
Christian ducats! Justice of double ducats, stol,n from me by my
daughter! A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats
and my daughter! And Jewels, two stones, two rich and precious stones,
stol’n by my daughter! Justice! Find the girl! She heath the stones upon
her, and the ducats!’
SALERIO : Why, all the boys in venice follow him, Crying his stones, his daughter,
and his ducats.
SOLANIO : Let good Antonio look he keep his day, or he shall pay for this.
SALERIO : Marry, well remembered who told me, in the narrow sea that part. The
French and English there miscarried a vessel of our country richly
fraught. I though upon Antonio when he told me, And wished in silence
that it were not his.
SOLANIO : You were best to tell Antonio what you hear – Yet do not suddenly, for
it may grieve him.
SALERIO : A kinder gentleman treads not the earth. I saw Bassanio and Antonio
part. Bassanio told him he would make some speed of his return. He
answered, ‘Do not so. Slubber not business for my sake, Bassanio, But
stay the very riping of the time; And for the Jew’s bond which he hath of
me, let it not enter in your mind of love. Be merry, and employ your
chiefest thoughts. To courtship and such fair ostents of love, As shall
conveniently become you there. And even there, his eye being big with
tears, Turning his face, he put his hand behind him, And with affection
wondrous sensible, He wrung Bassanio’s hand; and so they parted.
SOLANIO : I think he only loves the world for him. I pray thee let us go and find
him out, And quicken his embraced heaviness with some delight or
SALERIO : Do we so
(a) Place the extract in its immediate context. (2mks)
(b) Where had Bassanio and Gratiano gone to and why? (2mks)
(c ) Why did they refer to shylock as a villain. (1mk)
(d) Why was the Duke raised to search Bassanio’s ship? (2mks)
(e) What is Solanio’s attitude towards the villain? (2mks)
(f) What is the character of Antonio as portrayed in this extract? (2mks)
(g) Give the meanings of the sentences below as used in the extract.
(i) I reasoned with a Frenchman Yesterday.
(ii) And quicken his embraced heaviness. (2mks)
(h) “ The French and the English there miscarried”
What is being referred to in the above sentence. (1mk)
(i) Identify and explain two themes found in the extract. (2mks)
(j) As revealed in this extract, summarise in about 70 words Shylock’s reactions to Jessica’s
elopement to Larenzo. (5mks)
Rough copy

Fair copy
Once upon a time, there was a man and wife who had a baby girl. Unfortunately, the wife died and so, the man married again. He got another girl with the second wife.
The two girls became extremely close, so close that whenever the mother sent one on an errand, the other was sure to accompany her. The mother, however, did not like the child of the deceased. She would always show her dislike by denying her certain favours. Her feelings became so bad that she decided to get rid of the girl. To do this, she dug a hole in her bedroom on a day when the husband was absent and covered the hole with a cow’s hide. She then called her daughter and sent her to the house of a friend some kilometers away. As usual, the two girls wanted to go together but the woman refused, giving the excuse that she wanted to send the other one elsewhere.
After the departure of her daughter, she called the other girl and sent her for her snuffbox in the bedroom. Unaware of what lay ahead, the girl eagerly rushed into the room only to fall into a hole!
The mother very quickly filled the hole with soil, completely disregarding the girl’s screams for help.
When the daughter came back, she merely assumed that the absence of her dear companion was
justified. After hours of waiting, she, however, became impatient and questioned the mother.
‘Where is my sister?’ she asked.
‘But she followed you. As soon as she did what I wanted, she ran after you. Now stop bothering me,’ the mother retorted.
Time passed and the now anxious girl went round calling out the name of the other one, but all in vain.
Alas…. She cried the whole night and the next day and refused to touch any food. The father helped in the search but to no avail.
After three days, the girl still cried and called the other one. She then heard a very weak voice responding in song:
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenyu niwe mwai iiee malya,
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya,
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
(Maalya Maalya
And your mother is the wise one iiee malya,
She dug a grave iiee malya,
For interring me in iiee malya.)
The girl dashed towards the direction of the voice, repeated her cries and again go the same response.
She came to the conclusion that whoever was responding was definitely underground somewhere in the house. Immediately the father came that day (before the arrival of the mother), she told him what had happened After hearing the song, the father dug up the place and pulled out an extremely weak and disfigured daughter. All three wailed and wailed. Eventually, the father gave her a mixture of blood from a goat and milk to drink after which she vomited all the soil she had eaten. He gave her some more of the mixture on after which he hid her.
When the wife eventually came back, the man did not let her get into the house but sent her for a cow in a far off place. He explained away his action by telling her that he had decided to host a feast for relatives (including his in-laws). In the meantime , he sent for all of them. When the woman came back with the cow, she found everyone waiting for her. Uneasy now, she sat down in the place she was shown by her husband.He then stood up and after welcoming all, reminded them of the lost daughter. He then called upon the wife to explain the circumstances leading to the sad episode. She hauntingly repeated the now commonly known story. When she sat down, the husband told this woman’s daughter to repeat her earlier wails after which all heard:
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenyu niwe mwai iiee malya,
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya,
Wakwinsa kunthika iiee malya.
All were surprised to hear the words of the other girl’s song and at that moment, the ‘dead’ girl joined them. The woman was as though paralysed by shock.
The husband then explained the truth of the matter and told his in-laws to take their daughter with them. They said that if that was what she had done to the girl, they couldn’t have such a monster in their house. The woman was disowned by all and chased away.
(a) To which audience and when can such a story be told? (2mks)
(b) Explain three features of style employed in the narrative. (6mks)

c) Contrast the character of the mother and her blood daughter. (4mks)

(d) Explain two problems you are likely to encounter when collecting materials for such a
genre. (4mks)

(e) What does the author mean by the following sentences as used in the passage?
(i) “When the daughter came back, she merely assumed that the absence of her dear
companion was justified.” (1mk)
(ii) And your mother is the wise one iiee Malya. (1mk)
(f) What is the moral lesson of this narrative? (2mks)
4. Re-write the following sentences
(a) According to instructions after each. (3mks)
(i) They dare not make the request……………………… (add a question tag)
(ii) We had begun eating. The thieves broke in. (Combine the two sentences beginning,
(iii) Achieng’ has two brothers who live in a servants quarters belonging to her. (Re-write
using possessives)
b) Explain the underlined words (3mks)
(i) He refused to eat his words under any circumstances
(ii) His wife walked out on him
(iii) The invigilator was told to be hawk eyed
c) Fill in the blank spaces using appropriate prepositions. (3mks)
(i) We wanted to go to Bondo…………………………. the lake but it started raining.
(ii) I heard the news of his success ………………………….. radio.
(iii) …………………….. Tuesday next week we shall have completed the task.
d) Use the correct form of the word in bracket to complete the sentences below. (3mks)
i) The infamous politician (efficiency) …………………………. Communicated his
message and the audience was unable to make out what he was saying
ii) The problem seemed ………………………….. complex to me. (exceed)
iii) My father is very …………………………… (quarrel)
e) Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb.
(i) Mary resembles her mother.
(ii) He learnt at Highway High School
iii) The factory is completely mismanaged.

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