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Bungoma District Mock- English Paper 1 Question Paper

Bungoma District Mock- English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

NAME:………………..………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………….
Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2007
_ Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
_ ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.

This paper consists of 8 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicates and no questions are missing.

Imagine you have been invited as the Guest speaker to address Muungano High School on the
relationship between discipline and academic excellence. Write the speech you intend to give.
It must be between 350 and 450 words. (20mks)

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word. (10mks)
The central Bank of Kenya’s -------------------------- to introduce -------------------market
coins in the----------------------of five cents, 10 cents, 50 cents and Ksh. 20------------------ the portrait of the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta is quite unsettling.
At the end of the day, the project will cost the tax- payers billions of shillings. The idea is rather ----------------------------- considering that fact that one: Mzee Jomo Kenyatta is not crying for his wasteful honour posthumously. Were Kenyatta alive ---------------------------, he
would rather have this money spent on a well planned project to benefit the poor.
-------------------, were he to learn how his name is being misused, he would -------------- fire and brimstones. It is ------------------------- that the one cent coin was denominated in 1964.
Likewise, all these coins should be denominated (save for, perhaps Ksh.20 and sh.40) as they are scantly used. Thus, they are a -----------------------------and of no economic value in the money market. (Daily Nation 22nd June, 2005)
3. (a) Read the following story and then answer the questions that follow.
The Women’s Cattle.
Long ago, wild animals used to be women’s cattle. Then one morning before the cattle
were taken out to graze, a cow was slaughtered. Soon, the cattle started moving away to graze by themselves and wandered off. One woman told one of the children to go and drive the cattle back before they went too far. When the child’s mother heard this, she said, “No! My child is not going until he has eaten the Kidney.” It followed that whenever a child was asked to go, his mother forbade him until he had had a bite of the meat. This went on until all the cattle, sheep and goats wandered away into the bush and got lost. When all the Children had eaten the meat, they tried to bring the cattle back, but they found that they had all gone wild. And so that is how it came about that those women lost their cattle.
1. How would you prepare your audience for the above story? Illustrate your answer. (2mks)
2. If you are charged with the responsibility of delivering the above story to an audience, how
would you make it interesting? (3mks)
3. How useful could your audience be in the delivery of the story? (1mk)
4. Identify any two transitional words in the story. (1mk)
(b) Read the following poem and answer questions that follow.
The Wind, Our Enemy.
They said, “Sure, it’ll rain next year!”
When that was dry, “Well, next year anyway.”
Then, “Next _______________”
But still the metal hardness of the sky
Softened only in mockery.
When lightening slashed and twanged
And thunder made the hot head surge with pain
Never a drop fell;
Always hard yellow sun conquered the storm.
So the soon sickly-familiar staying grew,
(Watching the futile clouds sneak down the north)
“Just empties goin’ back.”
(Cold laughter bending patched lips in a smile
Bleak eyes denied)
Anne Marriett.
(i) Identify and explain the tone of the poem. (2mks)
(ii) What effect does the repetition of “next year” have on the general meaning of the poem?
(iii) Identify alliteration in this poem. (1mk)
(iv) A part from alliteration, what other feature of style is used in the poem? (1mk)
(v) What is the effect of punctuation marks used in the poem? (1mk)
(c) (a) Using a stress marker, put stress in the correct position for all the underlined
words. (4mks)
(i) The record was set by a sixteen year old girl.
It is important to record all the proceeding of the meeting.
(ii) You must discuss the item during the meeting.
Despite his strength, he didn’t throw the discus very far.
(iii) I will present the paper tomorrow.
He bought her a present for her Kindness.
(iv) The village church has many converts.
It is not hard to convert miles into kilometers.
(b) Provide other words with the same pronunciation as the ones listed below.
(i) Sent -
(ii) Feat -
(iii) Dissent -
(iv) Deer -
(v) Cell -
(vi) Seen -
(c) Assume you are Dickennes, the top student in last year’s K.C.S.E exam. A reporter with
one of the local Dailies has called on you in order to cover your profile. Respond to the
questions below as honestly as possible. (10mks)
REPORTER: Dickennes, I must congratulate you for your excellent performance in last year’s
K.C.S.E. What does it feel like to be at the top?
REPORTER: How did you perform at K.C.P.E level? I mean, did you feature in the category
of the “Wannabe?” performers?
REPORTER: In your assessment, is there a relationship between good performance at
K.C.P.E and at K.C.S.E?
REPORTER: What do you consider to have been challenges in your life as a high school
REPORTER: What is your definition of a good school?
REPORTER: Behind this great success there must be a role model. Who is he/she and how
did he/she inspire your life?
REPORTER: It is reported that after conquering all nations in the world, Alexander the great
wept because there was no one to fight with. What is your new challenge now?
REPORTER: How do you assess the relationship between students and teachers in your
REPORTER: What advise can you give to a student with desire to succeed?
REPORTER: Thank you very much Dickennes. I can see you are a very focused young man.
May God bless your plans.__

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