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Eldoret East District Mock - Cre Paper 1 Question Paper

Eldoret East District Mock - Cre Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. a) Give seven reasons why reading the bible is important to Christians today? ( 7
b) How did God effects his plan for the salvation of human kind?
c) How do Christians continue being co-creators with GOD?
2. a) Describe the call of Abraham . Gen 12 : 1-9
b) Explain the regulations that God gave Moses about the Passover.
c) what is the importance of the Decalogue to Christians today?
3. a) How did God care for the Israelites in the wilderness?
b) Describe the breaking of the Sinai covenant Exo 32:1-35?
c) State six factors that cause people to depart from God’s instructions.
4. a) Discuss the significance of the Ark of the covenant in Jerusalem
b) Identify six failures of king Saul which made God to reject him as king of
c) Give reasons why political leaders in Kenya have failed to do their duties
5. a) Outline five categories of prophets in the Old testament
b) Explain four symbolic acts of Jeremiah related to judgement and
c) What is the relevance of Jeremiah teachings to Christians today?
6. a) Give seven ways in which Africans venerated ancestors.
b) Explain the role of rites of passage in inculcating the youth with moral
values in Traditional African societies.
c) State five factors that have undermined the work of traditional specialists
1. a) How did Jesus fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah on the suffering servant?
b) State six rituals that Jesus underwent to show He was a jew
c) Write six lessons that Christians can learn from the magnificent
2. a.)According to Luke’s gospel identify any seven occasions when Jesus was
b) Explain seven teachings of Jesus on true discipleship from the sermon on the plain Luke 6:20 -49
c) What lessons do Christians learn from the healing of the centurion servant?
3. a. Relate the parable of the Pharisees and tax collector as recorded in Luke 18:
9 -14
b) Write down seven a qualities of those who belong to the kingdom of God
c) Show six ways in which Christians prepare for the second coming of Jesus
4. a)outline the role of the Holy Spirit as taught by Jesus Christ.
b) What did peter say about Jesus during the day of Pentecost? Acts 2:1-40
c) Explain six ways in which a Christian manifests the fruits of the Holy
5. a) Give five symbols that were used to refer to the unity of believers in the
New Testament.
b) Explain how Paul used the metaphor “ the body of Christ to describe the
unity of believers. 1 Cor 12:12 -27
c) In what ways are Christians in Kenya working in unity
6. a) Give five sources of Christian ethics
b) Explain seven Christian teachings on male/female relationship
c) Briefly describe the preparation of marriage in a traditional African society.

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