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Nandi Central District Mock - Cre Paper 1 Question Paper

Nandi Central District Mock - Cre Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….
Paper 1
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Instructions to candidates.
This paper consists of six questions. Answer any five questions in the booklet provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
Ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
1. (a) Explain ways in which the study of CRE in schools can shape the life of a student. (8mks)
(b) Identify ways in which Christians use the bible to spread the gospel. (6mks)
(c) Give reasons for the emergence of cults, sects and Christian ministries today. (6mks)
2. (a) Identify reasons why Moses succeeded in leading the Israelites during the exodus. (8mks)
(b) Outline the conditions the Israelites were given by God after the renewal of Sinai covenant.
(c) State five importance of covenants in our society. (5mks)
3. (a) Identify ways in which King David respected and upheld the worship of Yahweh in Israel.
(b) What were the failures of the kings of Israel both to their subjects and to God. (6mks)
(c) Give lessons modern leaders can learn from the leadership of king David. (6mks)
4. (a) Identify the forms of punishment that God would give to the people of Israel according to Jeremiah. (8mks)
(b) Describe the religious reforms undertaken by King Josiah during the time of prophet Jeremiah.
(c) Give reasons why modern Christians may be punished by God. (5mks)
5. (a) Describe the reasons that prompted Nehemiah to reform the Israelites. (7mks)
(b) Explain the problems encountered by Nehemiah as he carried out reforms. (8mks)
(c) Why is it difficult to have reforms in Kenya. (5mks)
6. (a) Outline the causes of suffering in traditional African societies. (6mks)
(b) Describe the role of healers in traditional African societies. (8mks)
(c) Identify factors that have brought change in traditional African societies beliefs. (6mks)

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