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Mathira District Mock - Cre Paper 2 Question Paper

Mathira District Mock - Cre Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME: ___________________________________________________________
INDEX NUMBER____________________
CANDIDATE’S SIGN ________________
DATE: _____________________________
2 ½ HRS
a. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
b. This paper has six questions, answer any five questions.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. (a) Identify incidences in the life of Jesus that fulfilled Old Testament prophecies
about the messiah. (7 mks)
(b) Outline what Simeon and Anna revealed about the life of Jesus when his parents
presented him to the temple for dedication. (5 mks)
(c) Give reasons why Kenyans are attracted to the church. (8mks)
2. (a) Narrate the healing of the paralytic Luke 5:17 – 26. (6 mks)
(b) Outline the man teachings of Jesus on the sermon of the plain. (6 mks)
(c) Give reasons why Christians find it difficult to apply the teachings of the
sermon of the plain. (8 mks)
3. (a) Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Luke 19:28 – 40. (8 mks)
(b) Give reason why peter denied Jesus. (5 mks)
(c) How would Christians prepare themselves for the second coming of Jesus
Christ? (7 mks)
4. (a) Identify the fruits of the Holy Spirit as taught by St. Paul in the book of
Galatians. Galatians 5:22 – 23. (6 mks)
(b) What are the characteristics of the new people of God as taught in the New
Testament. (8 mks)
(c) How can the church in Kenya help to bring about unity in the country? (6 mks)
5. (a) Identify the life skills that are useful for personality development. (5 mks)
(b) Give the basis of Christian ethics. (7 mks)
(c) Give reasons why workers need leisure time. (8 mks)
6. (a) State the Christian teachings on marriage. (8 mks)
(b) Explain the importance of courtship to marriage today. (6 mks)
(c) How does the church help to solve the evils of abortion in the society? (6 mks)

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