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Bureti District Mock- Computer Studies Paper 2 Question Paper

Bureti District Mock- Computer Studies Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Paper 2
July / August 2012
Time 2 ½ HOURS
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
July / August 2012
Time 2 ½ HOURS
1. Type your name and index number at the top right hand corner of each printout
2. Sign and write the date of the examination below the name and index number on each printout
3. Write your name and index number on the compact disks
4. Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet
5. Passwards should not be used while saving in the compact disks
6. Answer all the questions
7. All questions carry equal marks
8. All answers must be saved in your compact disks
9. Make a printout of the answers on the answer sheets provided
10. Hand in all the printouts and the compact disks
This paper consists of 4 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all
pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. Mwangaza Training College offers Three courses to students. A student sits for three exams every semester, each exam marked out of 100. The students must have been enrolled first.
The following is sample data collected from the college database
Course Course description Tuition fees

D-SECT Secretarial Diploma Kshs.15,000
D-INT Diploma in IT Kshs.18,000
D-ACCT Diploma in Accounting Kshs.16,500

Students enrollment
Student ID St name Sex Date enrolled Course code
SECT- 01 Gladys Cherop Female 12/05/2011 D-SECT
INT – 03 James Mucheru Male 16/05/2011 D-INT
ACC – 04 Peter Marangi Male 18/05/2011 D-ACCT
SECT – 06 Jane Kamene Female 17/05/2011 D-SECT

Exams offered
Exam code Ex name
01 Opener
02 Midterm
03 Endterm

Exam performance
Exam record no Student ID Exam code Semester Score
1 SECT – 01 01 2 75
2 INT – 03 02 2 80
3 ACCT – 04 01 2 65
4 SECT – 01 02 2 70
5 ACCT – 04 02 2 60
6 INT – 03 01 2 68
7 SECT – 01 03 2 78
8 INT – 03 03 2 74
9 ACCT – 04 03 2 66
NB:- A course can be enrolled by many students and a student can do many exams. One exam can also be done by many students as shown in exam performance table.
(a) Create a database file called Mwangaza College and save it. (2mks)
(b) Create a table structure for each of the four tables, setting most appropriate field as
the primary key and choosing the most appropriate data type for each field (12mks)
(c) Relate the four tables as required to have one to many relationships (4mks)
(d) Create a data entry form for each table (8mks)
(e) Using the forms, populate the tables with the records (8mks)
(f) Query the tables to show Stname, Coursedescription. Exname, Exrecordno and
score for all students who scored greater than 70. Save the query as high score (5mks)
(g) Create a grouped report that displays every student’s details and his or her exam
Performance as follows;
Student details – Stname, StudentID, Coursedescription.
Exam performance – Exname, Score, Average score. Save the report as performance
(h) Print Exam performance table in landscape, high score query in portrait and performance
Report in portrait orientation. (6mks)
2. Excel school ordered computer accessories and the following suppliers provided the following
As illustrated below.
1 Name Item Sold Amount Date
2 Joseph Mouse 200.00 2/11/2011
3 Peter System unit 5,000.00 3/11/2011
4 Tony Keyboard 200.00 4/11/2011
5 Mike CD Writer 2,000.00 5/11/2011
6 Joseph Computer1 System 2,000.00 6/11/2011
7 Peter Mouse 200.00 7/11/2011
8 Tony Mouse 200.00 8/11/2011
9 Mike System Unit 2,500.00 9/11/2011
10 Joseph Keyboard 200.00 10/11/2011
11 Peter CD writer 3,000.00 11/11/2011
12 Tony Computer System 5,400.00 12/11/2011
13 Mike Mouse 200.00 13/11/2011
14 Joseph System Unit 3,000.00 14/11/2011
15 Peter Keyboard 200.00 15/11/2011
16 Tony CD Writer 2,500.00 16/11/2011
17 Mike Computer system 6,000.00 17/11/2011
(a) Enter the data shown into a spreadsheet and save it (the workbook) as Excel. (11mks)
(b) Copy the content of Sheet 1 to Sheet 2 into the exact position and rename it as
New price.
Insert a new row after the Amount row and label it “New price”. The suppliers of the
items decided to, increase all their items by 20%. Enter the percentage into cell A18.
Using absolute referencing, calculate the New price of each of the items in the
“New price” column. (7mks)
(c) Copy the content of Sheet 1 to Sheet 3 and rename it as Subtotals. Using subtotals sheet
Find subtotals for each supplier and display the Grand Total. (6mks)
(d) Using the subtotals sheet, Create a column graph (bar graph) to compare the total cost of all items bought from each supplier. The x-axis should be labeled as “Names” and the
y-axis “cost items’. Each bar should display a total value it represents on top of it and the supplier’s Name below it. The title of the graph should read, SUPPLIERS COMPARISON
TOTALS. Place the graph on a new sheet and rename the sheet as BAR GRAPH (8mks)
(e) Insert a new sheet into the workbook. Rename this sheet as “Filtered”. Open the subtotals sheet. Filter the records of all suppliers whose New price is greater than or equal to 6000 or less than 250. Copy the results onto the “Filtered” sheet. (6mks)
(f) Open sheet 1. Restrict all the cells in the Amount column to allow entry of amounts
between 0 and 6000. A message, “Input amount <= 6000” should be displayed whenever
a cell is selected. In case of an invalid entry, the message, “Amount >6000”, should be
displayed. Put an inside and outside border on data on sheet 1. (5mks)
(g) Put the sheet name as the header and your name. School and index number as footer
for every sheet in your workbook. Save your work on a removable storage media and
print ALL the worksheets

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