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Bungoma District Mock-Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper

Bungoma District Mock-Computer Studies Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME......................................................................................INDEX NO........................................................
SCHOOL................................................................. Candidate’s sign..............................................................
Kenya certificate of secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
• Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
• This paper consists of Two sections A and B
• Answer ALL questions in section A
• Answer question16 and any other THREE questions from section B
• All answers should be written in the spaces provided on the question paper

This paper consists of 9 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
Answer ALL the questions in this section
1. State the technology used in the following computer generations (2mks)
i)4th generation:
iii)2nd generation:
iv)3rd generation:
2. Outline two areas that should be considered when categorizing software. (1mk)
3. State any three disadvantages of a magnetic diskette. (3mks)

4. a) Define the data processing. (1mk)
b) Explain two characteristics of good information. (2mks)
5. Distinguish between data verification and data validation. (2mks)
6. Describe the following menu tools as used in Ms. Word (2mks)
i) Print layout:
ii) Web layout:
7. Define the following terms as used in mail merging (4mks)

i) Main document:
ii) Data source
8. a)Difference between real –time system and online systems. (2mks)
b) Explain how information and communication technology has contributed to teaching and
learning in schools. (2mks)
9. a) State the use of the following network devices. (2mks)
i) Network interface cards
ii) Routers
iii) Distinguish between thinnet and thicknet coaxial cables. (2mks)

10. Convert (111.0102) to decimal number. (3mks)

11. Explain the type of errors that are likely to exist in a program? (4mks)

12. State three ways in which ICT can be used in industrial control. (3mks)

13. State two reasons why it is necessary to have well connected and proper cables in a computer lab

14. What do you understand by the term ‘soft system’’ in a system development? (1mk)

15. What is a relational database (1mk)
Answer question 16 and any other THREE questions from this section in the spaces provided
16. Mumias sugar company pays casual employees based on the number of hours worked as follows Less than 10 hours @ khs.100/= per hour
Up to 15 hours @ khs150/= per hour
More than 15 hours @khs200/= /per hour
a) Write a pseudo code to input the name, rate hours worked. The pseudo code should output the name,
hours worked and the wage paid. (6mks)

b) Draw a flowchart for the above pseudo code . (5mks)

c) Write brief notes on structured programming (4mks)
17 a) List four characteristics of a system (2mks)
nformation system (3mks)
ii) Write down the formula used to determine the total sales for the book titled’ computer applications (1mk)
iii) Write down the formula used determine the average price of the all books (2mks)
traditional spreadsheet
e) Differentiate between a column chart and a bar chart as used in spreadsheets (4mks)

f) Define the term gutter in relation to column setting in DTP (1mk)
18. a) Name and describe four main application areas of artificial intelligence in ICT (12mks)

b) State three advantages of automated production in manufacturing industries (3mks)
19 a) Describe any two roles of the following career opportunities in the ICT field. (8mks)
i) Systems analyst
ii) Information system manager
iii) Network administrator

b) Distinguish between a primary key and a foreign key as used in DBMS. (2mks)

c) What do the term header and footer mean? (2mks)

d) What do you understand by the terms attenuation and baseband signal. (2mks)


20. a) Define the following terms. (3mks)
i) Record

ii) File

iii) Database

b) i) List any three ways of dealing with a virus on a computer. (3mks)

ii) Explain the functions performed by (2mks)
a) The control unit

b) Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

c) Convert the 5228 to its base 10 equivalent (2mks)

d) Using long division methods convert 6710 into binary. (2mks)
e) Outline three disk management activities. (3mks)

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