Butula District Mock - Computer Studies Paper 1 Question Paper

Butula District Mock - Computer Studies Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Date ………………………….…
Candidate’s Signature………………………
Paper 1
Time: 2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
- Write your name, School and index number in the spaces provided above.
- This paper consists of Two sections A & B
- Answer ALL the questions in Section A
- Question 16 is compulsory
- Answer any THREE questions in section B
- All answers to ALL questions must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper
This paper consists of 12 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
Answers ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. One function of an operating system is to control computer resources. State four resources under
operating system control (2 marks )
2. a). Define the term plotter (2 marks )
b). List two types of plotters (1 mark )
3 Explain the following terms as used in the word processing (4 marks )
a). indenting
b). Alignment
c). Foot note
d). Endnote
4. List three application areas of artificial intelligence. (3 marks )
5. Differentiate between COM ports and LPT ports. (2 marks )
6. List three factors to consider when deciding on the choice of an electronic data processing
method. (3 marks)
7. Ventilation is an important practice in the computer lab because it enhances proper circulation of
air. Outline three ways in which air is regulated in the computer room. (3 marks )
8. List four advantages of optical disks over floppy diskettes (4 Marks)
9. What does the following control measures against computer crime involve? (4 marks )
a). Audit trail
b). Data encryption
c). Log files
d). Passwords
10. List four examples of flat panel displays (2 marks )
11. Define the term mail merging (2 marks )
12. Name two files that are created in mail merging process (2 marks )
13. While purchasing computers for his school the principal Musambweni high school decided to
consult an expert. As a computer student advise him on four hard ware considerations (2 marks )
14. Name four methods used in data management on a worksheet (2 marks)
15. List four formatting techniques used in excel. (2 marks)
Answer question 16 and Any other three questions
16. a). Study the pseudocode below and design a flowchart for the pseudocode. (8 marks )
Set total to zero
Set grade counter to one
While grade counter is less or equal to ten
Input the next grade
Add the next grade into total
Add one to the grade counter
Set the class average to the total divided by ten
Print the class average.
b). Describe three methods of testing the program for errors. (3 marks)
c). List down four selection controls used in writing a program (2 marks )
d. Outline four benefits of modularization in programming (2 marks )
17 a). Convert the following numbers of their decimal equivalent (6 marks )
a). 11.0112
b). 11.10112
c). 111.101012
b). Outline four ways in which data integrity may be maintained (4 marks)
c). Discuss four advantages of using questionnaires as a fact finding tool (4 marks)
d). What is the role of a recycle bin in Ms. Word? ( 1mark )
18. a). List three advantages of fibre optic cables (3 marks )
b). Differentiate between static RAM and dynamic RAM. (4 marks )
c). Describe the following types of queries found in Ms. Access (3 marks )
i). Update
ii). Append query
iii). Make table query
d). Distinguish between source program and object code (4 marks)
e). Distinguish between a mouse pointer and an insertion point (1 mark )
19. a). Outline four major ways the company network administrator can enforce good network
practice on user of the company LAN (4 marks )
b). Identify four major categories of data handling process which make up a computer
system (2 marks )
c). Outline four contents of user manual that would help the user to rum the system with
minimal guidance
d). Distinguish between dynamic and static systems (2 marks )
e). List three programming languages that can be used by web developers (3 marks)
20. a). Masai Teacher’s college has decided to automate its library for effective services to the
Students. Identify four methods they are likely to use to gather information during system
development (4 marks )

b). Define the following terms in relation to internet (4 marks )
i). Downloading
ii). Hyperlink
iii). Web browsers
iv). Internet service providers
c). Differentiate between sorting and filtering as used in electronic spreadsheet program
(2 marks )
d). Define the following terms (3 marks)
i). Spam mail
ii). Disk
iii). On board modem
e) Define the term WIMP as used in computing. (2 marks)

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