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Nyamira District Mock - Cre Paper 2 Question Paper

Nyamira District Mock - Cre Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

1. (a) Explain the New Testament teachings on the concept of the Messiah. (8mks) *Nym *
(b) Give ways to show how John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah.(6mks) *Nym *
(c) How should Christians prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ? (6mks) *Nym *
2. (a) Mention names of the disciples of Jesus? (6mks) *Nym *
(b) Describe how Jesus called his disciples. Lk 5:1-11 (8mks) *Nym *
(c) Give reasons as to why disciples are called today (6mks) *Nym *
3. (a) Identify reasons why Jesus had conflicts with the Jewish religious leaders.(8mks) *Nym *
(b) Why were Pharisees called hypocrites by Jesus? (6mks) *Nym *
(c) State Jesus’ teachings on the way to salvation? (6mks) *Nym *
4. (a) Explain Jesus’ teachings on eschatology (8mks) *Nym *
(b) What do Christians learn about Jesus from Pilate’s actions during Jesus’ trial?
(6mks) *Nym *
(c) How should a Christian behave when seeking for forgiveness? (6mks) *Nym *
5. (a) Outline reasons why employees deserve reasonable salaries (8mks) *Nym *
(b) What is the Biblical teaching on Child Labour? (6mks) *Nym *
(c) Identify ways in which the Kenyan government can try to create job opportunities
(6mks) *Nym *
6. (a) Explain the consequences of science and technology in our society today.(8mks) *Nym *
(b) What is the role of Christians in inculcating virtues of responsible parenthood?
(6mks) *Nym *
(c) Identify ways in which parents should bring up their children. (6mks) *Nym *

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