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Uasin - Gishu District Mock - Cre Paper 1 Question Paper

Uasin - Gishu District Mock - Cre Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

313 / 1
1. a) How is man continuing with God’s work of creation. 5mks*UG*
b) How can a Christian facing difficulties be encouraged from the life of Abraham.5mks*UG*
c) Give five similarities between the Jewish and the African practice of circumcision.
d) Explain the importance of the Exodus to the Israelites. 5mks*UG*
2. a) Explain factors that led to the spread of idolatry in Israel. 5mks*UG*
b) Identify five reasons why it was difficult for prophet Elijah to stop the spread of idolatry in Israel. 5mks *UG*
c) Identify the commandments broken by King Ahab and Jezebel. 5mks*UG*
d) What lessons do Christians learn from the ministry of Elijah as a prophet. 5mks*UG*
3. a) Give traditional African practices which demonstrate people’s belief in God. 5mks*UG*
b) Why were initiation rites important in traditional African community. 5mks*UG*
c) Explain five roles of elders in traditional African communities. 5mks*UG*
d) State five moral values that the young people are taught or acquire as they grow up
in traditional African community 5mks*UG*
4. a) Give reasons why prophet Amos and Jeremiah condemned idol worship in Israel7mks*UG*
b) Identify forms of punishment God would inflict on Israel after rejecting Him as prophesied by Amos. 6mks*UG*
c) List seven social evils in contemporary society 7mks*UG*
5. a) Identify the problems prophet Jeremiah encountered in his ministry. 6mks*UG*
b) Give the characteristics of false prophets 6mks*UG*
c) Explain the problems faced by the Israelites during the Babylonian exile. 8mks*UG*
6. a) Explain the challenges that Nehemiah faced in his work of rebuilding the walls of the city.
b) Identify the leadership qualities of Nehemiah 5mks*UG*
c) Give the final reforms carried out by Nehemiah 5mks*UG*

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