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Nandi North District - History Paper 1 Question Paper

Nandi North District - History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

311 / 1
1. Name the present homeland of the Oromo? 1mk*NDI*
2. Mention any two of the Mijikenda groups during the pre-colonial period. 2mks*NDI*
3. Give the main role of the “Nthele” among the Akamba during the pre-colonial period?1mk*NDI*
4. State two existing documentary and archeological evidence which give historical information about the East African Coast before the 7th Century. 2mks*NDI*
5. Which two rituals did the boys and girls among the Ameru society undergo before circumcision.
6. What are the qualifications one has to meet in order to acquire Kenyan Citizenship through naturalization. 3mks*NDI*
7. Give any three proposals of the Macleod constitution of 1960. 3mks*NDI*
8. Mention the treaty that was signed in 1886 between Germany and Britain that led to the Sultan of Zanzibar being recognized as the custodian of the 16km coastal strip. 1mk*NDI*
9. State two reasons why there were no African trade unions in Kenya up to 1914. 2mks*NDI*
10. Name the person who incited Otenyo one of the Kisii Warriors to spear General Northcote in 1908. 1mk*NDI*
11. State the main reason why Oginga Odinga resigned in 1966. 1mk*NDI*
12. Outline two problems faced by the government in trying to get revenue by external sourcing.
13. Name the commission on Education which recommended the introduction of the 8.4.4 system of education in Kenya. 1mk *NDI*
14. State the most notable political challenge to presidents Moi rule immediately he took over power.
15. Give the two main reasons that made the coastal towns to resist Oman’s conquest. 2mks*NDI*
Answer any three questions from this section*NDI*
16. a) Mention any three roles of the Oloibon among the Maasai. 3mks*NDI*
b) Outline any three cultural and economic practices acquired by the Maasai from the
communities they interacted with during their migration and settlement . 3mks*NDI*
c) State the economic organization of the Maasai in the 19th Century. 4mks*NDI*
d) Describe the political organization of the Maasai during the pre-colonial period.5mks*NDI*
17. a) Outline the problems experience by settlers in Kenya during the colonial period4mks*NDI*
b) Identify the terms of the Devon shire white paper. 5mks*NDI*
c) Explain the outcome of the Devonshire white paper. 6mks*NDI*
18. a) Describe the formation of African people’s party (A.P.P) 3mks*NDI*
b) Explain the demands the AEMO members presented to the colonial government4mks*NDI*
c) State the reasons why trade unions were important during the colonial period in Kenya8mks
19. a) Name the three political parties that emerged after the repeal of section 2A of the constitution.
b) State the factors that have contributed to slow industrial progress in Kenya. 5mks*NDI*
c) Describe the role of political parties in government and nation building. 7mks*NDI*
Answer ANY TWO questions
20. a) State the three classifications of human rights. 3mks*NDI*
b) Identify four characteristics of human rights. 4mks*NDI*
c) State the rights of children as contained in the United Nations Convention on the rights
of the child. 8mks*NDI*
21. a) Outline the functions of a returning officer in charge of elections in a constituency5mks*NDI*
b) State and explain five limitations of parliamentary supremacy. 5mks*NDI*
c) State and explain any five advantages of parliamentary supremacy. 5mks*NDI*
22. a) Give any three measures that have been undertaken to improve the prison department in Kenya. 3mks*NDI*
b) Why is the independence of the judiciary important. 5mks*NDI*
c) How has the Kenyan government preserved the independence of the judiciary. 7mks*NDI*

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